Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 6 September 2007


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Division(s): Wheatley






Proposed amendments to waiting restrictions - church road and high street, wheatley


Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report details responses to a formal advertisement on proposals to amend waiting restrictions on Church Road and High Street, Wheatley.


2.                  The proposals are in three parts:


(a)               Extend the ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ on the north side of Church Road, close to its junction with Holloway Road for a distance of 13.1 metres east;

(b)               Implement ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ on the south side of Church Road for 7 metres each side of the access to the Merry Bells Car Park;

(c)               Amend existing permitted waiting in High Street from 1 hour in 2 between 8 am and 6 pm to 2 hours in 3 Monday to Friday between 9 am and 4 pm, except in the length of road outside the shops which will remain at 1 hour in 2.


Reasons for the Proposals


Church Road Close to its Junction with Holloway Road


3.                  Improvements have been carried out at the junction of Holloway Road and Church Road, Wheatley, comprising the provision of a section of footway on the south east corner.  Vehicles parked on Church Road, to the north east side of the junction with Hollow Way Road, create a visual obstruction to vehicles at the junction and a physical obstruction to larger vehicles. In particular buses intending to travel eastwards along Church Road have difficulty turning from Hollow Way Road.


4.                  The proposal to implement ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions is to reduce danger and the risk of collisions in the interest of road safety.


5.                  This proposal had already been approved but, prior to implementation, a procedural error was discovered. 


Church Road at the Entrance to the Merry Bells Car Park


6.                  Motor vehicles parked close to the access to the Merry Bells car park, Church Road, were the subject of complaint from users of the car park, including the Parish Council, as they are seen to seriously affect visibility for drivers of vehicles entering and leaving the car park.


7.                  The proposal to implement ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions is to reduce danger and the risk of collisions in the interest of road safety.


8.                  This proposal had already been approved but, prior to implementation, a procedural error was discovered. 


High Street


9.                  At present, waiting restrictions in High Street, Wheatley permit vehicles to wait for one hour in two between 8am and 6pm with no return within one hour at a number of locations, including an area outside the shops at the heart of the village, with the remainder subject to ‘No Waiting at Any Time’.


10.             Many of the houses on High Street do not have off-street parking and those areas where limited waiting is permitted are used by residents.   The existing restrictions mean that they have to move their vehicles during the day.   They sought to have this amended in order to reduce the disruption to other traffic and the risk of accident.


11.             In October 2006 informal consultation with stakeholders, including occupiers of all premises in High Street was carried out inviting comment on three options.   The options were:


(a)               Amend those areas where limited waiting is permitted to ‘Waiting permitted for ‘Two hours, no return within 1 hour, Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm’, except the area by the shops which would remain as at present;

(b)               Amend those areas where limited waiting is permitted to ‘No Waiting between 12 noon and 1pm’  and ‘No Waiting 1pm to 2pm Monday to Friday’ on alternate lengths, again excepting the area at the shops;

(c)               No change.


12.             The vast majority of replies sought Option 1 above.


13.             The proposal is to improve the ‘quality of life’ for residents of premises on High Street.


14.             Formal advertisement of the proposals, inviting comment, was carried out between 11 May and 8 June, 2007. Notices were published in the local press and on site at the various locations and letters sent to statutory bodies and stakeholders.


15.             One letter of objection to the proposals was received.   This was signed by the occupiers of 10 addresses in Church Road and is summarised at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).  It refers solely to the proposals at the junction with Hollow Way Road. (Plans - download as .doc file).


16.             No objections were received in respect of the proposals for the entrance to the Merry Bells Car Park or High Street.




17.             The proposals for Church Road are identical to those previously approved.  There is no change in circumstances or considerations from those earlier proposals.


18.             It is clear that those most affected by the proposals for High Street, the residents, favour the advertised proposal.  The proposal will mean that they do not have to remove their vehicles before 11am.  Returning at 2pm will mean that they will not have to move their vehicles again that day.   The proposal will also mean that they do not have to move vehicles during the week-end.  Retaining the existing arrangements at the shops will retain the short-term parking needed by customers.


Financial and Staff Implications


19.             The cost of these proposals will be funded from the Southern Area Budget.




20.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve amendments to waiting restrictions in Church Road and High Street, Wheatley as advertised; and


(b)              authorise any works necessary to implement the proposals.



Steve Howell

Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation


Contact Officer:                     Malcolm Bowler, Senior Traffic Technician

                                                Tel: (01235) 466119


July 2007


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