Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 3 January 2008


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1.      Petitions and Public Address





Councillor Roz Smith (Local Member)


James Turner (Resident, Cardigan Street)

Simon Nagel (Resident, Cardigan Street)

Councillor Alan Armitage (Local Member)


Councillor Alan Armitage (Local Member)


Paul Holland (Member of Davenant Road Committee)

Councillor Jean Fooks (Local Member)


Councillor John Howell (Local Member)


Councillor Patrick Greene (Local Member)




3. Oxford: London Road Corridor (Pullen’s Lane to Osler Road)




) 4. Exclusion of Residential )Properties )from Various CPZ Orders, )Oxford




5. Removal of Doctors and Car Pool Spaces – Walton Manor, Oxford



)6. Summertown Area 20 mph Speed )Limit



A4074 Burcot Turn Safety Measures Scheme


Didcot:A4130 Hadden Hill Proposed 40 mph Pilot Speed Limit



4.       Exclusion of Residential properties from various Controlled Parking Zones Orders, Oxford


          Additional representations   from BrookStreet des Roches on behalf of Dr B and Mrs E Cocking, 7 Nelson Street are attached (download as .pdf file).


6.      Summertown Area 20 mph Speed Limit


Councillor Dermot Roaf is unable to attend the meeting but wishes to express his support for the proposal.


8.      Didcot: A4130 Hadden Hill Proposed 40 mph Pilot Speed Limit


            Additional Representations


            Dr Roger Templeman (Resident North Moreton)


I read in last week's Didcot Herald that there is a plan to lower the speed limit on the A4130 between Didcot and Wallingford. I hope this is not finalised and alternative safety measures may be considered, for example better vegetation management at the Fulscot turning (SU542900) and double white lines at the brow at the Long Wittenham crossroads (SU557906). People advocating the speed limit appear to be linking the death of a South Moreton youngster last Christmas with the need for the change in the speed limit, but I believe the coroner concluded that the accident was due to excessive speed, and therefore the speed limit is irrelevant. I wonder if you have any statistical information that shows what percentage of accidents on this stretch of road would been prevented by a lower speed limit. I have no doubt that speed may have contributed to some, but am doubtful that a change of speed limit would have changed the accident rate. If fact I suspect that lowering the speed limit might increase tailgating and dangerous overtaking by frustrated drivers. Hopefully you can supply the facts to resolve this.

As well as fearing that the proposal will not have any positive effect, I worry that the OCC-subsidised bus service between Wallingford and Didcot will not be able to keep to timetable if the limit is lowered.

Yours sincerely

Dr Roger Templeman

North Moreton.


Email (dated 2 January 2008) to Geoff Barrell (E&E)


Dear Geoff

Thanks for message: unfortunately you omitted the attachment.

I would have liked to have attended the meeting but the public transport provision from North Moreton doesn't allow. So a few comments:

1) Despite what Patrick Greene may say, a majority of the councillors from the North and South Moreton Parish Councils oppose the proposal. The Public Transport Representative also opposes.

2) South Moreton Parish Council opposes the proposal unanimously because it fears it will increase the present rat race through the village (on the A4130 avoiding route which includes passing the primary school) with potentially terrible consequences.

3) It is good to know you will apply logic to analyse the results of the proposed experiment, although it is difficult to see how you will come to any statistically significant conclusions on the effect of one factor on one leg of a complicated multivariate situation involving a network of other roads.

4) I would prefer some further discussion with the local councils presenting the full analysis of the accidents on the A4130 to see if some logic could be applied from the outset taking into account local views (the missing attachment may have been relevant?) before anything is decided. You have said that the accidents are: largely due to a poor alignment, but you haven't said where. The worst bends are at Frog's Island which is outside the proposed length.

5) As I have said before I would like to see better hedge management at the Fulscot turning, and double white lines at the Wittenham Road crossroads. I believe these would help at the locations where I have seen most accidents without transferring the problems elsewhere.

6) You say the limit would be supplemented by visual calming to raise its profile: I don't know what this means, but why not do it for the present limit?


Roger Templeman


South Moreton Parish Council


I have just been informed that the question of a Speed Limit on the A4130 is due to be discussed this Thursday. I would be grateful if the view of South Moreton Parish Council could be put forward. South Moreton Parish Council believes that the imposition of a 40mph speed limit on the A4139 will not reduce accidents but will increase the volume of traffic through the village of South Moreton. Past experiences have shown that whenever there is a restriction on the A4130 drivers divert through the village of South Moreton.This short cut from Didcot to the Wallingford bypass involves a a number of potential black spots far more dangerous than the A4130. They are:

1. Fulscot railway bridge, one of the most dangerous road/rail bridges in the county which has seen many accidents over the years.

2. At the South Moreton end of the Fulscot Bridge a cycleway joins the road. Recently there was an accident between a cyclist and a car at this junction.

3. Fulscot bends, a serous of tight bends which often has cars in the ditch on either side of the road.

4. The T junction at the entrance to South Moreton, which is badly designed.

5. The bend at the top of the village where the road is not wide enough for anything other than 2 cars to pass each other.

6. South  Moreton Primary School with its main entrance on to the High Street.

7. The Mill Stream Bridge, too narrow for more than one car at a time.

8. Hithercroft, and Hithercroft Railway Bridge, where in the last few months Oxfordshire County Council has spent a lot of money trying to deduce the speed of traffic and improve road safety.

9. Hithercroft Railway bridge, scene of many accidents over the years.

10. The condition of the road between the bottom of Cholsey Hill and the Hithercroft Roundabout on the Wallingford Bypass.

11. Finally the tight bend just before the Hithercroft Roundabout.We believe that an introduction of a 40 mph speed limit on the A4130 would not have saved the life of one of our parishioners who was killed in an unfortunate accident last Christmas. In our opinion there are a number of other measures that could be introduced which would make the A4130 a lot safer for all road users but Oxfordshire County Council appears unwilling to discuss them.


Keith Eaton

Chairman South Moreton Parish Council. 


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