Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 3 January 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Dorchester & Berinsfield








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report details the results of a public consultation on a Traffic Regulation Order to prohibit right turning traffic at Burcot Lane, Burcot, at its junction with the A4074.  The report recommends that approval be granted for the making of the Order resulting in its implementation, complete with associated physical measures.  A reduced scale plan    showing the extent of the amendments is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).




2.                  Oxfordshire Highways was commissioned by the Road Safety Team to design and deliver a range of highway measures to meet the        objective of preventing the current trend of related accidents on the A4074 at the junction with Burcot Lane.


3.                  Over a period of 5 years there have been five reported accidents on the A4074.  These have included vehicles shunting into the rear of stationary vehicles that are waiting to turn right in to Burcot Lane and vehicles overtaking that stationary traffic but then colliding with the        leader vehicle, who at the same time commits to turning right into Burcot Lane.  Out of the 5 accidents there has been one serious injury while the remaining     accidents have resulted in slight injuries.


4.                  A feasibility study identified a number of possible options.  After initial consultation with Emergency Services, the Road Safety Team, local Councillors, Clifton Hampden Parish Council, residents of Burcot Lane and Burcot Farm, a traffic regulation order prohibiting right turns by at the junction was promoted with a proviso from Thames Valley Police that measures were implemented to ensure self enforcement.




5.                  Public consultation on the proposed prohibition of right turning traffic including the proposed self enforcement island was carried out between 28 September and 26 October 2007.


6.                  Emergency services, local County Councillors, South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council, Clifton Hampden Parish Council, road user groups and residents directly affected by the proposed Order were consulted.  Copies of the public notices appeared in the local press and were erected at the junction of A4074 with Burcot Lane and the  Clifton Hampden Parish Council notice boards in Burcot and Clifton Hampden.


7.                  Thames Valley Police supported the introduction of the scheme but requested that physical measures be included to ensure the Order was as self enforcing as possible.  Clifton      Hampden Parish Council have confirmed their support for the proposals.


8.                  A number of residents of Burcot Lane, including Burcot Farm, support the scheme.


9.                  One letter of objection was received which raised a number of issues, Those issues are summarised, along with an officer response, at Annex 2.  Copies of correspondence is available in Members’ Resource Centre.


Officer Comment


10.             The proposed scheme has been designed to be as self enforcing as possible in line with the request from Thames Valley Police to reduce the possible future impact on their resources.  Further consideration will be given to reducing the number of hazard marker posts within the new traffic island.  Discussions have been held with the Public Transport team and there are no current proposals to provide a bus stop at the junction but the design has been completed with future provision of such a facility in mind.  Annex 2 (download as .doc file) sets out an officer response to all other issues raised during the consultation process.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


11.             The proposed scheme would contribute towards reducing traffic congestion and provide road safety improvements for all road users travelling on A4074 at the junction with Burcot Lane.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


12.             The estimated cost of the proposed scheme is £56,000.  Funding for the design and implementation of the project is included in the 2007/08     Transport Capital Programme.


13.             Oxfordshire Highways staff would undertake construction supervision and project management of the scheme.  The County Council’s Legal Services would prepare the Traffic Regulation Order.




14.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise the making of a Traffic Regulation Order prohibiting right turns into Burcot Lane at its junction with the A4074 as advertised together with implementation of associated physical measures as set out in drawing reference number D&I/A3/0035 subject to minor amendments recommended by future safety & vulnerable road users audits, should any arise.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation


Contact Officer:                     Ralph Green Tel:  01865 815816


December 2007.


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