Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 17 June 2008

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ITEM CC14(a)






Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council


1.                 New Local Area Agreement for Oxfordshire 2008-2011

(Cabinet, 18 March & 20 May 2008)


Oxfordshire County Council is the lead authority responsible for developing the Local Area Agreement with the Government on behalf of the authorities and organisations involved in the Oxfordshire Partnership. Using the priorities agreed for the Sustainable Community Strategy – Oxfordshire 2030, the Partnership prioritised 35 indicators from the new National Indicator Set that could be used to measure improvement against these priorities.


At its meeting on 18 March, the Cabinet agreed the list of indicators and initial targets for submission to the Government Office for the South East as the next phase of the Local Area Agreement process.


At its meeting on 20 May, the Cabinet agreed the targets and levels, so far as information was available at the meeting. Seven further indicators would be agreed during 2008/09, with the Cabinet delegating responsibility to the Leader of the Council to agree any further amendments resulting from the Public Service Board meeting on 22 May 2008.


2.                 Performance Management – Third Quarter Report of Progress Against Priorities and Targets

(Cabinet, 18 March 2008)


The Cabinet has considered and noted a quarterly monitoring report detailing performance against the key targets contained in the Council's Balanced Scorecard at the end of the third quarter of 2007 - 2008.


Cabinet Member: Finance


3.                 Financial Monitoring

(Cabinet, 18 March & 15 April 2008)


The Cabinet has considered two financial monitoring reports. The report to the meeting on 18 March covered the period ended 31 January 2008 and the report to the meeting on 15 April covered the period ended 29 February 2008.


At the March Cabinet meeting, the Cabinet approved the virements and supplementary estimates totalling £0.106m, as set out in the report to the Cabinet.


At the April meeting, it was reported that the in-year underspend for the Directorates was forecast to be -£2.770m, compared to an underspend of       -£1.098m reported in March; a change of -£1.672m. This forecast excluded the City Schools reorganisation overspend of £1.957m (repayment planned over a number of years) and the Schools Transport days variation of                -£0.320m. An underspend was also reported on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) of -£1.244m. Supplementary estimates totalling £0.046m were requested in the report, associated with costs incurred as a result of the July 2007 floods. When added to the supplementary estimates agreed previously, the cost to this Council of the floods stands at £1.219m.


Taking into account the supplementary estimate of £0.046m for flood related expenditure, the forecast in-year underspend becomes -£2.816m, which is       -0.9% of the total Directorates’ budget. After accounting for all known changes, general balances were forecast to be £21.342m at the end of February. This gives an overall consolidated balances forecast for the year-end of £24.478m.


The Cabinet approved virements; supplementary estimates totalling £0.046m; the amended detailed budget for 2008/09; and the virements for 2008/09, as set out in the report to the Cabinet.


Cabinet Member: Change Management


4.                 Changes to Pension Regulations – Revised New Look Local Government Pensions Scheme Regulations 2008

(Cabinet, 18 March 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report that set out recommendations for the Council’s arrangements to implement and communicate the New Look Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations 2008 so far as was known at the time. These regulations came into force as of April 2008. An amendment to the current Retirement Policy Statement was also proposed.


The Cabinet approved the Pension Policy and revised Retirement Policy Statement


5.                 Establishment Review

(Cabinet, 18 March 2008)


The Cabinet has considered an update on activity since the implementation of the Establishment Review and associated Recruitment Approval process on 1 August 2005. It provided detail on the overall objectives of the review and summarised progress made against the targets which were agreed to ensure delivery of those objectives. The report also provided details of the agreed establishment figure at 31 December 2007 in terms of Full Time Equivalents, together with the detailed staffing position at 31 December 2007.




6.                 Ask Oxfordshire – Consultation & Engagement Strategy

(Cabinet, 20 May 2008)


The Cabinet has considered the draft summary of the Ask Oxfordshire Consultation Strategy document, which detailed the Council’s approach to consultation and aims to establish a new framework for the delivery of consultations.


The Cabinet noted the draft summary of the Strategy, which set out the direction of travel and the proposed approach to consultation; delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Change Management to approve the final Strategy document at the delegated decisions meeting on 15 July 2008; and approved the submission to the Change Board of a Project Initiation Document detailing how the Strategy can be implemented.


7.                 Corporate Assessment Update and Action Plan

(Cabinet, 20 May 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report on the Corporate Assessment, which took place in December 2007. The report also included an action plan on how to address identified areas for improvement.


The assessment report was published on 22 April 2008 and was very positive, with the Council maintaining the score of ‘3’ achieved in the last Corporate Assessment in 2004, despite the new methodology representing ‘a harder test’. The report acknowledged the rapid improvement journey that the Council had undergone over the last five years and our strong and effective leadership.


Cabinet Member: Children, Young People & Families


8.                 Oxfordshire Joint Area Review of Children’s Services

(Cabinet, 20 May 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a response to the publication of the Joint Area Review of Children’s Services on 22 April 2008. This reported on the major inspection of the contribution that local services make to the welfare of children and, in particular, vulnerable children. The report detailed the recommendations made by the Review, and outlined how they would be addressed. The report also outlined monitoring proposals for progress against these recommendations.


9.                 Corporate Parenting – The Council’s Role as Corporate Parent to its Looked After Children: Issues and Progress

(Cabinet, 20 May 2008)


The Cabinet has considered the first of regular six-monthly reports to Cabinet on the Council’s role as legal ‘Corporate Parent’ to the children and young people Looked After by the Council and those leaving care to live independently. The report proposed Council-wide improvements in Corporate Parenting, including enhanced accountability through regular reporting to Cabinet by the Children’s Panel.


The Cabinet approved the Corporate Parenting Strategy and the priorities detailed within it; approved a change of name from the Children’s Panel to the Corporate Parenting Panel to reflect its key responsibility; and to approve an invitation to the Chairman of Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee to join the Panel as an additional member.


Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement


10.             Supplementary Outline Project Appraisal for Delivery of the Oxford Academy

(Cabinet, 15 April 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report that related to the construction of the new Oxford Academy on the Peers School site in Littlemore.


Following concern from the Partnership for Schools regarding the reliance of the Council upon the disposal of land, an alternative model was developed which demonstrated that a viable solution was possible should the land sale not proceed.


The Cabinet agreed the revised Outline Project Approval for the scheme, which excluded the sale of land by transferring the full site area of the existing Peers School to the Oxford Academy; the additional capital contribution to the Academy (as set out in the report to Cabinet); and an increase in the SEN provision for 16-19 age groups.


11.             Primary Capital – Strategy for Change

(Cabinet, 20 May 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report which outlined the consultation with stakeholders on the Primary Capital Programme – Strategy for Change. The strategy aims to tackle school underperformance through investment in Primary School capital. The report outlined the consultation documents and timeframe for submission.


The Cabinet discussed the priorities for investment and requested further work on the criteria for capital investment, before delegating the authority to approve the final version of the Strategy to the Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement at the Delegated Decisions meeting on 3 June 2008.









Cabinet Member: Sustainable Development


12.             Future First Action Plan and Carbon Management Programme

(Cabinet, 15 April 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report on progress made on the Future First Programme, including the Carbon Management Programme.


Annex 1 to the Cabinet report measured progress against the Future First Action Plan 2007/08, whilst Annex 2 to the Cabinet report measured progress against the Carbon Management Strategic Implementation Plan.


The Cabinet approved the draft Future First Action Plan 2008/09, allowing the proposed implementation to begin at the start of the financial year 2008/09.


Cabinet Member: Transport


13.             Transport Asset Management Plan and Capital & Revenue Works Programme

(Cabinet, 18 March 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report that provided an introduction to the Transport Asset Management Plan (TAMP) for Oxfordshire County Council. The TAMP set out the process of asset management and how it is being applied to the management and maintenance of the County’s highway infrastructure to assist forward planning and to make best use of available resources. The report also summarised the budget, programme and service implications for Highway Maintenance and Transport Improvements as set out in the TAMP. A Detailed Project Appraisal for the St. Aldates Carriageway Strengthening Scheme was also considered.


After responding to questions from members and considering a petition presented by a member of the public, the Cabinet approved the overall content of the Oxfordshire County Council TAMP, its strategies and programme (including Oxford City Council’s Section 42 estimate for 2008/09), along with the Detailed Project Appraisal: A420 St. Aldates Carriageway Strengthening.


14.             Sustainable School Travel Strategy 2008-2011

(Cabinet, 18 March 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report that explained and summarised the draft Sustainable School Travel Strategy for Oxfordshire (Draft SSTS) and set out how the Council would meet the requirements of this aspect of the Education & Inspections Act 2006. The report included a vision for the Strategy and a series of outcomes and targets focused on meeting safety, sustainabilty and financial objectives.


The report set out the four main areas of the strategy which aimed to bring together a coordinated and consistent approach to how the Council encourages, supports and delivers safe and sustainable travel to school by all modes of travel. In particular, it examined how the Council's approach to, and funding of, bus-based travel for school pupils could be considered and managed to meet both financial and sustainability objectives.


The Cabinet approved the Draft SSTS for publication and Stakeholder consultation, with a final version of the strategy to be agreed and published by summer 2008.


15.             Travel and Information Management Policy

(Cabinet, 20 May 2008)


The Cabinet has considered the Travel and Information Management Policy document covering the strategic aims and management of the network in Oxfordshire. The day-to-day operation of travel and information management will be handled by the Congestion Management group within the Network Management team, whose requirements are also set out in the policy document.


The document also links the strategy and requirements to other schemes that will assist in delivering the Local Transport Plan, including: Access to Oxford; the Central Oxfordshire Transport Strategy; and the Network Management Plan.


The Cabinet adopted the Travel and Information Management Policy document.


16.             Items Exempt from Call In


Scrutiny Procedure Rule (17)(a) requires any decision taken as a matter of urgency within the terms of that Rule, and thus not subject to the call in procedure, to be reported to the next meeting of the Council, together with the reasons for urgency.


In reaching a decision on the item, the decision maker was of the opinion that the matter was urgent within the meaning of Scrutiny Procedure Rule (17)(a) and that the decision should not be subject to call in because the delay likely to be caused by the call in procedure, if invoked, would seriously prejudice the Council’s or public interests for the following reasons:










Reason for Urgency

Expansion of Hanwell Fields Community School, Banbury

(Cabinet, 18 March 2008)


The Cabinet’s role would be negated by referral to the Schools’ Adjudicator if the decision was not taken within two months of the publication of the Statutory Notice, in this case being 18 January 2008.

Bus Service Subsidies

(Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport, 27 March 2008)

The decisions made in (b), as outlined in the report, are urgent in that any delay likely to be caused by the call in process would result in service discontinuity.

Item of Additional Urgent Business

Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London

Adjudication Committee - Membership

(Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport, 24 April 2008)

The need to advise Manchester City Council (the lead authority for the joint committee) by the 28 April 2008 does not allow sufficient time to invoke the call in process, in that the Agreement with other authorities would not come into effect on the due date.


Christopher Rawlins CE(VA) Primary School

(Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement,

6 May 2008)

The Cabinet’s role would be negated by referral to the Schools’ Adjudicator if the decision was not taken within two months of the publication of the Statutory Notice, in this case being 22 February 2008.


In the circumstances outlined above, the Chairman of the Council agreed that the decisions should be treated as a matter of urgency.




Leader of the Council


June 2008


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