Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 3 January 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Moreton, Wallingford









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  Despite an existing 50mph speed limit and previous engineering measures the A4130 Hadden Hill east of Didcot continues to suffer numerous accidents, largely due to a poor alignment.


2.                  A copy of the location plan is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file). There have been 24 recorded injury accidents in the 4 years between 1 May 2003 and 30 April 2007 along the length where the 40 mph speed limit is proposed; a distance of approximately 1.5km. The national average accident rate per 100 million vehicle kilometres is 24 on rural ‘A’ class road (and 43 on other rural roads). The approximate average accident rate per 100 million vehicle kilometres for the A4130 Hadden Hill is 60; over double the national average for this type of road.


3.                  The Speed Management Reference Group, comprising members from all main political parties, consider new speed limits based on accident history and road alignment and environment. For the first time they are considering sections of rural 40 mph speed limits for extreme circumstances where accidents remain high despite earlier interventions. The Group were initially reluctant to seek such a limit on Hadden Hill from the 2007/08 Casualty Reduction budget believing it would be ineffective. Nothing was consequently reported to the Cabinet Member on 22 November 2007 when he approved 2 other rural 40 mph proposals for implementation this fiscal year.


4.                  Continuing concerns and strong lobbying from the local councillor has prompted further discussions and it was agreed to seek a pilot 40 mph limit for 3 years on the understanding that it would be removed if no tangible accident or speed reductions benefits were apparent.


5.                  This report outlines the results of formal consultation and seeks approval to proceed with detailed design and implementation.




6.                  Most intense accident problems have been addressed and we must now adopt broader solutions to deal with an increasingly diverse spread of accidents. Previous experience at reducing rural speed limits suggests this is likely to be effective but given the innovative nature of this specific proposal we cannot be sure, hence the pilot status. However initiatives such as this will be essential if we are to meet the Government’s challenging casualty reduction targets by 2010.


7.                  Oxfordshire County Council’s research has shown a reduction in accidents over other routes with 50mph limits of up to 30%.  This figure is similar to national research, which examined the relationship between speed and accidents on rural single-carriageway roads and concluded that a 10% decrease in mean speed reduced accident numbers by 26% and also reduced their severity. There is limited data in Oxfordshire on the effects of a reduction to 40mph.


8.                  Copies of the draft Orders and the Statement of Reasons are available for inspection in Document A to this report which is available in the Members’ Resource Centre.




9.                  Formal public consultation was carried out with local councillors, emergency services, district and town councils and bus companies between 24 October 2007 and 16 November 2007 .  Public notices were placed in the local press and posted along affected roads.


10.             Three responses have been received. Thames Valley Police have stated that this proposal is contrary to the recommendation made by the Speed Reference Group site meeting on 31 July 2007 when a reduction to the current speed limit was considered unrealistic. They also stated that they will not support any speed limits that do not take the current Department for Transport (DfT) guidance 01/2006 into account.


11.             The reason behind the Speed Reference Group’s re-consideration is outlined above. The DfT Circular 01/2006 s.118 states “In situations where … criteria for a village are not met and there is a lesser degree of development…….but a reduction from the national 60 mph speed limit is considered appropriate, traffic authorities should consider alternative lower limits of 40 or 50 mph.”  Although it is not a conventional village environment there are 10 accesses over the 1.5 km length.


12.             Didcot Town Council has confirmed its support and Brightwell-Cum-Sotwell Parish Council has no objections to the proposals. However, they would like consideration to be given to imposing a 40mph speed limit on the A4130 through Brightwell-Cum-Sotwell. Copies of the correspondence are available for inspection with Document A.


13.             The continuation of the 40mph speed limit on the A4130 past Brightwell-cum-Sotwell is outside the remit of this scheme; the accident level is not poor at this location and no reduction in the speed limit can be justified at present.



Financial Implications (including Revenue)


14.             An allocation of £208,000 has been made in the 2007/08 Casualty Reduction Programme for 40mph and 50mph speed limits as well as providing additional measures to support existing 50mph speed limits where appropriate. This will cover formal consultation, detailed design and implementation.  Design work and construction will be carried out by Oxfordshire H ighways.




15.             The Cabinet Member for Transport be RECOMMENDED to authorise:


(a)               the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Didcot A4130 Hadden Hill)(40 mph Speed Limit)Order 2007, as detailed in Document A and referred to in this report subject to minor variations arising from (b) below;


(b)              proceeding with the detailed design and implementation of the speed limit as shown in Annex 1 to this report


(c)               that the Order be revoked if no benefits were apparent after 3 years




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation documentation (Document A)


Contact Officer:                     Geoff Barrell  Tel 810450



December 2007


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