Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 13 January 2009




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Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council


1.                 Performance Management: 2nd Quarter Progress Report against Priorities and Targets

(Cabinet, 16 December 2008)


The Cabinet has noted a report on the Council's Balanced Scorecard detailing progress against priorities and targets as at Quarter Two 2008 - 2009.


Performance at this stage of the year indicated 56% of targets were on track. The remainder of targets were subject to ongoing action to improve performance with only 8% indicated as unlikely to achieve target.


Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader of the Council


2.                 Establishment Review

(Cabinet, 16 December 2008)


The Cabinet has noted a report that gave an update on activity since the implementation of the Establishment Review and associated Recruitment Approval process on 1 August 2005. Details of the agreed establishment figure at 30 September 2008 in terms of Full Time Equivalents was provided, together with the detailed staffing position at 30 September 2008. The report also contained information on current activity and in addition there was information on grant-funded posts and those vacancies that are being covered by agency staff and at what cost.


Cabinet Member: Finance


3.                 Financial Monitoring

(Cabinet, 25 November and 16 December 2008)


The Cabinet has considered two financial monitoring reports. The report to the meeting on 25 November covered the period to 30 September 2008 and the report to the meeting on 16 December covered the period to 31 October 2008.


At the November meeting the Cabinet received information on the Pre Budget Report by the Chancellor, where it had been announced that VAT was to be cut from 17.5% to 15% from 1 December 2008 and considered whether to reflect those changes in fees and charges from 1 December 2008.


The Cabinet noted the report; approved the virements set out in the report; agreed new schedules of fees and charges be produced as soon as possible, to reflect the reduced level of VAT and that the revised charges be applied from 1st December; and agreed to express concern at the work involved in this change.


At the December meeting it was reported that the year-end forecast of general balances was £21.352m.  After taking into account the forecast Directorate outturn, the consolidated revenue balances forecast was £20.785m.


The projected in-year commitment on capital was estimated at £100.4m, compared with the October capital programme of £100.7m, a variation of -£0.3m. Actual expenditure to the end of October was £42.7m, 43% of projected spend.


The Cabinet noted the report and agreed the virements and supplementary estimates as set out in the annexes to that report.


4.                 Service & Resource Planning Report for 2009/10 - 2013/14

(Cabinet, 25 November & 16 December 2008)


The Cabinet has considered the second and third in a series of reports on the service and resource planning process for 2009/10 to 2013/14, providing councillors with information on the budget issues for 2009/10 and the medium term.


At the November meeting the Cabinet considered a supplementary report relating to the significant impact of changes to the medium term plan of the November base rate reduction to 3%.  The Cabinet agreed to: note the submission of the accelerated expression of interest for Building Schools for the Future and the associated cost; approve the use of LABGI funding for economic development purposes (this would be included in budget proposals to Council); and   asked Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee to meet before the December round of Scrutiny Committees and asked the Committee to determine and allocate a target of savings for each Scrutiny Committee to find and for each Committee to feed back possible options for Cabinet to consider in January.


At the December meeting the Cabinet considered a report that set out the review of charges, provided an update on the Service and Resource Planning process and included relevant information from the Chancellor’s Pre Budget Report and outcome of the draft Local Government Finance Settlement.


The position in the report was not balanced in 2009/10 and over the medium term, with more pressures and priorities for funding than funding available.  The Cabinet noted that the outcome of the individual scrutiny committees during December would be fed back to and considered by Cabinet in January 2009.


The Cabinet noted those charges prescribed by legislation; approved those charges where there was local discretion; approved those charges for which an increase will commence before April 2009; approved that those charges which are Standard VAT rated will not be increased in January 2010; and agreed to consider the option of reducing the inflation provision in the budget for 2009/10 to provide savings.


Cabinet Member: Children, Young People & Families


5.                 Corporate Parenting – Role of OCC (second of twice yearly report)

(Cabinet, 25 November 2008)


The Cabinet has noted the information on outcomes for our Looked After Children and the service performance measures contained in a report which was the second of regular six-monthly reports to Cabinet and Council on its role as legal "Corporate Parent" to the children and young people Looked After by the Council and those Leaving Care to live independently.


The report addressed Council-wide improvements in Corporate Parenting, including enhanced accountability for this highly vulnerable group. It also reported on the progress and challenges posed in caring for the County's most vulnerable young people.


The Cabinet has reaffirmed its support for the Corporate Parenting Strategy.


Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement


6.                 Secondary Education Provision in Bicester

(Cabinet, 25 November 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report that outlined the work begun as a result of a previous decision of the Cabinet on 24 June 2008 to approve the continued strategic assessment and development of the strategic brief for the 14+ learning centre; and to look at the legal status of the proposed new institution and the framework for governance and finances. The report gave options for future provision.


The Cabinet has instructed officers to carry out further work on the two options for providing additional secondary school places in Bicester with a further report to Cabinet by no later than November 2009. The Cabinet has approved the publication of statutory notices to take forward the proposal to extend the age range at The Cooper School, Bicester, provided the necessary capital resources have been identified.


Cabinet Member: Social & Community Services


7.                 Cogges Manor Farm Museum

(Cabinet, 25 November 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report initiated by the Fundamental Service Review of Cogges Manor Farm Museum in 2007 and the subsequent decision of the Council to reduce funding for the museum over a three-year period setting out options for the future. The Cabinet has instructed officers to establish a new charitable trust to manage Cogges Manor Farm Museum and to draw up a legal agreement between the Trust and Council, for a minimum of three years (from 2010), detailing what is expected from both organisations. The Council will remain the owner of the heritage asset (land, buildings and collections).


The Cabinet has agreed to recommend to Council in setting its budget the allocation of additional financial support to the Trust for 2010/11 (£80,000 in addition to the existing subsidy of £80,000) and 2011/12 (£160,000).


The Cabinet has agreed to include an allocation of £150,000 in its recommended capital programme as matching funding towards the necessary capital work at Cogges in support of an application for external funding in 2010/11. 


8.                 Oxfordshire Care Partnership Contract Development and Update to the Financial Model

(Cabinet, 16 December 2008)


In December 2001 the County Council signed a 25-year contract with the Oxfordshire Care Partnership (OCP) for the transfer of all the local authority owned care homes to the Order of St John’s Care Trust (OSJ) and Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association (bpha), the core elements of the contract being to ensure a development programme for the buildings, the delivery of good quality care, the protection and maintenance of the workforce and the development of specialist services, preventative services and extra care housing. Those care homes which, at the time, would have failed to comply with the Government’s minimum standards for registration after 2007 were redeveloped under Stage 1 of the Homes for Older People (HOPS) programme.


The remaining eight care homes and the services provided under the OCP contract now need to be redeveloped in light of suitability of the buildings, budget considerations, projected demographic changes, changing purchasing needs and the strategy of the Council towards maintaining people's independence in their own homes and minimising reliance on long-term care home placements. The 8 homes are subject to a programme being referred to as the stage 2 OCP contract redevelopment and comprise:


·                    Lake House, Adderbury

·                    Glebe House, Kidlington

·                    Longlands, Blackbird Leys

·                    Townsend House, Headington

·                    Marston Court, Marston

·                    Chilterns End, Henley-on-Thames

·                    Mayott House, Abingdon

·                    Stirlings, Wantage


The Cabinet has considered a report that outlined the need for a Stage 2 redevelopment programme, the case for redeveloping the financial model for the contract and the likely timescale and impact on people.


The Cabinet has agreed to the overall strategy for Stage 2 of the redevelopment of the OCP contract and has authorised the Portfolio Holder to approve the financial model underpinning the OCP contract and the development proposal and timescale for each of the 8 Stage 2 care homes.


Cabinet Member: Sustainable Development


9.                 Planning for Spaces for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople – Partial Review of the Draft South East Plan

            (Cabinet, 25 November 2008)


The South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA) was consulting on a partial review of the draft South East Plan to identify the number of spaces needed for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople and the number of spaces to be provided in each district council area by 2016. The Cabinet has agreed a response to the SEERA consultation.


10.             Scrutiny Review of Finmere Quarry

            (Cabinet, 16 December 2008)


The Cabinet has considered the Scrutiny Review Report looking at issues around Finmere Quarry.


In developing the report and recommendations, the Lead Member Review Group was asked to establish a chronology of key events at Finmere; identify inconsistencies, if any, that require further investigation; identify lessons that can be learnt; identify lessons that have been learnt already; and recommend to the Scrutiny Committee what, if any, are the next steps that should be taken.


The Cabinet has agreed a response on the basis of the officer response submitted to the meeting. The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development made the following statement:


“I would like to thank the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee for their inquiry into this difficult matter.  I’m sure I speak on behalf of my cabinet colleagues and the council as a whole when I say that I am sorry for what the residents of Finmere have had to endure.


“The report outlines clear lessons that need to be learnt and I am encouraged by the officers’ response and their commitment to learn from what has happened.  In the same terms, I hope that all the other bodies involved will take on the recommendations of this review and ensure that they fulfil their responsibilities. 


“I would like to pay tribute to the residents of Finmere, Councillor Mrs Fulljames and Tony Baldry MP who have all worked hard to raise this issue and ensure that this inquiry took place.  I hope that they accept that the council has taken this matter seriously and undertaken a review that has lead to clear recommendations which are leading to real improvements being made.”


Cabinet Member: Transport


11.             Transport Capital Programme Review

(Cabinet, 25 November 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report that  provided a review of progress to date on the 2008/09 Transport Capital Programme and identified actions as necessary to deliver against stated objectives. It also provided a forward view of the 2009/10 Capital Programme to ensure continuity of work across financial years.


The Cabinet has approved the updated 2008/09 expenditure programme and actions as set out in the report and approved the forward programme to enable early starts programming to be actioned on the 09/10 work schemes.



Leader of the Council


December 2008


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