Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 19 July 2007


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4.      Petitions and Public Address




            Petitioner - Sheila Spencer (One way/traffic calming Beauchamp Lane


Councillor Macintosh-Stedman (Local Member) also wishes to speak to this petition


Petitioners - Ted Dewan & Mark Hull – spending developer money in Summertown


Possibly Tony Sanderson (North Summertown Residents Parking) who presented his petition to Council on 19 June 2007 who then referred it this Committee (see Item 4 on the main Agenda)


            The Chairman has agreed the following requests to address the meeting:




6. Capital Programme Additional Schemes


Councillor Alan Bryden

Councillor Bob Johnston

9. Headington Roundabout – Proposed Permanent Closure of the Access gap Outside Macdonalds


Councillor Roz Smith

Councillor Bob Johnston

10. Oxford , Phipps Road – Proposed Relocation of Highway Gate

City Councillor Brian Keen

Councillor John Sanders

Councillor Bob Johnston


11. Compulsory Purchase Order for Summertown Shopping Area Street Environment Scheme

Councillor Jean Fooks

Councillor Bob Johnston


13. Stopping up of Highway Land Adjacent to A329 Great Haseley

Elizabeth Spencer

Harry Handkammer


14(a). Policy regarding Use of Highway for Placement of Tables and Chairs

City Councillor Susannah Pressel

Councillor Jean Fooks

Councillor Alan Armitage



10.    Oxford , Phipps Road – Proposed Relocation of Highway Gate


A supplementary report from City councillor Bryan Keen (Cowley Area Committee) is attached. (download as .doc file)


13.    Stopping Up of Highway Land Adjacent to A329 Great Haseley


            Elizabeth Spencer has submitted additional documentation.  This hasn’t been reproduced with this addenda sheet but will be available for Members of the Committee at the meeting.


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