Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 24 May 2002





Report by Director for Business Support & County Treasurer


  1. The Review on Institutional Investment in the UK, better known as the Myners Review, concluded with a set of Principles that pension scheme trustees were recommended to use when looking at their investment policy. The review suggests that the application of these ten Principles will enhance the quality of trustees’ decision making.
  2. The Government’s response to this review is that they would be applied to the Local Government Pension Scheme by means of a combination of amendments to the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations and authoritative guidance developed by CIPFA.
  3. We have now received detailed guidance notes from CIPFA, and these have already been circulated to members. The following report considers the ten principles and assesses how closely the Oxfordshire Pension Fund complies with these.
  4. At the time this report went to print we were still awaiting amending regulations from the DTLR. The amending regulation will require administering authorities to publish details of the extent to which they already comply with the ten principles, and to give justification where this is not the case. Furthermore, the new regulation will require authorities to publish these details within 3 months of the regulation coming into force.
  5. Assessment of current compliance with the Principles

  6. Annex 1 provides a compliance checklist, which has been extracted from pages 4 and 5 of the CIPFA Guidance. We have graded how the Oxfordshire Pension Fund fares, against each checkpoint, under three different headings i.e. fully complied with, partially complied with and not complied with at all.
  7. On the whole the first principle, "effective decision taking", is being achieved. Officers are exploring various options on member training. Four members have been booked places to attend the forthcoming LGC Members’ Role in Pensions Seminar and we have written to the NAPF (National Association of Pension Funds) expressing an interest in attending their local government member training courses, which they intend holding during the summer. We will also consider the possibility of in-house training.
  8. It is recommended by Myners that an annual business plan is drawn up for a pension fund and that this should not only contain financial estimates for the investment and administration of the fund, but should also include appropriate provision for training. At the moment we produce an annual budget for investment and administration expenses but we have no formal training programme. We recommend drawing up an annual business plan, which will probably go to the February meeting each year.
  9. All the issues under the second and third principles "Clear Objectives" and "Focus on asset allocation" have recently been considered and are now being addressed as a result of the asset liability exercise.
  10. Oxfordshire is mostly achieving principle four on "Expert advice", though there are areas that could be improved upon. The Oxfordshire Fund has its own Independent Financial Adviser and has recently ensured that advice on investment issues is not confined to its Actuary. However, the principles recommend that a separate contract should be in place for the Actuary, which is not the position at the moment. We would recommend that the Fund’s actuarial arrangements are reviewed and that we should formally go out to tender in the summer of 2003.
  11. Principle five "Explicit mandates". Myners recommends that in future mandates should be more "instructional" in their content "covering the objective, asset allocation, benchmark flexibility, risk parameters, performance targets and measurement timescales". It is also recommended that contracts should specify the types of investments that the local government pension regulations allow.
  12. Although the managers currently operate under detailed management agreements not all of the issues described in paragraph 10 above are included in the mandates. We intend to address this issue over the next twelve months, in the light of the management structure review.
  13. Regarding soft commissions we have not stated the reasons why these are permitted. However, Schroders stopped the practice of using soft commissions from 1 January 2002 and Deutsche are in the process of phasing these out.
  14. Principle 6 covers the subject of Activism. This is not solely concerned with a pension fund’s voting arrangements but also that its managers are being proactive in their dealings with company managements. Myners recommends "trustees should ensure that managers have an explicit strategy, elucidating the circumstances in which they intervene in a company, the approach they will use in doing so, and how they measure the effectiveness of this strategy." There is currently a lot of discussion on this issue and we anticipate that there will be further clarification on this.
  15. All the issues under Principle seven "Appropriate benchmarks " have either been or are being addressed.
  16. Principle eight concerns "Performance measurement". Regarding investment performance the Oxfordshire Fund subscribes to both CAPS and the WM Local Authority investment measurement services. Detailed performance figures and charts for three month to five-year periods are considered at quarterly meetings. CAPS also provide an annual report on investment performance, which provides a detailed analysis on stock selection skills, asset allocation, market timing, investment turnover and activity, and comparisons of Oxfordshire’s portfolio manager with their House performance.
  17. A formal review of management arrangements is made during each county council election cycle and we are currently undertaking an extensive investment management review.
  18. Principle nine also discusses the desirability of assessing consultants, which we do not currently do on a formal basis. As previously mentioned in paragraph 9 we are recommending that we carry out a formal tender process for actuarial services in the summer of 2003.
  19. Principle nine addresses the question of "transparency". CIPFA is currently drawing up a revised guidance on what should be included in a pension fund’s SIP (Statement of Investment Principles). The new guidance, to be published sometime this year, is expected to pick up all the issues discussed under principle nine. We intend waiting for the new guidelines before proceeding on this issue.
  20. Principle ten considers "regular reporting". Emphasis is placed on the importance of the SIP and its availability to pension scheme members. The Oxfordshire annual report and accounts, which is available to all members within the pension scheme, includes the SIP. We are also currently investigating setting up a pensions page on the Council’s website, which will enable us to include the SIP, any updates or other topical issues.
  21.   Conclusion

  22. Overall the Oxfordshire Pension Fund appears to be complying with the ten principles, with a few minor exceptions. The recent asset liability study and the forthcoming management structure review addresses many of the issues laid down in the principles. We recommend the drawing up of an annual business plan, which would encompass member-training needs. We also recognise the need for the Pension Fund to tender for its actuarial services, which we intend to do sometime during the next eighteen months.
  23. Before updating the Fund’s SIP (Statement of Investment Principles) we will await the revised guidelines currently being drawn up by the CIPFA Pensions Panel. We are also awaiting amending regulations from the DTLR, which should be published anytime now.

  25. The Committee are RECOMMENDED:
          1. to ask Officers to draw up an annual business plan, which should contain financial estimates for the investment and administration of the Pension Fund and appropriate provision for member training;
          2. to ask officers to carry out a formal tender process for the Fund’s actuarial services in the summer of 2003.

Director for Business Support & County Treasurer

Background Papers: CIPFA Guidance – Principles for Investment Decision Making in the Local Government Pension Scheme in the United Kingdom.

Contact Officer: Tony Wheeler, Loans and Investments Manager. Tel: (01865) 815287

May 2002

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