Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 27 August 2004


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Division(s): N/A




Report by Head of Finance


  1. The transitional regulations brought forward certain provisions from earlier regulations to allow continued use after the 1997 LGPS Regulations revoked the general regulations. One of the provisions under these transitional regulations was to allow ex scheme members to take advantage of a change of entitlement which had occurred after they had left local government employment and taken a refund of contributions. Those who meet the conditions, specified below, can with Administering Authority agreement repay the refund of contributions made to them plus interest and count the period of service in their new employment.
  2. The conditions to be met are:

    1. S/he left a local government employment after 31 March 1974 and before 1 January 1980 with less that 5 years’ total membership;
    2. A return of contributions for that employment was made to him /her; and
    3. S/he has subsequently begun another local government employment (whether before or after the commencement date) in which s/he is an active member.

  3. Repayment must be made within a period of 6 months of his/her return to local government or such longer period as the Administering Authority who returned the contributions and, if different, his appropriate Administering Authority in his/her new employment may allow.
  4. Current Request

  5. We have now received a request from Dorset County Council asking whether Oxfordshire County Council would allow a previous fund member to make a repayment of their refund.
  6. This request was not made until a year after starting employment with Dorset County Council. However Dorset will agree to the repayment being made.
  7. We also received a second request from an active scheme member who is affected by this regulation and wishes to make a repayment.
  8. Procedures

  9. No evidence exists to determine whether a decision has been made under this regulation in the past.
  10. This report is submitted in order to regularise our procedures and to have a properly reviewable policy in place.

  12. The Committee is ASKED to:
          1. decide whether it wishes to extend the 6-month period for repayment;
          2. decide whether cases should be referred to Committee for decision.

Head of Finance

Background Papers: Nil

Contact Officers: Sally Fox Tel: (0865) 816080

August 2004

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