Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 4 September 2008


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport – 4 September 2008


Statement of Decision


Petitions and Public Address



Cabinet Member for Transport : Councillor Ian Hudspeth


Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

Peter Mann (Environment & Economy)


Summary of representations in person


Mr Neil Grady presented a petition containing 400 signatures which called for improved safety measures on Lower Road, Eynsham in order to safeguard parents with children, residents and other road users around the vicinity of Willow Cottage Nursery on Lower Road.  As proprietors of the nursery he and his wife believed that unless something was done it was inevitable that there would be a speed related accident resulting in serious injury.  The area engineer had explained why this particular location appeared not to meet the strict criteria laid down by the Department for Transport for traffic calming measures - good visibility and a lack of any significant accident history - but the petitioners considered that those criteria were not appropriate to meet the road safety and child protection requirements of a nursery school entrance.  He explained that the long straight stretch of road for a couple of hundred yards after a series of bends encouraged drivers to speed up and try and overtake other vehicles.  This presented a danger to vehicles accessing or egressing the nursery and he suggested that safety was being compromised by these national guidelines.  The petitioners were asking for:

-            double white lines along this dangerous stretch of road either side of the nursery school entrance

-            a 40 mph speed limit (he also referred to the Government’s proposals for 20 mph limits outside schools)

-            bold and clear signage for the nursery school


Councillor Louise Chapman (Local Member) endorsed all that Mr Grady had said and emphasised that the national criteria were after all only guidelines and having reappraised the situation the County Council could then decide if white lines, a speed limit and signing as requested by the petitioners were justified.


Cabinet Member’s Comments


Councillor Hudspeth advised that although the government supported 20 mph limits outside schools it had not underpinned that support with a willingness to provide the necessary funding.  He undertook to ensure that the County Council would reappraise the case to see if the measures called for by the petitioners were justified  and asked the Area Engineer to look at the case for additional signing.


Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport


Date ………………………………….


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