Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 6 September 2007


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MINUTES of the meeting held on 19 July 2007 commencing at 10.00 am and finishing at 12.05 pm




Voting Members:                Councillor Ian Hudspeth - in the chair


Councillor David Robertson


Other members in              Councillor Olive McIntosh Stedman (Item 4)

Attendance:                         Councillor Alan Bryden (Item 6)

                                                Councillor Bob Johnston (Items 6, 9,10 and 11)

                                                Councillor Roz Smith (Item 9)

                                                Councillor John Sanders (Item 10)

                                                Councillor Jean Fooks (Item 11)

                                                Councillor Alan Armitage (Item 14(a))




Whole of meeting:           Graham Warrington (Corporate Core); Steve Howell (Environment & Economy)


Part of meeting:


Agenda Item

Officer Attending


Amrik Manku (Environment & Economy)


Jacqui Cox (Environment & Economy)


Louise Harrison (Environment & Economy)

8 & 11

Paul Fermer (Environment & Economy)


David Clough (Environment & Economy)


John Cramer (Environment & Economy)


Peter Ronald and Malcolm Bowler (Environment & Economy)


Caren O’Sullivan and John Boyd (Environment & Economy)



The Committee considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting, and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.





Councillor Bob Johnston declared a personal interest insofar as he was an employee of the Office for National Statistics


10/07         MINUTES


The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 7 June 2007 were approved and signed.




The Committee had before it four petitions referred by Council on 19 June 2007.


Mr S Clark re St Francis School, Horspath Road, Cowley, Oxford


The parents, staff and friends of St Francis School had asked for a traffic order to improve safety for children at the school entrance.  They stated that the slip road leading to the school was regularly congested with parked cars which ignored existing markings and was also used by nearby shops for deliveries.  They believed that the slip road should be made one-way and that parking should be banned on the school side.


Mr Howell advised that work was being undertaken as part of the safe routes to school project.


Mr C Martin - Road Safety in Cuddesdon Way, Blackbird Leys, Oxford


The petition asked for a traffic order to improve safety for children and others by providing a pedestrian crossing on Cuddesdon Way.  The petitioners stated that it had very high traffic flows first thing in the morning and in the evening.  Also the road was used by motorists travelling to Unipart, BMW, the industrial estate and the Bus Company who wished to avoid the BMW roundabout – the heaviest period being when children attending six schools in the area were using the road.


Mr Howell advised that work was being undertaken as part of the safe routes to school project.


Mr N Fell - scrap parking permit charges in Oxford


Mr Fell had presented a petition on behalf of ‘Residents against the Parking Tax’ which sought to scrap parking permit charges in Oxford.


Mr Howell advised that proposals to implement permit parking charges in Oxford were being introduced.


Mr A Sanderson - objecting to the imposition of the North Summertown Controlled Parking Zone in their area


The petition stated that as well as residents of Harpes, Islip and Water Eaton Roads who had objected to the scheme, there were residents from other roads who had also objected.  The petition also stated that there was no perceived problem with commuter parking.


Mr Howell advised that proposals for the North Summertown Controlled Parking Zone were currently being implemented.


He advised that he would respond separately to each petitioner.


Two further petitions were handed in. 


The first (43 signatures) by Sheila Spencer and Anna Benson called for traffic calming measures to be implemented in Beauchamp Lane, Cowley.  Mrs Benson referred to two main concerns relating to damage to the conservation area and the impact of noise and pollution and to safety issues resulting from narrow roads and vehicles mounting the pavement. She also referred to a missing 30 mph sign.


Councillor Olive McIntosh Stedman spoke in support of the petition. Endorsing the comments made by the petitioners she recognised the constraints on the County Council’s budget but emphasised that safety was paramount and urged the Committee to consider favourably their requests.


Thanking Mrs Spencer and Mrs Benson for presenting the petition Councillor Hudspeth referred it to the Head of Transport for consideration and asked him to investigate as a matter of urgency the missing 30 mph sign.


The second petition (142 signatures) was presented by Mark Hull and Ted Dewan on behalf of the voters and residents of Oakthorpe Road, Thorncliffe Road, Beech Croft Road and Moreton Road.  It called on Oxfordshire County Council to have plans and spending commitments in place to support traffic calming schemes for the roads in Summertown which had existed before The Waterways was built, including particular schemes for the streets between the Woodstock and Banbury Roads, so that the money given by Berkeley Homes for those purposes was not repayable by the Council, and thus not to the detriment of local residents and Oxfordshire ratepayers. 


Mr Hull was concerned that developer money, which had been earmarked for traffic calming, would be lost if not spent in 2007.  The Residents Association had drawn up a list of innovative schemes and were now seeking access to the developer funding.


Mr Dewan suggested that the County Council should consider devolving control to local residents who could work in association with County officers to develop these schemes and thereby secure the funding.


Councillor Hudspeth received the petition and referred it to the Head of Transport for consideration.


The following requests to address the meeting had been agreed:




City Councillor Bryan Keen



Mrs Elizabeth Spencer


Mr Harry Handkammer


City Councillor Susannah Pressel

10. Oxford, Phipps Road – Proposed Relocation of Highway Gate



) 13. Stopping up of Highway Land

) Adjacent to A329 Great Haseley


14(a) Policies Regarding Use of Highway – Placement of tables and Chairs on the Highway




(Agenda Item 5)


The Committee considered the eleventh update report (TD5) since December 2002 setting out progress on the status of schemes approved by the former Transport Implementation Committee and more recently the Cabinet Member for Transport.


RESOLVED:         to note the report and progress on each scheme.



(Agenda Item 6)


The Committee considered a report (TD6) which sought agreement to add schemes in Abingdon, Banbury and Carterton to this year’s capital programme to be fully funded from developer contributions. 


Councillor Bryden expressed general agreement with the proposals set out in the report in so far as they referred to Abingdon, welcomed provision of secure cycle stands and expressed support for more signing rather than white lines. However, he queried whether work on the primary network had been completed.


Endorsing the provision of signing rather than white lines and secure cycle stands Councillor Johnston urged that the County Council liaise with both Abingdon Town Council and the Vale of White Horse District Council and advised that Cothill was part of the parish of Dry Sandford.


Councillor Hudspeth confirmed that there would be full consultation with the Town and District Councils.


Mrs Cox confirmed that in the light of comments made by Councillor Bryden officers would look again at the primary network in Abingdon.


RESOLVED:         to authorise the addition of the following developer funded schemes for inclusion in the capital programme for development this year and implementation over 2007/08 and 2008/09: 


(a)         Abingdon secondary cycle network;


(b)          Abingdon secure cycle parking facilities;


(c)          Cothill, Dry Sandford weight limit signs;


(d)          identification of pedestrian and cyclist facilities along Broughton Road, Banbury; and


(e)         on-line improvements to the B4477 from Monahan Way/Minster Road roundabout, Carterton to the A40. 



(Agenda item 7)


Oxfordshire County Council had entered into an Agency Agreement with Cherwell District Council in April 2007 in order to provide a residents parking scheme in selected streets in Bicester.  The Committee now considered objections and representations received in response to a public consultation on a proposal for such a scheme together with comments from Cherwell District Council who had previously considered the responses and who would be responsible for implementation of the Scheme.


RESOLVED:                     to:


(a)          authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Various Roads Bicester)(Parking) Order 200* as advertised subject to:


(i)            minor variations referred to in the Annex to the report TD7;  and

(ii)           the addition of properties at 60(a) and 62(a) North Street as referred to in paragraph 3 (a) of the report TD7;


(b)          endorse the decision by Cherwell District Council to review the scheme 12 months after implementation.



(Agenda Item 8)


The Committee had before it a report (TD8) which considered provision of a new bus stop in the light of objections from those residents affected and assessed those objections against the need for improved Premium Bus Routes.


RESOLVED:         to approve installation of a new bus stop on Buckingham Road, Bicester as set out in the Annex to the report TD8.



(Agenda Item 9)


The Committee considered a report (TD9) which examined responses received to a consultation to permanently close the access gap between the westbound A40 and the service road outside McDonalds at Headington Roundabout.


Councillor Roz Smith asked that the temporary closure be extended in order that its effect on local businesses and residents could be properly gauged. She also called for further and a much wider consultation and improvements to local subways.


Councillor Johnston endorsed the comments made by Councillor Smith.


Mr Clough advised that the traffic situation following completion of works at the main roundabout the local road system seemed to be operating favourably with no real delays.  He was aware of the views of local traders but remained of the view that it would be difficult to justify opening the gap now that the main roundabout was operating so efficiently.


Councillor Robertson stated that rat running had been prevalent before closure but that seemed to have diminished.  The perception was that the roads were much safer and traffic flowed more freely and he supported permanent closure.


Councillor Hudspeth added that the consultation undertaken by officers had been thorough and complete and in view of the stated improvements in traffic flow and safety he endorsed Councillor Robertson’s view regarding permanent closure.  He would also ask officers to consider what improvements might be made to the local subway network.


RESOLVED:         to confirm that the access gap between the Roundway and the A40 should remain closed and that a Traffic Order be promoted to achieve permanent closure.



(Agenda Item 10)


The Committee considered a report (TD10) setting out responses received to a public consultation on a proposal to relocate the highway gate located in Bailey Road to Phipps Road.


City Councillor Bryan Keen presented a petition containing 76 signatures in support of relocating the gate to Phipps Road. He referred to his supplementary report which had been tabled with the addenda sheet and to discrepancies between the results of the County Council’s consultation and that undertaken by the City Council which had had a greater return ratio the majority (58%) of whom had supported relocation with 28% in favour of the current location.  Surveys had shown that that there was a significant level of vehicular movement with a relatively high number of vehicles exceeding 30 mph which would be largely solved by relocating the gate.  If the gate was not relocated then the County Council would need to consider how that identified speeding problem could be addressed. The Cowley Area Committee had undertaken to pay all costs of relocation.


Councillor John Sanders endorsed much of what Councillor Keen had said and stressed the need for the County Council to find an alternative solution to address the speeding problem.


Councillor Johnston agreed that something needed to be done and that on balance the officer recommendation represented the least worst option.


Mr Cramer advised that the County Council’s consultation had been extensive with 260 letters sent out with a great deal of interest  shown by residents from day one of that consultation. 


RESOLVED:         that a decision on the relocation of the highway gate from Bailey Road to Phipps Road as illustrated in Annex 1 to this report TD10 be deferred pending consideration by and formal receipt of the views of the Cowley Area Committee.



(Agenda Item 11)


The Committee considered (TD11) proposals to acquire land for a County Council scheme on Banbury Road in Summertown through compulsory purchase should that prove necessary.


Supporting the proposal Councillor Fooks asked if this would be funded from those funds allocated to the Summertown scheme and hoped that this could be achieved without resort to CPO powers.


Mr Fermer advised that it was within the funding allocated to the Summertown scheme. 


RESOLVED:         to authorise the making of a compulsory purchase order for the acquisition of the land shown coloured on drawing number G4200 & G4201 and to authorise officers to undertake all necessary procedures in connection with the making and publication of the order and its confirmation by the Secretary of State or (if the Secretary of State issued a notice to that effect) by the Council as an unopposed order.



(Agenda Item 12


The Committee considered a report (TD12) detailing responses received to a formal proposal to amend waiting restrictions in the vicinity of the Railway Station and centre of Goring. 


Councillor John Farrow expressed support for the scheme. 


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve the amended proposals set out on Plan Nos. 12.6.227/MB/1, 4, 7, 8 and 11; and


(b)          authorise the works required to implement the proposals.



(Agenda Item 13)


The Committee considered a report (TD13) which sought approval for an application by Countax Ltd to the Magistrates for the stopping up of a section of the public highway adjacent to A329 Great Haseley which had been identified as being surplus to highway requirements and, therefore, unnecessary as highway.


Mrs Spencer informed the Committee that her business partner had recently died and that probate had not yet been granted.  In the circumstances she requested that the item be adjourned.


Councillor Hudspeth advised that he and Councillor Robertson had taken those circumstances into account but as the Committee were at this stage only deciding on whether to make application to the Magistrates Court and that therefore the Committee would proceed with consideration of the report.  He invited Mrs Spencer to make a further submission.


She stated that removal of the access would severely limit the opportunities to diversify her business. Currently only agricultural access was available but unlimited access would be needed for their animal and pet food store.  The alternative would be to take trafffic through the village which they did not want to do.  A planning application would be required but because of the circumstances regarding her partner that had not yet been done.  She advised that Countax had replaced the hedge with fencing and gated the access which whilst preventing unauthorised access also prevented their access.


Mr Handkammer advised that Countax had been operating at the site since 1984.  The local community and Parish Council were happy with the Company using the rear of the building. The alternative would be to move equipment next to the footpath and that was not as acceptable.  There had been problems with unauthorised access in the past but access to the farm had always been maintained.  The current proposal represented the best solution for the village.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          authorise the Solicitor to the Council to make application to the Magistrates under section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 for the stopping up of the highway as shown on drawing No. 786/G174 on the grounds that it was unnecessary as highway subject to:


(1)               the reservation of footpath rights over the two areas shown on drawing no. 786/G174 which were to be permanently marked on the ground all at the expense of Countax Ltd;


(2)               the dedication and satisfactory provision of the connecting footpath with any associated signage, stiles etc. by and at the expense of Countax Ltd. as shown on drawing No. 786/G174;


(3)               the satisfactory provision of the alternative field access and signage all at the expense of Countax Ltd;


(b)          declare surplus to the County Council’s requirements as local highway authority any interest the Council might have in the area of land (404sq. m. or thereabouts) shown small cross hatched on drawing no. 786/G175 subject to the road being stopped up by the Magistrates.



(Agenda Item 14)


(a)   Placement of Tables and Chairs on the Highway


       The Committee considered a report (TD14(a)) setting out a policy to govern the placement of tables and chairs on the highway.


       City Councillor Pressel supported the general aims of the policy  but was concerned that Section 3(d) might be to rigid.  She also considered that Sections 3(f) and 4(a) needed further clarification.  She hoped that the City Council would be involved in this work but that in any event it would retain responsibility to administer policies in respect of prohibited streets.  She asked the County Council to reconsider current arrangements in Broad Street where the reserved 24 hour loading and unloading restriction detracted from the street scene and consider possibly restricting deliveries to before 10 am and after 4 pm as an alternative.


Supporting these moves in principle Councillor Fooks and endorsed the comments made by Councillor Pressel and called for more flexibility and co-operation with the City Council and other interested parties.


Councillor Armitage asked whether the City Council had been formally consulted.  Supporting the general presumption in 3(d) he was also concerned that the policy as drafted might then be to restrictive and referred to the error regarding prohibited streets.  He also raised the issue of charges for other items such as bins, planters and barriers.


Mr Howell advised that a separate policy existed for barriers and A boards on the highway.  He confirmed that there had been discussions with City Council officers aimed at achieving a consistent approach in order to assist all agencies.  However, in the light of some of the concerns expressed he agreed that some redrafting might be beneficial.  


Councillor Robertson agreed that certain sections of the policy needed redrafting and with Councillor Hudspeth’s agreement it was -


RESOLVED:                        to defer consideration of the proposed Policy as set out at Annex 1 to the report TD14 (a) in order to resolve specific concerns regarding:


(i)                 clarification of exceptions to those parts of the highway that could be used (Section 3(d));


(ii)               clarification of how applications were to be made and processed (Section 3(f)).


(b)   Filming on the Highway


The Committee considered a report (TD14(b)) setting out proposals for a policy to provide a consistent approach to dealing with enquiries to film on or in the vicinity of the highway.


RESOLVED:                        to adopt the Policy attached at Annex 1 to the report TD14(b).




................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2007


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