To Members of the Planning & Regulation Committee Notice of Meeting
MembershipChairman –Councillor Mrs C. Fulljames Councillors:
The agenda follows. Decisions taken at the meeting will become effective at the end of the working day on 21 January 2003 unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee AGENDA
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2002 (PN3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.
Report by Director of Environmental Services (PN5). Planning permission is sought by Ben Smith and Sons (Wantage) Ltd to alter condition 2 of their existing planning permission so as to allow the tipping of inert waste to continue at the site for an additional two years. This would allow what remains of the chalk pit to be filled and restored to agriculture thus improving its landscape value. The site is within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is RECOMMENDED that:
"The deposit of waste hereby permitted shall cease on or before 30 September 2004 and the site shall be restored in accordance with the approved details and conditions of this permission within a further period of 6 months or such longer period as the Local Planning Authority may approve in writing. Reason: To minimise the duration of disturbance from the tipping operation."
"Aftercare of the restored site shall take place for a period of up to 5 years in accordance with an aftercare scheme to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such a scheme shall be submitted before 30 March 2004 and shall specify the steps proposed to be carried out during the aftercare period and make provision for an annual site meeting to discuss and agree steps necessary on the restored land. Reason: To bring the land to the standard required for agricultural use. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out solely in accordance with the approved submitted details and plans and those of planning permission CHD/12412/2-CM except as modified by these conditions and unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority in writing. Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with approved plans and details"
Report by Director of Environmental Services (PN6). Two applications have been received for the Grundon’s Depot, Goulds Grove, Ewelme, which seek to delay the restoration of the site for five years. At present the use of the site as a Special Waste Transfer Station, Wheelie Bin Container Park and covered accommodation has a limited permission until December 2002 (under condition 1 of planning permission P95/W0318/CM) by which time the applicant has to submit a restoration plan for the site (under condition 19 of planning permission P98/W0683/CM). The applications are to extend the use of the site until December 2007 and to delay the submission of the restoration plan to coincide with this. The application is being made to give the applicant time to make a full planning application for the full redevelopment of the site, and if granted permission, allow them time to implement these changes. No objections have been received on the applications. However, the proposals are contrary to the development plan as the site is located within the Chiltern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the open countryside. It is RECOMMENDED that subject to the proposal being notified to the First Secretary of State as a departure from the Development Plan and to him confirming that he does not intend to call in the application for his own determination, planning permission be granted for Applications No. P02/W0899/CM and P02/W0902/CM subject to:
Report by Director of Environmental Services (PN7). This report describes the application to extend the time limit for the completion of sand and gravel extraction from the permitted reserves in Radley. A further five years is applied for which will take the date for the completion of extraction to the end of December 2007. It is considered reasonable to allow the application to enable completion of mineral extraction from this committed site subject to regularising the provision of plant and buildings on the site. It is RECOMMENDED that:
"Except with the express written consent of the Mineral Planning Authority –
Report by the Solicitor to the Council (PN8) In June last year, an application to register a Town Green at the Trap Grounds in North Oxford was received. Under the Commons Registration Act 1965 the County Council as the Registration Authority are required to register Commons and Town or Village Greens. The application was considered by an Inspector appointed to hold an independent Inquiry and the results are set out in this report. The Committee are RECOMMENDED: