Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 3 January 2008


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport – 3 January 2008


Statement of Decision


Oxford: London Road Corridor (Pullen’s Lane to Osler Road)



Cabinet Member for Transport : Councillor Ian Hudspeth


Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

Steve Howell and Mike Collins (Environment & Economy )


Also in attendance: 

Other Members:

Councillor Roz Smith (as local member)


Documentation considered:


Oxford: London Road Corridor (Pullen’s Lane to Osler Road)


A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Summary of representations in person


Mr Collins advised that following further consultation with cycling groups Annex 3 had been revised (a copy is attached to this signed decision) and confirmed that the comments submitted by Thames Valley Police had been based on speed data compiled in 2001 and not on the most recent data prepared in 2007.


Councillor Smith reiterated concerns regarding cyclists sharing bus lanes and also the Osler Road junction.  She expressed disappointment at not being kept informed on developments regarding the proposal by Brookes University which had been considered by the Transport Decisions Committee on 6 September 2007. She thanked officers for amending the scheme in response to overtures from residents of Headington Hill and asked for confirmation regarding timescale for a safety audit.  This was a major route in and every effort must be made to get the scheme right.


Mr Collins advised that it was impossible to provide a dedicated cycle lane due to constraints of space and finance and that he would look again at the Osler Road junction. With regard to the Brookes University proposals he apologised for not keeping Councillor Smith informed but as discussions were ongoing he would keep her informed of developments from now on.  In the meantime he confirmed that the proposals did not involve traffic movements in or out of the proposed junction.  He also confirmed that there would be a safety audit and the results publicly available.








Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:


to authorise the;


(a)               making of the Bus Lane Traffic Regulation Order as advertised and detailed in drawing B0210200/S2/CON/TRO/005 at Annex 1 to this report;


(b)               making of a 20mph Speed Limit Order as detailed on drawing B0210200/S2/CON/TRO/006 at Annex 2 to this report; and


(c)               creation and removal of footways and cycle tracks as detailed in the revised Annex 3 (attached) under the powers of the Highways Act 1980 Sections 65(1) & (2) and Section 66(4).





Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport


Date ………………………………….


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