Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 23 May 2003


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Report by Head of Finance


Asset Liability Study

  1. At the beginning of 2002 the Pension Fund Committee appointed its Actuary, Watson Wyatt, to carry out an asset liability study for the Pension Fund. The main purpose of the study was to agree an investment asset allocation which best matched the liability profile of the Pension Fund.
  2. The main conclusion of the asset liability study was the need to reduce the amount held in UK equities and to increase the amounts held in Fixed Interest Bonds and Index linked gilts. Bonds are seen as a better match than equities for pension payments whilst index linked gilts accommodate the fact that pension benefits are increased annually in line with changes in the retail price index.
  3. Following the study and at a special meeting in April 2002, the Committee agreed the new investment asset structure as set out in Annex 1 (download as .xls file). The question as to whether the Pension Fund should have a 2% weighting in hedge funds has still to be resolved but the Independent Financial Adviser will advise the Committee on this issue later year.
  4. At the May 2002 Pension Fund Committee meeting it was agreed that Schroders and Deutsche Asset Management should phase in the new asset structure over the nine-month period ended 31 March 2003.
  5. Annex 1 (download as .xls file) also compares the Pension Fund’s actual asset weightings as at 31 March 2002 and 31 March 2003 with the newly agreed customised benchmark. This shows that the asset restructuring has broadly been achieved.
  6. Appointment of ABN AMRO Mellon

  7. At the February 2003 Pension Fund Committee meeting it was reported that officers had appointed PSolve to assist them in the tendering arrangements and appointment of a global custodian. At the same meeting it was resolved that the Director for Business Support and County Treasurer, with the advice of the Independent Financial Adviser, should agree the appointment of a global custodian, for a period of three years, commencing from 1 April 2003.
  8. PSolve advised us that only a handful of custodians were adequately resourced to manage a large institutional pension fund and consequently only seven custodians were invited to tender. Two of these declined to tender on the grounds that the account was too small. Of the remaining five custodians three were short-listed.
  9. Mr Bushell, Mr Wheeler and a representative from PSolve interviewed the short listed candidates in London, on 28 February, 2003. Following the interviews ABN AMRO Mellon was appointed.
  10. ABN AMRO Mellon quoted the lowest fee of the five custodians that tendered but this was not the sole reason why they were appointed. Their organisational strength, total assets under custody and real-time online web-based services were considered to be strong points. They had also recently picked up other local authority mandates, including Worcestershire County Council and we felt that they demonstrated a strong commitment to the local authority pension fund sector.
  11. Transfer of Assets

  12. The custody management agreement has been agreed and signed by both parties. ABN AMRO Mellon was officially appointed, on an initial three-year contract, from 1 April 2003.
  13. During April 2003 the Pension Fund’s assets were successfully transferred from the two incumbent custodians to ABN AMRO Mellon.

  15. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to note the report.

Head of Finance

Background Papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Tony Wheeler, Pension Fund Investments Manager Tel (01865) 815287

May 2003.

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