Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 4 January 2007


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Division(s): Leys & Lye, East Oxford, Barton & Churchill, Bicester, Burford & Carterton North East, Cowley & Littlemore.




Report by Head of Transport

(Statement of Decision)


  1. As part of the Council’s Premium Bus Routes Programme, works have been commissioned to improve the bus stopping arrangements along routes 10 and 15 in East Oxford. In addition developer funding has been secured to make improvements to bus stops serving Premium Routes within Carterton and Bicester. Monies have also been secured from the Oxford Business Park to improve bus stops in the Garsington Road and Barns Road area.

    (Annex 1 - download as .doc file)
    (Annex 2 - download as .doc file)
    (Annex 3 - download as .doc file)
    (Annex 4 - download as .doc file)
    (Annex 5 - download as .doc file)

    (Plan 1 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 2 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 3 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 4 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 5 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 6 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 7 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 8 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 9 - download as .doc file)

    (Plan 10 - download as .doc file)
    (Plan 11 - download as .doc file)
  2. A key objective of the Premium Bus Routes Programme is to improve the accessibility of bus services on these routes. Work allied to this specific objective has involved raising kerbs and adding hard standing for ease of boarding and alighting buses.
  3. Under the Traffic Signs Regulation and General Directions 2002, it is now possible for a Highway Authority to implement bus stop clearway restrictions without the need for formal Traffic Regulation Orders. A bus stop clearway provides that, within a marked box (cage) adjacent to a bus stop, no vehicle other than a bus as defined in the regulations may park or wait.
  4. Adding a bus stop clearway to bus stops, improved as part of these projects, should help secure access to bus services to those with mobility difficulties, including parents with small children.
  5. However, bus stop clearway restrictions may, by restricting access to the kerb, bring disadvantages to some other road users, including frontagers, visitors, and those providing statutory or other services in the area. In proposing bus stop clearways, thought has been given to how loading and servicing can be achieved in the vicinity and whether the restrictions should apply for less than the full 24 hours of every day.
  6. It is the policy of Oxfordshire County Council to inform residents who live along side a proposed clearway and invite their views through consultation.
  7. This report summarises objections to proposed bus stop clearways for each location (Annexes 1 – 5) and seeks a decision on whether or not to implement the proposals.
  8. Route 10 East Oxford, Cowley to Headington

  9. As part of the Premium Route Upgrade Programme for the route 10, bus stop clearways are proposed at 27 separate bus stops.
  10. There are objections to the introduction of bus stop clearways at four different sites on the number 10 route from immediate frontagers (see Plans 1 to 4 for location plans of these stops). Annex 1 summarises the objections to the clearways with officer comment.
  11. It is recommended that 24 hour bus stop clearway restrictions be implemented at each of these sites in order to safeguard access to the planned accessible stop facilities.
  12. Route 15 East Oxford, Wood Farm and Morrell Avenue

  13. Work to improve accessibility and the bus stop environment has been completed along the 15 route. At two locations where accessibility improvements have been made, there have been objections to the introduction of bus stop clearways at two bus stops on the route (see Plans 5 and 6). Annex 2 summarises the objections to the clearways with officer comment.
  14. It is recommended that 24 hour bus stop clearway restrictions be implemented at both sites in order to safeguard access to the planned accessible stop facilities.
  15. Bicester Premium Route Upgrade

  16. Developer contributions are being used to upgrade stops on the route 27 within Bicester in line with Oxfordshire County Council’s Premium Route Upgrade model.
  17. There are objections to the introduction of bus stop clearways at two different sites on the route 27 from immediate frontagers (see Plans 7, 8 and 9 for location plans of these stops). Annex 3 summarises the objections to the clearways with officer comment.
  18. It is recommended that 24 hour bus stop clearway restrictions be implemented at each of these sites in order to safeguard access to the planned accessible stop facilities.
  19.   Carterton Premium Route Upgrade

  20. Developer contributions are being used in Carterton on the Premium 100 and 200 Routes in line with Oxfordshire County Council’s ‘Premium Route Upgrade’ model.
  21. There is a single objection to the introduction of bus stop clearways from an immediate frontager (see for a location plan of this stop). Annex 4 summarises the objection to the clearways with officer comment.
  22. It is recommended that a 24 hour bus stop clearway restriction be implemented at this site in order to safeguard access to the planned accessible stop facility.
  23. Oxford Business Park stop upgrades

  24. A developer contribution from the Oxford Business Park is being used to upgrade associated bus stops around this site.
  25. There is an objection to the introduction of bus stop clearways at a single location close to the Business Park from an immediate frontager (see Plan 11). Annex 5 summarises the objection to the clearways with officer comment.
  26. It is recommended that a 24 hour bus stop clearway restriction be implemented at this site in order to safeguard access to the planned accessible stop facility.
  27. How the projects support LTP2 objectives

  28. Creating bus stop clearways at the specified locations, if adequately enforced, ensures buses are able to pull up to unobstructed accessible bus stop facilities thereby supporting the LTP2 objective of ‘Delivering Accessibility’. Improved access to bus services, coupled with parallel initiatives to improve the reliability of these services, will attract additional passengers and will contribute to bus patronage targets.
  29. Financial Implications (including Revenue)

  30. The cost of implementing each bus stop clearway is approximately £200, exclusive of any other enhancement to the stop.
  31. Work on the number 10 and 15 routes in East Oxford are being funded as part of the LTP2 capital programme for improvements to premium route bus stops. The total cost of implementing clearways as part of these projects is about £10,000.
  32. Works in Carterton, Bicester and around the Oxford Business Park are being funded by developer contributions. The total cost of implementing clearways as part of these projects is approximately £6,900.

  34. The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve implementation of 24 hour bus stop clearway restrictions at each of the sites as set out in:

(a) Annex 1 (Plans 1 to 4);

(b) Annex 2 (plans 5 to 6);

(c) Annex 3 (plans 7 to 9);

(d) Annex 4 (plan 10);

(e) Annex 5 (plan 11);

to this report in order to safeguard access to newly constructed/proposed accessible bus stop facilities by preventing all vehicles except buses stopping within the bus stop area marked on the carriageway.

Head of Transport

Background papers : Consultation Documentation

Contact Officer: Dan Metcalfe, Tel 01865 815683

December 2006

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