Meeting documents

Transport Decisions Committee
Thursday, 2 July 2009


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Division(s): Kidlington & Yarnton








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The C43 Bicester Road, Gosford is part of the County Council’s premium bus route network. Bus services along this route currently experience delays on the approach to the Kidlington roundabout heading towards Oxford. 


2.                  For approximately 230m prior to Kidlington roundabout along the C43 Bicester Road there are currently two lanes for traffic use. It is proposed to make the easternmost lane (lane 1) into a bus lane to tie in with the existing bus lane on the Kidlington roundabout, as shown diagrammatically at Annex 1 (download as .pdf file). Drawing No. D&I/A1/0332 showing the proposal in full will be available at the meeting. This report seeks approval for officers to proceed with detailed design and implementation of the bus lane and approval to make the bus lane order.


3.                  It is proposed that the bus lane would be road markings only and not coloured with red surfacing.




4.                  The C43 Bicester Road, Gosford has seen bus service reliability affected on the approach to the Kidlington roundabout during morning peak periods. In 2006 the Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council raised safety concerns on the way buses accessed the roundabout from the C43 Bicester Road. Their observations were that buses overtook traffic queuing in the left-hand lane on the approach to the Kidlington roundabout and then cut back into that lane on the roundabout to join the existing Oxford bound bus lane. The Public Transport Development Team therefore decided to commission a project to look at the feasibility of a bus lane on the C43 and if viable to implement one.




5.                  Traffic surveys have been undertaken during peak times in order to assess queue lengths on the C43 Bicester Road on its approach to Kidlington Roundabout. An initial survey undertaken on 4 February 2008 showed that there was no substantial queue. Site observations did however show that queue lengths were substantially longer than the survey suggested. Further surveys were undertaken on 31 March to 2 April 2009. These survey results are reproduced at Annex 2 (a), (b), and (c) (download as .xls file), respectively. Comments on the survey results are included at Annex 2(d) (download as .doc file).  




6.                  An informal consultation on the proposals was carried out between 21 January and 13 February 2009. Letters were sent to the Emergency Services, local County Councillors, Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council, Cherwell District Council, Cycle Groups, Bus Companies and J Sainsbury PLC. 16 letters were sent out and 7 responses received -  6 in favour and 1 objecting. A summary of the comments received can be seen at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).


7.                  Thames Valley Police had no ‘in principle’ objections to the proposals but carried out their own investigations which concluded that although there were no safety concerns raised by the proposals, there were some questions as to whether the proposal would operate successfully due to the increased queue length at the roundabout. Also the bus lane could be open to abuse and there could be calls for enforcement if wholesale abuse occurred.


8.                  Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council raised concerns that the proposal would not provide two entry lanes into the roundabout for general traffic. It was the Parish Council’s view that with only one entry lane for general traffic; lengthy queues would build up on C43 Bicester Road. Therefore they would object to the proposal if a second entry lane was not provided.


9.                  Formal Consultation on the Traffic Regulation Order for the proposed bus lane was carried out between 26 March and 24 April 2009. All parties consulted during the informal consultation (see paragraph 4), were re-consulted plus all other statutory consultees. Copies of the public notice appeared in the Oxford Times and the Oxford Herald series and notices posted along the affected road.  


10.             Overall 25 bodies and individuals were consulted. 7 responses were received - 6 in favour and 1 objecting. Several issues were raised and these are summarised along with officer comment at Annex 4 (download as .doc file). Copies of the correspondence are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


11.             Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council again raised concerns that no second traffic lane was proposed at the entry to the roundabout. They also feel that there is a general increase in traffic. Another issue raised was that if the proposals for a new recycling centre and railway station near the Water Eaton Park & Ride were to go ahead it could lead to an increase in traffic volumes along the Bicester Road. This increases the need to “protect” bus service journey times with a bus lane.


12.             At the time of drafting this report, no response had been received from local County Councillors.


Officer Comments


13.             Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council have objected to the proposal as only a single entry lane for general traffic is being provided into the roundabout. Following the Parish Council’s initial objection at the informal consultation stage consideration was given to providing a second entry lane. This is shown at Annex 5 (download as .pdf file). While physically the second lane can be provided due to its short length it is unlikely to provide any benefit. (Annex 6 - download as .doc file)


14.             Traffic currently using the offside lane accounts for approximately 25% of the total traffic approaching the roundabout. Delays to traffic in the offside lane are minimal and this is reflected in the queue lengths. With the layout shown at Annex 5, the vast majority of the traffic that would use the short length of traffic lane created by widening would have to queue in the single lane leading to it. At present this traffic has a free run to the roundabout. No detailed costs have been made for the proposal for widening but as there is significant carriageway widening and potentially utility equipment to be relocated, the cost would be in the region of £100,000. No budget allocation is available for this work. It is considered that undertaking the widening as shown at Annex 5 would not provide value for money.


15.             The Parish Council have also raised concerns that the proposal does not address possible increases in the traffic flow due to potential developments. If these developments proceed any mitigation works required due to increased traffic will be met by the developers and should be put in place before the developments are completed.  This is outside the scope and timescales for this project.


16.             It is proposed that a trial of coning off the nearside lane will be undertaken and monitored to alleviate the concerns of the Parish Council.  The results of this will be reported at the meeting.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


17.             The aims of the scheme are to:


(a)               improve bus journey times, make travel by bus more reliable and attractive, thus encouraging greater bus use; and

(b)               address known safety problems.


18.             These aims will assist the County Council in delivery its LTP2 objectives, in particular contributing to tackling congestion, road safety and air quality objectives


Financial and staffing Implications


19.             The current estimated cost of the scheme is £8,000 and will be fully funded from secured developer contributions obtained via Section 106 from Sainsbury’s Superstore.


20.             Resources for this project will be undertaken with existing staffing levels.




21.             The Committee is RECOMMENDED:


(a)               to approve implementation of the proposed bus lane scheme, as shown on the plan numbered D&I/A1/0322 (to be displayed at the meeting), subject to the outcome of the trial referred to in paragraph 16 of the report; and


(b)              that subject to (a) above to approve the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (A4260 Kidlington) (Bus Lane) (Variation No 2) Order 200* and authorise the Head of Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Transport Implementation and Growth & Infrastructure, to resolve any concerns or comments which might arise from the detailed design stage or road safety audit process.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation


Contact Officer:                     Jane Clark Tel: 01865 815721


July 2009


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