Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 29 August 2003


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Report by the Head of Finance


  1. In May 2002 the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister published the initial findings of the Stocktake exercise of the Local Government Pension Scheme. To progress this exercise into a second phase the ODPM reported that it would issue a series of discussion papers on key areas, which would demand further analysis and consultation.
  2. To date two discussion papers have been circulated. The first sought responses on how a more flexible benefit package, particularly for new employees, might be developed. The second examined the scope for further simplification of the Scheme’s legal framework. Both these papers have previously been presented to this Committee. Comments on both these papers are in the process of being analysed and reported to Ministers.
  3. This report considers a third discussion paper, which proposes to introduce a LGPS regulation requiring administering authorities to prepare a funding strategy statement, which will identify the approach to be taken to meet their scheme’s pension liabilities going forward.
  4. Discussion Paper – Proposals for a Funding Strategy Statement (FSS)

  5. The discussion paper is attached as an annex to this report. In summary the purpose of the funding strategy statement would be to "provide for each contributing LGPS employer a transparent indication of the proposed long term management of their funds liabilities linked to the actuarial valuation".
  6. It is the intention that such a statement "would improve the transparency and accountability in the long term management of employers’ liabilities by each administering authority and would allow for the introduction of a publicly available strategy to deal with on-going employers’ pensions liabilities"
  7. Paragraph 11 of the discussion paper says the FSS could support the regulatory requirement to maintain constant employer contribution rates and encourage administering authorities to take a prudent longer-term view of their liabilities.
  8. Paragraph 13 of the discussion paper provides a useful summary of the issues that might be included within an FSS. These are: -

    • The purpose of the fund.
    • The target solvency rate
    • The overall aims of the fund
    • The approach to balancing solvency and smoothing
    • The identification of risks
    • What action would be required in response to adverse/positive outcomes
    • Links to investment policy set out in the funds’ Statement of Investment Principles (SIP)
    • An appropriate funding strategy
    • Monitoring arrangements
    • Consultation and communication with participating employers and other interested parties.

Officers’ initial comments on the discussion paper

  1. Officers take the view that making the long-term management of the employers’ liabilities more accountable and transparent would be a positive and desirable measure. It would not only be desirable with regards to all the employing bodies within the Pension Fund but also in the context of the increasing scale of public interest in pensions. It would assist council taxpayers to understand the "connectivity between pension provision, their costs, budgets and resources, service provision and council tax bills"
  2. It is not clear from the discussion paper whether the wording "each contributing LGPS employer" relates to the administering authority only or all employing bodies within a fund. If it were the latter then there would need to be an extensive consultation exercise with all the fifty or so employing bodies within the Fund. There would undoubtedly be major differences on the individual outcomes e.g. each employing body would have its own smoothing and solvency rate.
  3. Even if it is the intention that Oxfordshire County Council as the Administering Authority would be responsible for drawing up the FSS then it would still be reasonable to expect some degree of consultation with the other major contributors into the Fund. A one-size fits all FSS might be difficult to achieve. For example whilst a local government employing body is probably able to take a long term view on its liabilities an admitted body might be working to a much shorter time horizon, especially where services have been outsourced for specific contractual periods
  4. A further concern is how a funding strategy, which should take into account such issues as liabilities, solvency and risk, would operate in practice for a diverse set of employers with varying average age profiles and maturity levels. For example at the last actuarial valuation there were huge differences in the active membership of employing bodies e.g.. Oxfordshire County Council 53%, Thames Valley Magistrates’ Courts Committee 73% and South Oxfordshire District Council 24%.
  5. If this policy were implemented then some form of guidance would be necessary from an appropriate professional body such as the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.
  6. Timetable for Consultation

  7. The discussion paper says that subject to the outcome of the consultation exercise the objective would be that the new provisions would be in place from 1 April 2004 and the Statement effective from 1 April 2005.
  8. Any responses to the Discussion Paper must be sent to the Local Government Pensions Division of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister by no later than 22 September 2003.

  10. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to endorse the officers’ comments as set out in paragraphs 8 to 12, add any of their own, and to instruct the officers to send these comments to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister before the consultation deadline.

Head of Finance

Background Papers: Local Government Pension Scheme - Proposals for a Funding Strategy Statement Consultation Paper, ODPM

Contact Officer Tony Wheeler, Pension Fund Investments Manager. Tel (01865) 815287

August 2003

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