Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 4 January 2007


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Division(s): East Oxford




Report by Head of Transport


  1. Funding for changes to Cowley Road was secured through the Department for Transport Mixed Priority Routes Demonstration Project programme. The implementation of the scheme, after extensive consultation, commenced in April and was substantially completed at the end of October 2005.

  2. The implemented scheme changed the position of a number of bus stops and these were discussed at an early stage with the Managing Directors of the two major bus operators, Oxford Bus and Stagecoach Oxford and agreement reached on the changes. During implementation of the changes, and subsequent to the completion of the scheme, it became clear that the revised bus stop locations were creating operational problems. It was agreed that the bus stop arrangements would be reviewed as part of a general review of the revised waiting and parking arrangements over its first year of operation.

  3. This report considers the response to a consultation on proposals to amend the waiting and parking arrangements on Cowley Road. Included in the consultation are minor amendments to restrictions in some side roads to address other issues that have been raised over the past year.
  4. Consultation

  5. The amendments included in the consultation are set out at Annex 1 and a plan showing the proposed physical changes will be on display at the meeting. The consultation commenced on 10 November and continued until 1 December. The proposals were published in the Oxford Times and street notices erected in the vicinity of the proposed changes. Also letters were sent to residents and businesses in the vicinity of the proposed changes and to statutory consultees and interest groups outlining the changes.

  6. Three letters of comment have been received and these are detailed at Annex 2 together with officer comment. Copies of the letters are available in the Members’ Resource Centre together with a copy of the plan showing the proposed changes and Street Notice. Of the comments received one supports specific elements of the proposals, one raises issues on behalf of third parties and one objects to a specific element of the proposals.

  7. The objection relates to the proposed provision of a residents’ parking bay in Dawson Street, which has been proposed in response to comments received when the current restrictions in Cowley Road were consulted on in November 2004. Just prior to the commencement of the present consultation the City Council granted planning consent to create a public square at the Cowley Road end of Dawson Street. This will be subject to the agreement of the County Council, as Highway Authority, and will require amendments to the Traffic Regulation Order. These amendments would be required regardless of the proposal currently being considered. It is suggested that if and when proposals for the public square proceed that all the restrictions in Dawson Street are reviewed so that at least the present level of parking provision can be provided.

  8. The minutes of the meeting held by Bus Users UK do not reflect the comments that have been made by the bus operators over the past fifteen months to officers. No response has been received to the consultation from the bus operators to verify whether or not their views have now changed. Clarification is being sought from the bus operators as to their position on relocating the bus stop at Bullingdon Road to near James Street and these will be reported at the meeting.
  9. Officer Comment

  10. A number of the changes proposed on Cowley Road are related to the relocation of the bus stop at Bullingdon Road to near James Street. If the bus operators confirm that they do not support this change then the proposals items (b), (c) and (d) in Annex 1 will need to be excluded from the proposals.
  11. The proposal for Dawson Street does have a conflict with the proposed establishment of a public square. However it is recommended that the residents’ parking bay is provided but that all the restrictions in Dawson Street are reviewed if and when the public square is introduced.
  12. How the project supports LTP Objectives

  13. The proposed amendments to the waiting and parking restrictions will improve the functionality of the scheme introduced in 2005 and help tackle localised congestion on the route.
  14. Financial and Staff Implications

  15. The proposed amendments are estimated at £10,000, which will be fully funded from the LTP programme. There are no staffing implications.

  17. The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve implementation of the advertised proposals as set out at Annex 1to this report subject to any comments which might be received from bus operators.

Head of Transport

Background papers: Consultation documentation

Contact Officer: John Cramer, Telephone: 01865 815963

December 2006

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