Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 3 January 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): All Oxford City divisions










Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The purpose of this report is to consider comments and objections received to a formal advertisement and statutory consultation on varying a number of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) in Oxford to exclude certain residential properties from eligibility for resident and visitor parking permits.  These proposals arise out of various planning permissions that have been granted by Oxford City Council where consent was conditional upon removal of permit eligibility.




2.                  Oxford City Council, as the local planning authority, has sought to remove entitlement to resident parking permits for certain properties within 8 of the Controlled Parking Zones in Oxford in connection with the granting of planning permission. Such permissions have generally been for conversion of single dwellings into multiple residential units, extensions or infill developments. The reason for the planning conditions is generally to ensure that the new developments do not generate a level of vehicular parking which would be prejudicial to highway safety or contribute towards parking problems in the immediate locality. In some cases the exclusion is contained within an agreement made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


Public Consultation


3.                  Consultation was carried out between 19 October 2007 and 9 November 2007 on proposals to implement planning conditions for a total of 67 developments that had received consent over the last few years. For each site, notices were placed outside all affected properties and letters sent to all the respective households, informing them of the proposed changes to the existing TROs.  In addition, the proposals were advertised in the local newspaper and information sent to local Councillors and other consultees. A copy of the public notice is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


4.                  In total, 31 letters or e-mails were received in response to the advertised proposals.  These are summarised together with the observations of the Head of Transport at Annex 2 (download as .doc file). Copies of all these communications are on deposit in the Members’ Resource Centre.


5.                  The objections fall into four categories. The first are where the development has not yet gone ahead and the objectors, who are residents living in properties currently eligible for permits, request that the proposed exclusions do not proceed. [Comment nos. 1, 7, 16, 18 and 22]  In these cases it is being recommended that such requests are acceded to, subject to confirmation from the City Council, although the proposed exclusions will be re-advertised should the developments commence.


6.                  The second type of objection is where residents claim that the description of the site to be excluded was incorrectly interpreted from the planning documents [Comment nos. 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 23 and 24]. Following further investigations it has been found that these residents are correct and it is therefore being recommended that these exclusions do not proceed.


7.                  The third category is where residents have objected to the proposal to exclude their property from permit eligibility but the planning conditions clearly state that this should happen [Comment nos. 2, 4, 8, 14, 19, 20, 21, 30 and 31]. In these situations it is recommended that the objections be over-ruled and that the exclusions take place. This will mean that once existing permits expire, the residents at these properties will no longer be eligible for resident or visitor permits. However, it is recognised that existing residents may need time to adjust to their exclusion, and it is therefore proposed that residents with current permits be allowed to apply for renewal for one more year before the exclusion is implemented.


8.                  The fourth category consists of developments [Comment nos. 13, 17 and 25 - 29] where residents have objected and it is considered that in each case there are particular circumstances that when fully considered result in recommendations for some retention of eligibility for permits.


(a)               In the case of 33 Kingston Road [Comment 13] there is a previous agreement for partial exclusion and it is recommended that this continues.


(b)               The residents of 7 Nelson Street [Comment 17] have shown that during the recent purchase the Local Land Search process failed to inform them of a planning agreement relating to that property prohibiting eligibility for resident or visitor permits. In recognition of this error by Oxford City Council and the desire to deliver the intentions of the planning consent, it is recommended that the exclusion takes place but that the current owners are allowed permits whilst they remain at the property.


(c)               In the case of the redevelopment of the former Horse and Jockey public house into flats at 69 Woodstock Road [Comment nos. 25-29] it has now been confirmed by planning officers at Oxford City Council and by local members, that the intention of the planning consent was to exclude the development from eligibility for residents’ permits but to allow a single issue of 50 visitor permits per flat each year. It is recommended that this be agreed.


9.                  All the other locations proposed for exclusion will proceed as advertised. For the avoidance of doubt these are listed at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


10.             The reduction in parking described in this report complies with the LTP2 objectives of Tackling Congestion (encouraging development that minimises congestion) and improving the Street Environment (better management of parking).


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


11.             Funding for the costs of advertising the TROs is available from Section 106 and other agreements held by the County Council.




12.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to agree implementation of proposed revisions to the various Traffic Regulation Orders governing Oxford controlled parking zones as advertised subject to those exceptions described in this report.



Head of Transport

Environment & Transport


Background papers:             Planning consents issued by Oxford City Council

Copies of all the letters are available in the Members’ Resource room.


Contact Officer:                     Peter Egawhary, Tel 01865 815857


December 2007


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