Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 6 September 2007


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Division(s): Barton & Churchill








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  At a Quality Bus Partnership Meeting with the Oxford Bus Company and Stagecoach on 21 March 2006 it was agreed that the 2006/2007 Premium Bus Routes improvements programme would include upgrading bus infrastructure in the Barton area. It was judged that the Barton area would benefit significantly from investment in public transport.




2.                  County Council Officers have carried out an assessment of bus routes in this area with regard to:


·        Bus stop distribution;

·        Bus stop facilities;

·        Scope for real time passenger information; and

·        Impact of parking along the route.


3.                  The assessment identified general areas of potential improvement for Barton area bus stops which included; Real Time Information, raising kerb heights, installing new bus stop flags and poles and, if deemed necessary, relocating a bus stop(s).


4.                  As part of that assessment bus stop clearways have been proposed for most bus stops in the   Barton area. Frontagers have been advised of the proposed clearways and given the opportunity to comment on the proposals.


5.                  This report details the objections to the proposed bus stop clearways at Humfrey Road and Barton Village Road and seeks a decision on whether to proceed with each clearway installation. Annex 1 (download as .doc file) contains the maps for these proposed clearways. Annex 2 (download as .doc file) summarises the comments received from the residents affected with an officer response. Officers have amended aspects of the proposals for the Humfrey Road clearway in response to comments received.


6.                  Bus stop clearways provide a safe area for buses to pull in, parallel with the kerb. This provides easy access for passengers; particularly the disabled and people with mobility difficulties. The clearway is marked on the road and this restricts other vehicles from parking at the bus stop and blocking access.


How the Project Supports  LTP2 Objectives


7.                  Congestion/Air Quality: Make public transport faster, more reliable and more user friendly.


8.                  Bus stop clearways facilitate easy boarding arrangements for passengers and allow buses to pull into and out of stops quickly, efficiently and safely making public transport more attractive to users.


Financial and Staff Implications


9.                  The cost of installing a bus stop clearway is between £500 and £1000  depending on the length of the clearway. This programme is to be funded as part of the LTP2 capital programme for improvements to Premium Bus Routes.


10.             Work will be undertaken within existing staff resources.




The Committee is RECOMMENDED to agree installation of bus stop clearways at Humfrey Road and Barton Village Road bus stops as set out at Annex 1 to this report.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background Papers:            ‘Oxfordshire County Council Bus Stop Infrastructure Design Guide 2006’


Contact Officer:                     Stu Timms Tel: 01865 815683


August 2007

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