Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 20 February 2004


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Oxfordshire Pension Fund Business Plan 2004/2005





Standardise the corporate governance and voting reporting procedures

The Pension Fund’s custodian, ABN AMRO Mellon, is working on producing a single voting report for Oxfordshire. This will list the Company AGM and EGM motions and show how Oxfordshire’s managers have voted.

June 2004

Consider membership to the LAPFF

Explore the option of becoming a member of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum as a means for the Oxfordshire Fund to adopt a more activist approach in its dealing with companies.

June 2004

Review Commission Recapture arrangements

Consider whether the custodian, ABN AMRO Mellon should provide commission recapture in preference to the existing provider, Frank Russell Securities.

June 2004.

Transfer the custodianship of private equity to ABN AMRO Mellon

The custody arrangement for private equity is currently carried out in-house. It is the intention to transfer this to ABN AMRO Mellon.

June 2004

Actuarial Valuation

Provide the necessary investment information to the Actuary.

August 2004

Hedge Funds

Agree a procedure to monitor and review the Fund’s investments in Hedge Funds.

September 2004

Review the Fund’s voting, Corporate Governance and SRI arrangements.

A formal report will be produced reviewing the Fund’s existing arrangements for voting, corporate governance and SRI. The report will consider whether the Fund, as a large shareholder, is being sufficiently proactive.

November 2004

Carry out a fundamental review of the role of the Independent Financial Adviser (IFA)

Determine the role objectives and responsibilities of the Independent Financial Adviser so that these can form the basis of a new contractual relationship to ensure the continuity of independent advice from the end if the current IFA contract in November 2004. This will cover issues such as the arrangements for managing Private Equity, Hedge Funds and Asset Allocation.

November 2004

Monitor and report transaction costs

Managers will be requested to report transaction costs quarterly to the Pension Fund Committee. Officers and the Independent Financial Adviser will produce an independent joint report.

December 2004.

Review the Fund’s pooled investment vehicles.

For certain asset classes the Pension Fund’s managers invest in pooled vehicles in order to achieve a further degree of diversification. A report will be produced reviewing these investment vehicles.

December 2004

Review the Asset Liability Study and the Pension Fund’s asset allocation

The Pension Fund’s asset allocation will be reviewed in conjunction to drawing up the Funding Strategy Statement

February 2005

Draw up a Funding Strategy Statement (FSS)

This is in compliance with an ODPM requirement to have a reviewable FSS in place no later than 1 April 2005

February 2005

Oxfordshire Pension Fund Business Plan 2004/2005

Member Training

Members will be informed of training opportunities and encouraged to attend appropriate training workshops and seminars. In 2004/2005 the following external training courses are being run: -

April 2004:


May 2004:

12th UBS Second Steps (investment)

20th Informa Group Local Government Pensions Investment Forum

June 2004:

29th UBS Second Steps (investment)

July 2004:

August 2004:

September 2004:


October 2004:

20th UBS First Steps (an introduction to investment)

27th NAPF Local Authority Investment training

November 2004:

17th UBS Second Steps (investment)


December 2004:

3rd UBS Second Steps (investment)


January 2005

February 2005:

March 2005:

LGC Members’ Role in Pensions Seminar

Oxfordshire Pension Fund Business Plan 2004/2005



Current Status



Develop document image processing (DIP) and implement on a phased basis

Over 30,000 files have now been imaged and are loaded onto the pension system. These can now be viewed from the desktop. There are just over 1,000 still needing to be scanned.

Completed files are now being scanned and indexed within the office.








Review arrangements for fire pensions & teachers compensation administration incl. automation of fire pension records

Fire pension records are now loaded onto AXISe.

Discussion regarding administration of teachers’ compensation scheduled for January 2004.





On going

Introduce a formal complaints monitoring process

We have put a complaints monitoring system into place, however, until Task Management is introduced we will be unable to produce statistics showing number of complaints against work volumes.





On going

Create staff training and professional development programme

To facilitate staff training we have reorganised the work to a functional basis this allows us to move team members between different functions. Responsibility for internal training has been given to a Senior Pensions Officer, who is spending time with each team member, producing guidance notes and checking work to ensure understanding and consistency.

Additionally 6 team members have started their qualification in pension administration at foundation level and 2 team members are undertaking their diploma in pension management.





On going

Determine and negotiate charges for fire & teachers admin to be implemented 1 April 2003

New charges agreed for administration of fire pensions – effective April 2004.

Discussion about charges made for administration of teachers compensation scheduled for January 2004.





On going



Current Status



Develop automated interface from MIS and encourage development of interface from other large employers

The development of an automatic interface from the payroll records held in SAP to update the pension records has been much slower and more problematic than envisaged. Partly this was due to the delay in involving pensions staff in the process and the necessity to have ITNet programme more detailed requirements for the data transfer. We now have all the information back to November 2002 for all new entrants and the majority of starters for each month are loaded onto the pensions system. There are a number of errors and inconsistencies which need to be individually checked and validated. Errors in inputting information onto SAP have caused further problems, as some of the data received on the interface is inaccurate. Further work will be needed to get the amendment and hour changes interfaces working and, at present ITNet are developing a report to provide the information required for monthly leavers.

Oxford Brookes University have offered to be a test site, but no action has yet been taken.






On going

Develop training programme for employing body HR staff

The focus of this training has been more towards HR staff at Oxfordshire County Council to pick up issues with the introduction of MIS. There has also been some training carried out in the Districts, but this needs to be formalised and extended. A monthly newsletter has also been introduced to keep staff updated of changes to Local Government Pension Scheme.



On going

Develop AXIS TASK for introduction from 1 April 2003

This target date has been pushed back because of the work arising from the development of the interfaces from SAP, document imaging and data cleansing prior to the 2004 valuation. We have rescheduled this to start in January with a completion date of March 2004.




Scheduled to start January 2004

Introduce performance measurement and monitoring processes

This function is dependent upon having AXIS task management system in place. Therefore the delay is in line with the delay in setting up of task management.



Develop performance indicators for medium term planning purposes


As above.





Current Status



Publish performance standards & indicators (to be included in annual report)


Not yet started.



Develop annual benefit statements for active scheme members

Not yet started, although we have identified an employer who would be willing to act as a test site.



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