Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 20 February 2004





Report by Head of Finance



  1. This report introduces to the Committee amendments that rewrite the section of the regulations concerning the admission of other bodies to the Oxfordshire Pension Fund. The Committee last received a report about admission in May 2000, when the major change of allowing private companies to join the scheme was first permitted.
  2. This latest amendment renames the bodies eligible for admission and simplifies the regulation.
  3. This report will also introduce a new request for admission and report on the current status of bodies recently applied to the Committee for approval to join.
  4. The Committee is asked to note these changes do not affect admission to the fund for Town and Parish Councils and the other scheduled bodies.
  5. New Regulations - The LGPS (Amendment)(No 2) Regulations 2003

  6. The Statutory Instrument, effective from 1.1.2004, reorganises this portion of the regulations to produce a more logical flow for the requirements with which a body applying to join must fulfil. This involves separating the different requirements for a body to apply for membership as either a ‘community admission bodies’ or ‘transferee admission body’. There are no significant alterations to these requirements from those mentioned in the report of May 2000. However for the benefit of the current Committee the following section summarises the admission criteria, incorporating these new names.
  7. Community Admission Bodies include -
  8. A body providing a not for profit public service, having a community of interest with a Scheme employer or is approved by the Secretary of State.

    A body which receives contributions from a Scheme employer. Where contributions from one or more scheme employers total less than 50% of total money received then the Scheme employers providing the funding, have to agree to be guarantor for any liability these regulations impose on admission body. This is now to be part of the admission agreement.

    It is from these two categories above, that Oxfordshire most commonly receive applications, but there are other categories. In the event of a future application under a different category the full definition will be provided to the Committee.

  9. In the past the committee has required that the body seeking admission provide their services mainly within the County boundary.
  10. Transferee Admission Bodies
  11. A body, not a Community Admission Body, providing a service for a Scheme employer, as a result of a transfer of service or assets, or as a result of a direction made under S 15 of Local Government Act 1999 or directions under s 497A of the Education Act 1996, or provides a public service approved by the Secretary of State for the purposes of admission to the Scheme.

    For an admission to continue from these bodies, the scheme employer determines the level of risk it is prepared to accept and because of early termination of the contract due to insolvency or the winding up of the body. Where identified this risk must be covered by a bond or indemnity taken out by the transferee admission body with a provider approved under the regulations. The regulations now specify which body has to obtain the risk assessment and the guidance accompanying the regulation gives employers flexibility about the level of risk the new body will be expected to cover through the bond.

  12. When a transferee admission body has followed the procedure, and has a bond or indemnity in place, Oxfordshire must admit to the Scheme employees shown to be employed in connection with the transferred service.
  13. Issues arising from the amending Regulations

  14. There are not significant changes to the current process for seeking admission to the fund, other than bringing the paperwork in line with these regulation changes. The draft admission agreement will need to be reviewed to ensure that all clauses reflect the change of terminology.
  15. When the regulations were issued a guidance note to cover the procedure for transferring staff accompanied them. This guidance covers the statement of practice on Staff Transfers, A Fair Deal For Staff Pensions, and recommends two permissible ways for pension protection, either by seeking admitted body status with the LGPS or as a transfer to a broadly comparable scheme. Following the second route requires having bulk transfer terms to provide day for day transfers to the new scheme. To date no employer within the Oxfordshire Fund has followed this path. This would involve additional administration within the pension section and liaison with the employer.
  16. Copies of this guidance have been sent to Personnel and the Procurement sections, as the pensions aspect is only one element within the whole process. The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister circulates statutory instruments to District Councils, who should now be aware of these guidelines.
  17. New Application Community Admission Charter Community Housing

  18. Cherwell District Council has balloted tenants and the transfer of its housing stock is to take place in March 2004.There are likely to be 90 staff transferring to the new body and the majority are in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). New employees joining the Company will also be offered access to the LGPS.
  19. The actuary is currently dealing with the request to determine the future employer’s contribution rate and the cost to the District Council, as a result of the transfer, of the past service shortfall.
  20. The District Council wished to bring this application to the Committee for an agreement in principle to join the LGPS in advance of the transfer date to ensure that the admission agreement could be drawn up to enable the legal collection of contributions from the date of transfer. An agreement in principle will also provide reassurance for staff involved with the transfer.
  21. Charter Community Housing will be providing a non-profit making public service and will have close links with Cherwell District Council. With the transfer of the Housing stock there will a continued community of interest between the two bodies and an interdependency of operations. Although not a statutory requirement for this kind of transfer, Cherwell District Council are also investigating the costs for an indemnity bond, as described in paragraph 8 above to provide additional protection against increases to their contribution rate in the event of commercial failure of the new body.
  22. The transfer arrangement does not have an expected termination date, which is one of the main differences between these applications and the best value transfers.
  23. The District Council and the Charter Housing Association have been informed of the responsibilities the new employer will have to accept, including the regular review and publication of its use of discretionary powers. These requirements will all be included in the admission agreement, and as stated above should be drawn up before the transfer date.
  24. This Committee has previously accepted the West Oxfordshire Housing and Vale Housing Association as an admitted body following a similar transfer.
  25. Other Admitted Body Matters

  26. This committee has previously given approval for Elmore Community Services to update their admission agreement, and for Oxford Night Shelter to become a new employer within this fund. These agreements are now signed and completed.
  27. The Head of Finance may wish to report orally on late payment of contributions by a current admitted body.

  29. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:
          1. approve the application of Charter Community Housing Association subject to all parties agreeing to the terms of the admission;
          2. note the changes to the regulations and confirm that applications from Community Admission bodies should provide their service within the County Boundaries; and
          3. note the information about the signing of the agreements for the Oxford Night Shelter and Elmore Community Services.

Head of Finance

Background papers: SI2003 No.3004 and Admission Agreements

Contact Officer: Sally Fox, Pensions Services Manager. Tel. 01865 816080

February 2004

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