Return to Items for DecisionDelegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Finance – 18 March 2008Statement of Decision
Museum Resource Centre – Reallocation of Capital Funding
Also in attendance:
Documentation considered:
A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.
Cabinet Member’s Comments
In reaching my decision I: - took no position on the location of the Visitor Information Centre at the Oxfordshire Museum, which was a matter for separate negotiation between the County Council and the District Council; - considered that it was regrettable that the application to the Heritage Lottery Fund was rejected as such major capital schemes would be severely curtailed until after the 2012 Olympic Games
Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:
that the £23,000 developer funding for improvements to storage at the MRC and the £500,000 identified for Cultural Services in the Capital Programme be redirected to: (a) increase/maximise the storage capacity at the MRC (£373,000 2008/09-09/10); (b) continue the refurbishment of the Oxfordshire Museum (£50,000 2008/09; £100,000 2009/10); and that any balance of funding arising from (a) above be redirected to (b) above.
Signed ...................................................................... Cabinet Member for Finance
Date …………………………2008