Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 6 September 2007


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Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers proposals to provide 51 new Disabled Persons’ Parking Places (DPPPs), formalisation of 2 existing “advisory” DPPPs, removal of 46 DPPPs in Oxford City as set out in the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places - Oxford) (Amendment) Order 20** and follows the process involved in the publication of the draft Order.   The report also sets out a number of amendments to the original proposals.




2.                  The increasing demand for parking in Oxfordshire can lead to particular difficulties for disabled people who need to park close to their homes or place of work. The County Council may provide a DPPP on a public road where there is a need.


3.                  On 7 December 2004 the Executive agreed to rationalise policy with regard to disabled parking including proposals to adopt a uniform approach to be implemented throughout the County.  Previously, in Oxfordshire (as opposed to Oxford City) disabled parking was provided by the use of advisory bays.  These bays are marked up on the ground but no disabled sign plate is provided and they do not appear in an Order so are therefore not enforceable.  A review of these DPPPs is being carried out across Oxfordshire to ensure they are still required and those that are will be formalised. It will then be possible to enforce them.  At the same time, new requests for DPPPs are considered.


4.                  A fact sheet listing the criteria required to qualify for a DPPP is available in the Members’ Resource Centre. A primary condition for qualification is that the applicant has to be a Blue Badge holder.  Applicants have to complete a detailed application form and provide a copy of their driving licence and vehicle registration documents to prove that both the driver and the vehicle are resident at the address where the DPPP is requested.


5.                  The site is then assessed by a Highways Inspector to see if a DPPP is feasible. If it is, informal consultation is carried out with various authorities, such as the Emergency Services. If no comments are made, formal consultation is commenced. This report considers comments received at the formal stage in respect of the DPPPs as referred to in paragraph 1.  


Formal Consultation


6.                  The Directorate sent a copy of the draft Amendment Order, a Statement of Reasons for the Order and a copy of the Public Notice appearing in the local press to formal Consultees on 23 May 2007. These documents, together with the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places Oxford) Order 2007 and plans of all the DPPPs, were deposited for public inspection at County Hall, Town Hall, and Oxford Central, Blackbird Leys, Cowley, Headington, Littlemore Peers, Old Marston and Summertown Libraries. They are also available for inspection in the Members’ Resource Centre.


7.                  Separately, the Directorate wrote to local residents in each area where the proposed DPPP would be sited asking for their comments. In all approximately 1200 letters were sent. Plans showing the location of all the bays are available in the Members’ Resource Centre and remain on public deposit with the original order documents in those locations listed in paragraph 6 above.


8.                  Comments were received in respect of the proposed DPPPs in Aldrich Road, Cutteslowe; Bath Street, St Clements; Bernwood Road, Barton; Cowley Road, Littlemore; Hayfield Road, North Oxford; Hendred Street, East Oxford; Highfield Avenue, Headington; Howard Street and Hurst Street, East Oxford; Jordan Hill Road, Jordan Hill; Leiden Road and Old High Street, Headington; Liddell Road, Cowley; Osberton Road, Summertown; Quarry High Street, Headington; Rewley Road and St Thomas’ Street, Central Oxford; Stratfield Road, Summertown; Taverner Place, Marston and Victor Street, Jericho.


9.                  A comment was received in respect of the proposed formalisation of the informal DPPP in Cowley Road, Littlemore.


10.             Comments were also received in respect of the proposed removal of existing DPPPs in Aston Street, East Oxford; Cavell Road, near Iffley Turn; Chilswell Road, South Oxford; Copse Lane, Marston; Divinity Road and East Avenue, East Oxford; Harley Road, West Oxford; Hurst Street, East Oxford; Leckford Road, Plantation Road, St Bernard’s Road, St Margaret’s Road and Winchester Road, Walton Manor; Shelford Place, Headington; Temple Road and Junction Road, Temple Cowley and Tyndale Road, East Oxford. 


11.             A synopsis of each comment with an officer response is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).   


12.             The only statutory Consultee to comment was Thames Valley Police Traffic Management Unit who advised that they had no objections to the draft order.


Recommended Changes to the Proposals


13.             The following are locations where it had been proposed to provide new DPPPs but as a result of consultation it is now recommended should not now proceed:-


(a)               Hendred Street, Cowley: The applicant has withdrawn the request for a DPPP.


(b)               Highfield Avenue, Headington; Both immediate neighbours have objected to the proposed DPPP because the applicant has a drive and a garage and uses both to park and never leaves the car out at night. The applicant had previously stated that her disability prevented her from using either. A further inspection of the site revealed that the proposed DPPP would take up a large part of the residents’ bay here and a vehicle parking in the remaining part would be likely to partially block a drive making access difficult. Several site visits have confirmed that currently, no parking problem exists here. For these reasons it is recommended that the proposal is rejected.


(c)               Hurst Street, East Oxford; the applicant has withdrawn the request for a DPPP outside 102 Hurst Street.


(d)               Leiden Road, Headington; the applicant has withdrawn the request for a DPPP.


(e)               Quarry High Street, Headington; the applicant has now moved. He and the new occupant of the property have confirmed that a DPPP is no longer required.


(f)                 Victor Street, Jericho; the elderly applicant’s condition has deteriorated over the last two years to such an extent that she is not often taken out in the car now. An ambulance comes once or twice a week but other than that the proposed DPPP would only be used to park the car and not for the purposes of the applicant. A garage exists and the car is parked there at night. It is recommended that this proposal is refused.


14.             The following are locations where it had been proposed to remove DPPPs but as a result of consultation it is now recommended they remain:-


(a)               Harley Road, West Oxford; although the original applicant has moved, consultation has confirmed that a nearby resident uses the DPPP. He meets the criteria for a bay and has the support of most of his neighbours. It is recommended that the bay is not removed.


(b)               51/52 Leckford Road, Walton Manor; a number of disabled residents in the vicinity plus the resident at No 51 have objected to the proposed removal. The DPPP is used by their carers, friends and relations, and ambulances to pick them up and set them down.  On reflection it is recommended that the bay is not removed but is considered again when Walton Manor Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is reviewed.  


(c)               St Margaret’s Road outside Hartley Court, Walton Manor; this is a large general bay and a number of residents suggest leaving a space for one or two vehicles for disabled visitors. They advise that a disabled student regularly parks here. A number of residents want the double yellow line protecting vehicular access to Hartley Court to be extended to improve visibility. It is recommended that the bay is not removed but is considered again when Walton Manor CPZ is reviewed. 


(d)               Winchester Road, near the junction with North Parade Avenue; one visitor and one resident advised that this DPPP is used for disabled people to visit the shops and restaurants in North Parade Avenue as the residents’ bays are often full. No parking is allowed in Church Walk. It is recommended that the bay is not removed but is considered again when Walton Manor CPZ is reviewed.  


Other DPPPs in the Advertised Draft Order


15.             Comments on the other DPPPs are provided at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).    Issues of note from these are:-


(a)               Howard Street, East Oxford; 11 letters of objection to the proposal to provide a DPPP here have been received. Many have similar wording and object because the applicant has a garage, the length of the DPPP is excessive, and parking space is scarce. The applicant finds it difficult to get to the garage at the end of a long garden and open the doors. The applicant had a DPPP outside his old house in Tyndale Close. It is recommended that the proposal is agreed.


(b)               Rewley Road, Central Oxford; the estate in Rewley Road has been provided with one off-street parking space per household with additional provision for visitor parking. Several residents have objected to the proposal to provide a DPPP on the road because it would effectively give the applicant an additional parking space. The applicant became disabled after moving to the estate and as that disability has worsened has acquired a Motability vehicle to get around. His partner parks her car in the off-street bay provided and uses it to get to work. This means that the applicant has nowhere to park in the evenings and weekends. He also finds it difficult to get into and out of his vehicle when parked in the parking bay as his condition worsens, this will become more and more difficult. The location of the proposed DPPP is ideal for him as he will be able to open the car door wide enough to get in and out. It is recommended that the proposal is agreed.  


(c)               All the other proposals are recommended to go ahead as advertised.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


16.             The introduction of new DPPPs will help in Delivering Accessibility by enabling disabled people to park near to their homes and thus access a wider range of services.


17.             Removal of DPPPs that are no longer required will Improve the Street Environment by reducing sign clutter and result in better management of parking.


Financial and Staff Implications (including Revenue)


18.             The cost of installing the DPPPs, approximately £22,000 will be met from the existing revenue budget provided for these.




19.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED:


(a)       to authorise variations to the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places – Oxford) (Amendment) Order 20** as published in order to provide for:


(i)         forty-six new DPPPs in Abbey Road, Aldrich Road, Allam Street, Arnold Road, Balfour Road, Bath Street, Bernwood Road, Blackbird Leys Road, Boundary Brook Road, Butterwort Place, Cardinal Close, Cranham Street, Cross Street, Crotch Crescent, Cuddesdon Way, Divinity Road, Ferry Pool Road, Fairacres Road, Gladstone Road, Hayfield Road, Hendred Street (outside the Co-op funeral parlour), Holley Crescent, Howard Street, Hurst Street, Jordan Hill Road, Liddell Road, Mather Road, Magdalen Road, Marlborough Road, Masons Road, Old High Street, Osberton Road, Peat Moors (2 DPPPs) Poulton Place (widening existing DPPP), Princes Street, Rewley Road, Russell Street, Sandy Lane, Stratfield Road,  St Mary’s Road, St Thomas’ Street, Taverner Place (2 DPPPs), Ulfgar Road, and Weldon Road as specified in this report;


(ii)               formalisation of two existing advisory DPPPs at Cowley Road, Littlemore;


(iii)             removal of  forty-two DPPPs in Abbey Road, Aston Street, Bartlemas Road, Barton Road (3 DPPPs), Campbell Road, Cardigan Street, Cavell Road, Chilswell Road, Claymond Road, Copse Lane (2 DPPPs), Court Farm Road, Crotch Crescent, Divinity Road, East Avenue (2 DPPPs), Gorse Leas, Hayfield Road, Henry Road, Hurst Street (2 DPPPs), Jordan Hill Road, Junction Road, Leafield Road, Leckford Road, Middle Way, Milne Place, Pegasus Road, Plantation Road, Shelford Place, St Bernard’s Road (3 DPPPs), Stratford Street (2 DPPPs), Temple Road, Tyndale Road, Vicarage Road, Webbs Close, and Winchester Road;


(b)                  not to authorise variations to the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places-Oxford)(Amendment)Order 20** as published in respect of:


(i)         six new DPPPs in Hendred street, Highfield Avenue, Hurst Street, Leiden Road, Quarry High Street and Victor Street;


(ii)               the removal of four DPPPs in Harley Road, Leckford Road, St Margaret’s Road and Winchester Road.  



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     Mike Ruse, Tel 01865 815978


August 2007



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