Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 6 September 2007


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Division(s): Eynsham, Kingston Bagpuize, Hanneys & Hendreds (Witney and Abingdon)








Report by Head of Transport





1.                  Newbridge is a 750 year old bridge and scheduled ancient monument that carries the A415 Abingdon to Witney road over the River Thames.  Newbridge has been assessed as theoretically unable to carry any traffic loading and cannot be reconstructed or strengthened due to the statutory protection arising from its historic status.


2.                  As an interim measure an 18 tonne weight restriction has been imposed on the bridge which when combined with an increased frequency inspection regime will be adequate to ensure public safety for the time being.  The 18 tonne limit currently permits use by all two-axle public transport buses, but this limit could well need to be lowered further at relatively short notice at some point in the future.


3.                  Given that the only practical long term strategy for managing this particular weak bridge will be to remove all traffic from it completely and, given that there are no other existing suitable alternative crossings of the River Thames in the vicinity, it is essential that a scheme is developed to provide a new crossing of the Thames for the A415 in the vicinity of Newbridge as soon as possible.


4.                  Oxfordshire Highways has completed the first stage of the scheme evaluation which investigated all practical route options and compared the relative impacts each is likely to have.  This was a desk top (Stage 1) study and included some field work.   This study considered different river crossing locations together with routes linking back to the existing A415.  The Stage 1 report is within the background papers. This report indicates the route corridors considered on Figure 2/1 within the report.


Stage 1 Study Recommendations


5.                  The conclusions of this study indicated that of the six main route corridors available (two west, two central and two east – Annex 1 (download as .doc file)), the western ‘Green Route’ corridor was found to be superior in all significant areas to such a degree that it is clear that only this route should be brought forward to the second stage of the scheme development. This corridor is also favoured by the Environment Agency as it avoids flood flow at the confluence of the Windrush and the Thames.


6.                  Drawing BNP1080/B3901 which forms part of the background papers and which will be on display at the meeting has been developed to indicate the area to be investigated in the Stage 2 study based on the Green Route corridor. The Stage 2 study will allow alternative junction strategies and bridge solutions to be investigated in developing the proposal for a public consultation. It should be noted that this solution could allow the removal of all traffic signals from the A415 route in the vicinity of the Thames in addition to removing the structural weight limit from this route.  Stage two will also investigate what measures are required to constrain this route to current traffic levels.  This is required due to route limitations elsewhere along the A415 such as Marcham and Standlake.


Land Implications


7.                  It has recently come to light that some land is now being offered for sale (referred to as Lot 6) that encompasses virtually all the land-take that would be required north of the river for either of the western route corridor options.  Taking this opportunity into account this report is seeking an early approval for the preferred route so that purchase of the land in question is considered while it happens to be available on the open market.


8.                  Correspondence between Cluttons, the landowner’s agent, the County Council’s consultants Jacobs and the County Council regarding the land which might be required for development of the preferred corridor is attached at Annex 2.

(Annex 2 - Letter to Cluttons dated 5 July 2007 re A415 Newbridge River Thames Crossing – download as .pdf file)

(Annex 2 - Letter to Cluttons dated 11 July 2007 Re A415 Newbridge River Thames Crossing – download as .pdf file)

(Annex 2 - Letter from Cluttons dated 19 July 2007 Re A415 Newbridge River Thames Crossing – Survey Permission on Land Adjacent to River Windrush – download as .pdf file)


 9.                  This report seeks to gain the necessary approvals. 


Financial and Staff Implications


10.             The current estimates indicate that a scheme can be constructed within the already allocated LTP2 budgets. A full project appraisal will be produced for agreement once all the costs are assembled. 




11.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve the single route corridor indicated on plan BNP1080/B3901 for the development of a replacement bridge over the River Thames; and


(b)              authorise the Head of Transport in consultation with the Head of Property to enter into negotiations with the landowner’s agent Cluttons to purchase the section of land within the sale document referred to as Lot 6.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Stage 1 desktop study report and estimates

Correspondence and sale details of land affected by route chosen

Drawing BNP1080/B3901 indicating route for approval


Contact Officers:                   Julian Hartless Tel: (01865) 815097and

Charlie Benner  Tel:  (01865) 810448


August 2007


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