Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 3 January 2008



Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Headington & Marston,  and Barton & Churchill










Report by Head of Transport




1.                  In September 2007 the former Transport Decisions Committee approved the proposals for the above scheme and authorised the making of any Orders necessary for the safe operation of the scheme.


2.                  A new bus lane and 20mph Speed Limit were included in the approved scheme and a Traffic Regulation Order has been promoted for each.  Formal consultation has been undertaken and at the time of writing this report no objections have been received.


3.                  The approved scheme also requires the creation and extinguishing of footways and cycle tracks within the verge area along the route to provide continuity of these provisions.


4.                  This report seeks authority to create the bus lane and 20mph speed limit Orders and redefine the footway and/or cycle track lengths within the verge as detailed on the schedule annexed to this report.


Bus Lane and 20mph Speed Limit Orders (refer to reduced scale plans Annex 1 (download as .doc file) and Annex 2 (download as .doc file))


5.                  An integral part of the London Road Corridor scheme promotes and encourages the use of public transport by providing measures to reduce travel times.  In support of these aims the scheme will introduce a continuous length of Bus Lane, along the north sides of Headington Road and London Road between Gypsy Lane and Osler Road together with improved bus stop facilities.  A Traffic Regulation Order has therefore been promoted to create the bus lane over this length.


6.                  Within the section of Headington Road from Pullens Lane to Headley Way lay various local schools and Brookes University.  It is considered appropriate to influence traffic speeds and reduce the likelihood of danger to road users over this length and therefore a reduction of speed to 20mph is being sought.  A speed limit order has been promoted to support this aim.


Creation of Footways and Cycle Tracks


7.                  In formulating the design for the scheme continuity of cycle provisions along the corridor was a prime consideration.  Not all cyclists are accomplished or competent riders and therefore provisions both on and off carriageway have been provided where possible.


8.                  For cyclists travelling out of Oxford the proposed bus lane will serve as the main cycle provision but from Sandfield Road additional off carriageway cycle provision has been provided.


9.                  For cyclists travelling in to Oxford an advisory cycle lane exists on the carriageway from Osler Road to just before Latimer Road.  From this point onwards the advisory cycle lane stops but an off carriageway route is available utilising Headington Service Road to link through to the junction at Gypsy Lane.


10.             In promoting these routes changes are required to the existing designation of the verge area to create or remove lengths of segregated and/or shared use cycle track.  Under the Highways Act 1980 Sections 65(1) & (2) and Section 66(4) the highway authority can create or remove footways and cycle tracks in the highway.  The lengths to be created/removed are scheduled in Annex 3 (download as .doc file).




11.             Formal consultation on the above scheme elements started on 26 October and finishing on 30 November.  This was carried out by advertisement in a local paper; letters to stakeholders, emergency services, local groups and local County Councillors.  Notices were also placed on site.


12.             There have been no formal objections to the proposals although the response from the police does not support the 20 mph limit.  A copy of their response is attached at Annex 3 (download as .doc file) .


How the Poject Spports LTP2 Ojectives


13.             The Traffic Regulation Orders will contribute to both the LTP2 and project objectives to reduce the congestion experienced by users of the London Road (particularly bus users), improve the road safety accident record along the corridor by reducing speeds and improve the street environment along the corridor.


Financial and Staff Implications


14.             The cost estimate for the whole scheme is £2.83M including fees.  All costs associated with the creation of the Traffic Regulation Orders are included in the cost which is funded by the LTP2.  There are no additional staff implications associated with this report.





15.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise the;


(a)               making of the Bus Lane Traffic Regulation Order as advertised and detailed in drawing B0210200/S2/CON/TRO/005 at Annex 1 to this report;


(b)              making of a 20mph Speed Limit Order as detailed on drawing B0210200/S2/CON/TRO/006 at Annex 2 to this report; and


(c)               creation and removal of footways and cycle tracks as detailed in the schedule Annex 3 under the powers of the Highways Act 1980 Sections 65(1) & (2) and Section 66(4).






Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Mike Collins   Tel: 01865 815877


December 2007


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