Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 13 January 2009


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COPY                                                                                      ITEM CC9






Report by Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy)




1.                  Oxfordshire 2030 is the countywide Sustainable Community Strategy and is the major over-arching strategy of the Council and its partners. Oxfordshire 2030 sets out the Oxfordshire Partnerships long-term vision for the County.


2.                  The priorities were developed through a process of analysis of data and consultation, which also fed into the development of the second local area agreement (LAA). It is therefore consistent with the Council’s own Corporate Plan and the Local Area Agreement.

(Annex 1 - download as .doc file)

(Annex 2 - download as .doc file)


3.                  Our strategic objectives are:


(a)               A world class economy

(b)               Healthy and thriving communities

(c)               Environment and climate change

(d)               Reducing inequalities and breaking the cycle of deprivation


4.                  The strategy is supported by a Delivery Plan, which sets out targets and priorities for the next three years and in the longer-term. These include the targets in the new Oxfordshire Local Area Agreement 2008-2011


5.                  The delivery of the key elements of the strategy for example breaking the cycle of deprivation and sustaining healthy and thriving communities can only be achieved by effective partnership working with other statutory agencies and also with the voluntary and business sector.


6.                  A 12-week public consultation took place over the summer which showed that respondents were broadly supportive of the strategy’s vision, objectives and priorities. A summary of the consultation was produced and also a detailed version (90 pages) which details all the consultation responses and whether these were included/not included.


Local Area Agreement Negotiation


7.                  Although we agreed our Local Area Agreement 2008-11 with Government in June this year, it was not possible to agree three-year targets for all our chosen indicators. It was agreed that these gaps would be filled during the first year of the agreement through the ‘review and refresh process’.


8.                  Indicators for consideration at the refresh fall into four categories;


·        Indicators that were agreed with caveats to be explored at the refresh

·        Survey based indicators

·        New national indicators where it was not possible to negotiate targets either due to definition issues or a lack of baseline information.

·        World Class Economy indicators where we reserved the right to look again at our economically sensitive indicators in light of the changing economic situation


9.                  We are currently scoping the indicators that will be reviewed, particularly those which may be affected by the economic downturn. This will in turn be reflected in the Oxfordshire 2030 delivery plan.


Oxfordshire Partnership


10.             The Partnership formally agreed Oxfordshire 2030 and the delivery plan on the 26 November, subject to minor amendments being included.


Next steps:


11.             Following the agreement of the strategy a summary version will be produced – this along with the agreed strategy and delivery plan will be available from our website – We will also make available a number of printed copies and circulate a partnership newsletter to all those who responded alerting them to the agreed strategy. A press release will also be issued


12.             We will be developing a communications and engagement plan. This will aim to promote the Oxfordshire Partnership and its activities to partners, local organisations and local people


13.             A spring conference will be held to debate the key strategic issues for the County and focus on our achievements to date.


14.             The six monthly review of performance against targets in the delivery plan will take place in June and November 2009. This will be aligned with the Local Area Agreement monitoring process.




15.             Corporate Polices. Financial and Legal implications: The County Council has a duty to develop and lead the Oxfordshire Partnership, develop a sustainable community strategy and the Local Area Agreement. In doing so it is making a commitment to delivering on the targets for which it is partly or largely responsible.


16.             Equality and inclusion: a number of the proposed targets in the Delivery Plan are aimed at improving equality and breaking the cycle of deprivation.


17.             Sustainability: Oxfordshire 2030 is the county’s strategy for sustainable communities.


18.             Risk management: all targets in the Delivery Plan will be the subject of a risk assessment. The Comprehensive Area Assessment will make judgements on the County Council’s ability to manage risk and deliver better outcomes by meeting targets with its partners




19.             It is RECOMMENDED that Cabinet RECOMMEND to Council that Oxfordshire 2030: A partnership plan for improving quality of life in Oxfordshire is adopted at its meeting in January 2009.




Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy)


Attachments:                          Oxfordshire 2030: A partnership plan for improving quality of life in Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire 2030: Delivery pan


Contact Officer:                     Claire Evans: Strategic Partnership Manager

Tel: (01865) 816077


December 2008


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