Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 6 September 2007


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Division(s): Banbury (Easington, Neithrop, Ruscote)







Report by Head of Transport


Introduction and Background


1.                  The Banbury Western Corridor Study (see Cabinet Member for Transport Decisions meeting on 14 September 2006) included measures regularising the present sporadic parking that takes place along the corridor.  Other scheme elements progressed in parallel; in particular the Vehicle Activated Signs, aid the main objective of speed management.


2.                  This report details comments received in response to a formal consultation on the proposed parking bays and yellow lines along the Banbury Western Corridor route south of Warwick Road and recommends introduction.




3.                  The scheme occupies the residential estate bordering the route from Bloxham Road to Warwick Road as a south western quadrant of Banbury (Annex 1) (download as .doc file).  Orchard Way is the most northerly section (see plan B3302); Woodgreen the middle section (plan B3301) and Queensway the southern section (plan B3300) (Annex 2 - download as .doc file).




4.                  Consultation on the scheme was carried out by the Oxfordshire Highways between 9 March and 9 April 2007. All frontagers on the routes were consulted along with statutory bodies. There were around 22 responses (summarised at  2) of which 9 are not presently in total agreement. Of these the main objection comes from a localised group of 8 residents around the Kennedy House Flats on Orchard Way.


Officer Comments on Consultation Responses


5.                  Officers are happy that the present plans form a suitable basis to proceed, having managed to reach agreement on several initial problems raised. The strategy for the corridor generally fits the profile of problems being raised by respondents.


6.                  The main consultation issue to be considered is whether the proposed bus layby and 24 hour clearway north of the new Zebra Crossing on Orchard Way is implemented against the wishes of a few residents or whether this particular bus stop is left unprotected by the Traffic Regulation Order.

7.                  The same objection was raised in response to a consultation for a zebra crossing which was considered by the Transport Implementation Committee on 2 February 2006.  Although a clearway is mandatory throughout the day it is considered inadvisable moving it closer to the zebra crossing because it will then impede the vision of pedestrians using the crossing. Officers continue to support the introduction of a clearway.


How the Project Supports LTP Objectives


8.                  The Banbury Western Corridor Study included these measures and the Vehicle Activated Signs as part of a speed management element of the overall strategy.


9.                  The Banbury Western Corridor Study has already enabled the provision of pedestrian improvements to routes used by school children. However, the corridor is long and in practice a great diversity of crossing positions is used by pedestrians, especially school children, in the large boulevard style open area. These measures will improve speed management and safety along this important local route.


10.             The new layout visually narrows the road not just where parked vehicles are located but more generally. Yellow lines are provided on junction corners to ensure that parking too close to the junction does not occur. Where possible individually tailored yellow lines have been included to have the least impact on current parking habits of residents.


Financial and Staff Implications


11.             There are no additional financial implications associated with this recommendation outside its current programmed budget of £8K split between works and staff cost. Staff allocation is contained within current resource levels.




12.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve the implementation of the parking proposals along the Banbury Western Corridor as shown on  plans B0254500/B3300/B3301 and B3302 subject to authorising the Head of Transport to resolve any concerns or comments resulting from the Road Safety Audit process, should any arise.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy

Background papers:            Consultation documentation

Cabinet Member Decisions meeting 14 September 2006 - Banbury Western Corridor Study.

Transport Implementation Committee - 2 February 2006 – Banbury Orchard Way Zebra

Contact Officer:                     David Clough tel: 01865 815743


August 2007


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