Meeting documents

Planning & Regulation Committee
Monday, 13 January 2003

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13 JANUARY 2003

Two applications for proposals at Grundon’s Depot, Goulds Grove, Ewelme.



Oxfordshire Structure Plan


The nature, size, location or cumulative effects of a development should not have an unacceptable environmental impact.


The natural beauty of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty will be conserved to reflect their national importance. Proposed developments should not conflict with this aim.


In the open countryside, sporadic and ribbon development and development in the vicinity of motorway or major road junctions will not be permitted. Special consideration will be given to development proposals for agricultural, forestry or outdoor recreational needs or for other uses appropriate to a rural area which cannot reasonably be accommodated in a nearby settlement.


Provision will be made to accept waste from London and other parts of the South East for treatment and/or disposal within Oxfordshire, provided that treatment or disposal is consistent with regional, structure and local plan policies. Proposals for the treatment or disposal of waste from London requiring road transport for the principal component of its journey will not be permitted.


The following network of roads is defined to serve as the major routes for through and lorry traffic. These should be used in preference to the county inter-town routes or other roads:


A34 (Wendlebury to Berkshire);

A40 (Wheatley to Gloucestersire);

A41 (Wendlebury to Buckinghamshire);

A43 (Ardley to Northamptonshire);

A44 (A40 to Peartree);

A420 (Oxford to Wiltshire);

the Oxford ring road; and

an appropriate connection between the A34 and A40.

The following lower tier of county inter-town routes should be used in preference to less suitable roads:

A44 (Peartree to Gloucestershire);

A418 (A40 to Buckinghamshire);

A422 (M40 to Northamptonshire);

A423 (M40 to Warwickshire);

A4130 and A4074 (Oxford ring road to Berkshire); and

B4031 (Buckinghamshire to Northamptonshire).

The County Council will take measures to reinforce this hierarchy of routes and discourage or reduce the use of more minor roads.


Proposals for development should be permitted only if they are acceptable in the light of the following criteria:

  1. the existing transport situation, the aims of the local transport strategy and existing local car parking and traffic management measures;
  2. access for pedestrians, cyclists and those whose mobility is impaired;
  3. the requirements of public transport;
  4. the impact of generated traffic including servicing traffic on existing settlements and roads;
  5. highway access and servicing arrangements;
  6. the safety of all highway users;
  7. the likely resource implications for the highway authority.


Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan:


The County Council considers that Oxfordshire should be self-sufficient in dealing with its own waste, other than that requiring specialised provision of a sub-regional or regional nature, and will seek to ensure that the necessary facilities are available to achieve this.


Proposals for the re-use/recycling will normally be permitted provided that:

  1. the site is close to the source of the waste and/or the market for the re-used/recycled material;
  2. the site is well related to appropriate parts of the transport network, and located where the number and length of motorised journeys is likely to be minimised;
  3. the proposal will not cause unacceptable nuisance in terms of noise, dust, fumes, smell, visual intrusion or traffic;
  4. the proposal will not pose an unacceptable risk to the water environment;
  5. the proposal does not conflict with Structure and Local Plan policies.


Proposals for re-use/recycling and ancillary processes will not normally be permitted in the open countryside unless:

  1. there is an established overriding need and there is no other suitable site available and/or,
  2. the development is to form part of a mineral extraction/landfill site and will be removed on completion of the extraction/landfill.


The County Council will normally require processing plants, other necessary buildings and industries associated with a mineral working to be sited, designed, landscaped and maintained so as to minimise environmental disturbance. Any permission will be limited to the life of the mineral working or in the case of a waste disposal site, be subject to conditions requiring that the building or equipment is removed when no longer required in association with waste disposal.


The County Council will normally require the removal of all processing plant, buildings and associated machinery within 24 months of extraction being completed or expiry of the permission, whichever is the sooner.


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