Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Wednesday, 25 February 2009



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Write Off’s


Report by Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer




1.                  In November 2007 a change was made to the Scheme of Financial Delegations to allow write offs, under £7,500, chargeable to the pension fund to be approved by the Assistant Head of Finance (Shared Services) acting as Director and the Head of Finance (Corporate Finance) acting as s151 Officer.  Under the Scheme of Financial Delegation, such write offs need to be reported to this Committee for information.


2.                  For debts between £7,500 and £10,000 chargeable to the pension fund approval would need to be sought from the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer.  These write offs will also need to be reported to this Committee for information.


3.                  Debts in excess of £10,000 would require approval of the Pension Fund Committee.


Current Cases


4.                  The Assistant Head of Finance (Shared Services) and the Assistant Head of Finance (Corporate Finance) have approved the write off of £868.29, chargeable to the pension fund, in respect of five cases, which have arisen for the following reasons:


·        Member died 2004 – Pension Services were not notified of death. Eventual confirmation from DWP by which time solicitors had finalised the estate. Advised by Legal to write off overpayment of £511.64.

·        Member died – family advised Pension Services but no monies in the estate other than funeral expenses. Write off overpayment of £47.35.

·        Member died – no notification from family but subsequently told no monies in the estate other than funeral expenses.  Advised by Legal to write off overpayment of £253.22.

·        Member died – no notification from family. Letter asking for repayment has been returned. Cost of a trace would outweigh debt. Write off overpayment of £17.44.

·        Child’s pension overpaid due to an administrative error. No response to letters requesting repayment. Advised by Legal to write off £38.64.




5.                  The Committee is RECOMMENDED to note this report.





Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer


Background papers:         Nil


Contact Officer:                 Sally Fox, Pension Services Manager Tel: (01865) 797111


February 2009


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