Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 21 May 2004


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Report by the Head of Finance


  1. The Best Value review of Pension Services recommended that Pension Services should be brought back "in-house" to Oxfordshire County Council and that a programme of service improvements and cost savings should be implemented in the two years after the relocation of the team.
  2. The team returned to Oxfordshire County Council on 1 April 2003. All members of the team transferred and the structure in place at the time of transfer, which we have retained, is shown at Appendix 1 (download as .doc file).
  3. The Administration Manager has resigned and will be leaving in mid-June 2004. Therefore it is an appropriate time to consider our workload and staffing issues.
  4. Staffing Structure

  5. There are two teams within the "administration" of the Pension Fund Services. The technical team deal with the system administration, all updates to the software, pension payroll, year-end, valuation, fire service pensions and divorce. This supports the other administration team. There are 3 team members and the manager, whose long pensions experience, is key to supporting and developing the systems to implement our Best Value programme. This manager consistently works in excess of 45 hours per week in order to meet demands placed upon her and her team.
  6. The administration team deal with all scheme administration and calculation and payment of benefits. The administration team is where there has been a significant staff turnover and resulting lack of experience. The Administration Manager (who works 0.60 FTE) manages the team.
  7. Issues for Consideration

  8. There had been a relatively high turnover of staff at Liberata and consequently the team who transferred were on the whole relatively inexperienced. There were also further, expected resignations shortly after transfer of the team. Therefore there was an urgent training need to be addressed. To date we have moved one of the experienced staff into a full time training role, created a programme of job rotation and invested in professional training.
  9. Development plans arising from the Best Value review have started to be implemented. Our major achievement has been the document imaging of the pension records, although the way in which this was done needed to be altered to accommodate the office move and fit the team into the space available. Until the next main development of introducing Task Management is complete we will not have the systems in place to be able to meet other requirements under Best Value.
  10. Backlogs of work have long been an issue for Pensions Services. Longer serving team members pinpoint the introduction of part time members to the scheme in 1995 as the point at which backlogs of work became a permanent feature. This has been compounded over the years by lack of investment in the team, loss of experienced members of staff and lack of training. The implementation of the Best Value development plan has contributed to this backlog. Work was delayed in the period whilst files were scanned and returned to us. In addition we had to introduce new procedures and train staff to use document imaging. The backlogs of work were not recognised within the Best Value review and this coupled with the reduction in costs has put further pressure on resources.
  11. The changes arising from the introduction of SAP with new working processes in the departments and the different ways in which information is transferred between systems has also created a huge amount of additional work, adding to the backlogs within Pensions Services.
  12. Best Value also required the team to make cost savings. As a result our budget was carefully monitored from day one. Prior to transfer to Oxfordshire County Council regular overtime had been worked to help address the above issues. This stopped on transfer. We have also been required to work with the parameters of the flexi scheme.
  13. Frequent changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme regulations only add to our workloads and changes are often confirmed with a short time between this and the implementation date. Recent regulation changes were issued on 10 March for implementation on 1 April. These changes are complex and far-reaching and will require significant changes to working practices. All forms, leaflets need to be reviewed and, possibly, rewritten to reflect the legislative changes. Employers need to be informed of changes to legislation and work processes. Although we knew what had been included in the consultation papers there was no indication of what changes were actually included in the regulations until we received them.
  14. There has been an increase in the number of complaints received mainly as a result of the delays in responding to enquiries.
  15. There are also concerns that failure to clear these backlogs will expose Oxfordshire County Council to potential fines under the regulations.
  16. This year is valuation year and so there are additional pressures placed upon the team.
  17. Way Forward

  18. To address the issues facing the team and in particular, the current backlog of work, and the need to create capacity to invest in the system / process changes to make us more effective in the future, we are seeking:
  19. A suitable replacement for the Administration Manager post, to have greater experience of the regulations and to be able to support both the team (in dealing with the backlog and workflow to prevent backlogs arising in the future) and work in partnership with the Technical Manager in developing the system changes. Therefore suggest that this needs to be on a full-time basis.
  20. Additional funding for a new post within the technical side of the team, so that system development can be implemented alongside other more routine work.
  21. An increase in the overtime provision to clear backlogs of work so that records are correct for valuation. It is not possible to achieve this within our current resources even taking into account the amount included for overtime in the 2004/2005 budget.
  22. Continue with the training and job rotation to strengthen skills within the team.
  23. Financial Implications

  24. The proposals shown above would increase costs as follows:


    Full Year

    Replacement of Administration Manager on full time basis


    £ 15,750

    Additional post on Technical Team - Assumed G10



    Additional Overtime budget to clear backlogs of work






    All costs shown include on costs.


  26. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:
          1. approve the replacement of the Pensions Administration Manager on a full-time basis;
          2. approve the recruitment of an additional team member to strengthen the Technical Team; and
          3. approve the increased budget for overtime working in order to clear backlogs of work.

Head of Finance

Background papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Sally Fox, Directorate for Business Support Tel (01865) 816080

May 2004.

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