Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Wednesday, 27 August 2008


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Report by Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer




1.                  This dependent member has been in receipt of a child’s pension since the death of his father in 1991. Payment of this pension has continued during his gap year and time at university whilst studying to become a qualified architect.


Current Request


2.                  The member has now written saying that he believes his entitlement to the child’s pension benefit is now at an end since he has completed his sixth year and has just started a full time, fully paid, position in an architectural practice.


3.                  However, in order to become qualified he must complete another, final, course whilst working full time. This course, via Chester University, is a long distance course involving monthly study packs and two four day intensive study weekends. This final stage in an architect’s training is the starting point of full professional status.


4.                  The letter concludes that the previous support  has been very much appreciated and without wishing to abuse the system would be very appreciative if the financial support could continue during this last stage.


Regulatory Provisions


5.                  The 1997 regulations provide for the payment of a child’s pension to an eligible child if he is under age 17 or, has since age 17 been engaged continuously in full-time education or in training for a trade, profession or vocation.


6.                  In 2006 statutory instrument 966 amended this provision for pensions coming into payment after 5 April 2006 so that the pension payments would only continue whilst the child is aged under 23.


7.                  Whilst this change to the regulations does not apply in this current case, the recipient of this child’s pension is now age 26 and in full time paid employment hence the officer’s recommendation to cease payment of this child’s pension from completion of the last year of university in June 2008.




8.                  The Committee is RECOMMENDED to agree that no further payments should be made in respect of this child’s pension.




Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer


Background papers: Nil


Contact Officer:         Sally Fox Tel: 01865 797111


August 2008


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