Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 12 February 2008

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Starting from Jan 09…Purchase 5 fewer block transitional beds as convalescence beds (see left) will provide better through-put. Beds reduced from Jan 09ö8 additional intermediate care beds in the North of the County @ £720 per week. Beds will facilitate discharge from hospital, and return back home. This will help reduce the average length of stay in residential / nursing beds in future years. Remove saving in current MTFP. 10 fewer residential placements because care will be provided through Adult Family Placements (20 fewer from Apr 2008). Residential placements cost £480 per week. Retain 07/08 target of 10 Adult Family Placements replacing residential care#Vendor records management - 2 posts&Funding voluntary sector organisations.Partnerships / Corporate Policy - capacity gap;CCN Annual Conference to be hosted by OCC in November 2008.-50% funding of the Director for Public Health#Corporate HR - OD, volunteering etcUIncrease the recharge of the external audit fee to the Pension Fund from £13K to £45K«Consultation - Increase the frequency of staff and resident surveys including a BME sample - as recommended by the recent review of consultation and the Peer Review. 6Continue £50k grant to Oxford Inspires beyond 2008/09-Service & Resource Planning 2008/09 - 2012/13Remove pressure in current MTFP. Investment for additional 10 Adult Family Placements from April 2008, @ £300 per wk, replacing residential care - bringing total Adult Family Placements for Older People to 20. Retain 07/08 target of 10 Adult Family Placements Care Management‡Care Management -demographic pressure. Expect an 12% increase in assessments, reviews and subsequent professional support by 2011/12. &Virement from Demographic contingency.WKeep social worker post described above for facilitating transfers to cheaper providers§Slippage in Care Management skills mix project (saving in current MTFP). Retain 2007/08 target of £200k savings for 08/09 only. Target will increase to £300k in 09/10fFor 2008/09, recognise slippage in Electronic Social Care Record project (savings in current MTFP) so that £150k savings, rather than £250k total savings are assumed for the project up to the end of 2008/09. In future years, a reduced saving target is also shown, but this will be reviewed once the results of the first phase of implementations are known.External Home SupportšChanges to demographic pressures included in current MTFP - an additional 30 home support care packages. Revised demographic pressures for 09/10 and 10/11›Increased direct payments. Assumes direct payments will cover an additional 10 hours care each week throughout the year (i.e. 520 hours by the year end) .zReduced external home support as care will be purchased through direct payments which increases client choice and controlsFurther pressure on Section 21 budget. (To meet legal obligation to provide social care for failed asylum seekers)3External home support: on-going pressure from 07/08¾Reduced activity - if First Response bid is unsuccessful. First Response service will reduce unit costs and on-going care packages and enable activity levels to be sustained at 07/08 levels»Use part of abnormal inflation funding to offset other pressures: Assumes inflation at less than 3% for residential and nursing contracts and 4% on external home support contracts. Internal Home Support½Remove saving in current MTFP. Full Year Effect of reduction in low level Home Support Services, based on 130 clients being re-directed over the course of 2007/08 to alternative services. )Remove investment in current MTFP. Full Year Effect of costs of voluntary sector services to replace home support for clients with low-level needs. Assume hourly rate of £5 for an hour's care (to cover out of pocket expenses )and 390 weekly hours of care. £51k already included in 07/08 budget^Savings on administration in internal home support. (Processes have already been re-designed) Integrated Care Services83 Occupational Therapists to facilitate rehabilitation aAccommodation : set up costs associated with co-locating Integrated Care Services and Access team8Restructure Integrated Care to reduce management costs. Miscellaneous_Remove Older People share of savings to be identified in current MTFP. Savings now identified.JEfficiency Savings still to be found to meet targets and balance pressuresOLDER PEOPLE PRESSURESOLDER PEOPLE SAVINGSPhysical Disabilities& & & PD_1ÚDemographic pressures in the pooled budget, including £140k pressure from 2007/08. Will be spent on External Home support. Funding for 203 extra hours per week (@£19/hr) in 2008/09, increasing to 384 hours by 20011/12oReduce the OCC contribution to the Older Peoples pooled budget (should not create an overspend in the OP pool) Direct Payments for Carers7Disinvest in respite beds (funded through Carers grant)2OCC Contribution to the Physical Disabilities Pool‚Continuing Care framework - pro-actively reassess clients who are on the border of qualifying: reduce residential/nursing budgets]PD placements in OP homes: 2 placements savings £200 per week (Part year effect in year one)wInvest in supported living (possibly in partnership with Learning Disabilities) Scheme for 8 people. At £300 per weekBDisinvest in residential . Save 2 placements at £1,250 per week.2Additional Independent Living Fund income achievedhRemove Physical Disabilities share of savings to be identified in current MTFP. Savings now identified.PHYSICAL DISABILITIES PRESSURESPHYSICAL DISABILITIES SAVINGS Mental HealthMH_1FOCC Contribution to Primary Care Trust pool (Service Level Agreements)ÛReduced contribution to pool: review contracts . Savings possible in 08/09, but on-going contract commitments mean that savings are not possible in 09/10. Review of contract in 10/11 should then release on-going savingsVOCC Contribution to Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Mental Health (OBMH) Pool (Staffing)5Management restructure; save one service manager post&Early intervention social worker posts5Staffing savings through skills mix or re-structure. Residential ServicesORowan House: 4 additional placements: will help absorb pressure from children's'On-going review of high cost placementso4 additional rehabilitation beds (to be purchased at the Knowle) . Growth bid for this funding in year 2008/09ABring back Service Users form high cost out-of -county placementsAPlacements coming from children's services, especially Aspergers Clients leaving the service[Invest to save in Independent Living Funding: expert view on which cases will be successful:Direct Payments funded from Independent Living Fund income(Independent Living Fund income generated"Approved Social Worker Increments JPressures due to increased numbers of social workers receiving this status?Savings in management structure (post vacant due to retirement)`Remove Mental Health share of savings to be identified in current MTFP. Savings now identified.MENTAL HEALTH PRESSURESMENTAL HEALTH SAVINGSAll Client GroupsACG_1´Bournewood judgement (ensuring that those who lack mental capacity to consent to their care plan are not deprived of their freedom) : further reassessments of vulnerable people. 9Reprioritise care management time to absorb this pressureNCRSensory Impairment?Communicator Guide service , possibly through direct payments: PHome support: reprioritise to allow for investment in Communicator Guide serviceOccupational Therapy]Additional OT in recognition of demographic pressures to maintain reductions in waiting lists%Virement from demographic conti< ngencyEquipment service8Increased budget for 79 additional electric beds 46 portable hoists and slings, 25 ceiling hoists, and 45k for bariatric equipment (for physically large people). Reflects current levels of purchase due to an increase in more complex cases remaining at home. Allows for 65-70% equipment being returned after use.LAdditional Equipment: due to approx 2% increase in older people each year.!Children, Young People & FamiliesSocial & Community ServicesEnvironment & EconomyCommunity SafetyCorporate Core PressuresSavings£'000Service ReductionEfficiencies & Income All Savings Net PressuresTOTAL CYP&F PRESSURESTOTAL CYP&F SAVINGSTOTAL E&E PRESSURESTOTAL E&E SAVINGSTOTALTOTAL COMMUNITY SAFETY SAVINGSCorporate and Cross DirectorateTOTAL CORPORATE CORE PRESSURESTOTAL CORPORATE CORE SAVINGSAInflation savings on med equip contract: reduce inflation by 0.5%Adult Placement Service!Staffing efficiencies: skills mixEmployment service\New Deal Contract income if not replaced by Pathways: two staff members potentially unfunded"Redeployment of two staff members€Supported Employment programme pressure if Workstep grant ceases or changes in nature, but employees remain. Worst case scenarioRedeployment of staff members%As above: employees in host companiesèIn Partnership with adult learning, provide a computer and support for 10 service users with a disability: aiming to encourage e-learning and hence employment opportunities. Review success before committing funding for future yearsXFunding for 12 service users with profound disability to access employment opportunities,Additional income from County Print FinishescRemove All Client Group share of savings to be identified in current MTFP. Savings now identified.!TOTAL ALL CLIENT GROUPS PRESSURESTOTAL ALL CLIENT GROUPS SAVINGS&TOTAL SOCIAL CARE FOR ADULTS PRESSURES$TOTAL SOCIAL CARE FOR ADULTS SAVINGS,COMMISSIONING, PLANNING & PARTNERSHIPS (CPP) CPP (Learning Disabilities Pool)LD_1.OCC Contribution to Learning Disabilities Pool#Pool - Externally Provided ServicesDemographic Pressures: further care package and placement costs in addition to those covered by the funding earmarked above. 7Offset demographic pressure with funding agreed in 2007@Reduced savings target for Service redesign from £1.3m to £1.0m.xProject Support Worker for service redesign (60 projects will be under the umbrella of this accommodation review) 0.5fteOFull Year Effect of 2007/08 Independent Living Fund income. Indicative figuresDPrudential borrowing costs associated with service re-design projectiAdditional costs of supported living placements if Supporting People cap their funding at £255 per week.PRecognise slippage in appointment of care managers for service re-design projectoHold inflation on external contracts at 3%. Use abnormal inflation funding to balance other pressures instead. BLD further inflation savings: hold all contracts inflation to 2.5%†Remove saving in current MTFP to develop prevention and rehab services. Savings will be achieved through Fair Access to Care ServicesCFurther reviews of care packages under Fair Access to Care Services:Pool - Service Level Agreement Services purchased from OCCSupported living internalOOn-call system for SL: recognition of additional salary costs for on-call work%Find savings - restructure management$SC2_4B Care Management & Social Work+Crisis prevention: relapse prevention plansUReduce external supported living costs: crises and hence increased packages preventedGSenior Practitioner (3 * 0.5) in recognition of demographic pressures. KCare managers for demographic pressures. 0.5 care managers in each team tQuality Monitoring Officer (Commissioning & Contracting) 0.5fte . There will be a particular focus on new providers×Part time post for two years to work on the "South East model" - which delivers savings on the costs of residential care placements. This savings model is being promoted by the South East Centre for Excellence ‹Savings in residential placement costs anticipated through adopting the South East cost savings model (see left for associated investment). Day ServicesKApprenticeship Scheme: funding to allow 3 X 6 month placements each year hRemove Learning Disabilities share of savings to be identified in current MTFP. Savings now identified.,CPP - (LEARNING DISABILITIES POOL) PRESSURES CPP - OtherCPP_1Central PlanningiTelecare - continue spend. Supports carers, helps people to remain at home and delivers better outcomes SSavings/cost avoidance due to telecare: will be achieved across all client groups. \Commission a health and well being safety check service, jointly with the Primary Care TrustÖDo not re-instate 0.5 fte service manager post in Commissioning Team, following one-off saving of 20k in 07/08. Will impact on resource available for strategic planning, partnership working and service re-design.BStop subscriptions to Institute of Public Care and New Initiatives©Funding for a full time post to ensure that all non-care managed clients who access Day Services are identified. This will improve performance for indicators C32 and D55Internal Day ServicesJApprenticeship Scheme: funding to allow 3 X 6 month placements each year žRemove the savings to be achieved through rationalisation of Day Services in current MTFP as this is counter to the strategic direction of adult social care. eVirement from Demographic contingency in 2008/09 to partly replace day service rationalisation saving2External Day Services/ Voluntary Sector Agreements_Demographic pressure on Day Services: approximately 2% increase in demand anticipated each year0Virement from Demographic contingency in 2008/09/Reorganise day service provision in Henley area\Remove CPP Other share of savings to be identified in current MTFP. Savings now identified.CPP - OTHER PRESSURESCPP - OTHER SAVINGSTOTAL CPP PRESSURESTOTAL CPP SAVINGS0Business Support & Performance Management (BSPM)BSPM_1ºVirement from 07/08 Demographic Contingency in partial recognition of pressures caused by project management needed for service re-design and increased client numbers over recent years.PropertyPOne year saving on supplies and services to support pressures in Facilities TeamCR/SRPerformance Information UnitŒTemporary Post (1 year) to support the implementation of the new performance framework associated with the Comprehensive Performance Review $Skills mix savings achieved in 07/08Risk Management@Existing pressure in staffing budget, excluding procurement team>One post redeployed to a vacancy elsewhere in the DirectorateHIGH1 Purchasing Officer: Facilities Management;Access Team -Demographic and service re-design pressures. $Complaints Service - 0.5FTE manager Staff Support ServiceYMarketing and programming seed funding for Cultural events (funded from LABGI in 2008/09))Increase in estimated external audit fee "Sustainable Development Management2Flood Defence Levy - Estimated increase in 2008/09YFlood Defence Levy - Reflecting the increase in 2007/08 (funded from balances in 2007/08)sStaff support officer 0.5FTE - additional service to support Cultural, Adult Learning & Registration Service staffBusiness Systems TeamIOn-going costs for projects and support, above current budget provision. 5Recharge income when staff are assigned to projects. Reduce staffing levels,ICT project manager - not permanently fundedProject incomeDirectorate Management Team&Leadership Team - reduction of 0.5 FTE)Restructure Personal Assistants. (-2 FTE)|Remove Business Support & Performance Management share of savings to be identified in current MTFP. Savings now identified.4Efficiency Savings still to be found to meet targetsBSPM PRESSURES BSPM SAVINGS+TOTAL SOCIAL & COMMUNITY SERVICES PRESSURES)TOTAL SOCIAL & COMMUNITY SERVICES SAVINGSeAdjust net pressures for demography funding already included in MTFP, but not shown in the rows< aboveADJUSTED NET PRESSURES/SAVINGSYEAR ON YEAR VARIATION FTE Changes FTE ChangesSupporting People&Carry forward from 2007/08 and 2008/09BGrant reductions: Possibility 1: 5% reduction in grant each year´Savings in contracts for Learning Disabilities. This has already been agreed for 2008/09, by the Partnership, and can only be postponed with the unanimous agreement of all partiesReintroduce parking charges#Increase penalty charges to maximum-Increase skip and scaffolding licence charges,Do not appoint 3rd Assistant Chief ExecutivewGrant reductions: Worst case: a further 5% reduction from grant each year i.e. 10% in total (represents maximum cut )Other Contract savingsSUPPORTING PEOPLE PRESSURESSUPPORTING PEOPLE SAVINGS PRESSURES2008/092009/10£000TOTAL PRESSURESCRSRIG2010/11 DESCRIPTIONTYPEIMPACT TOTAL SAVINGSNET PRESSURES/SAVINGSKey:2011/122012/13)EFFICIENCIES, SAVINGS & REPRIORITISATIONSRISK6Additional savings generated from effective purchasingsEfficiency savings through improved commissioning and contracting arrangements through placements and external care,Employability Programme for Children In CareL&Financing the Children in Care Council[Investment in early intervention and efficiencies by pooling directorate placements budget ~Additional Savings generated from pooling of Directorate Agency placements through investment of early intervention strategiesJAdditional savings through the reorganisation of support service functions:Efficiency savings through retendering of transport routes?Use of Central/administration elements of Standards Fund GrantsMed.Shared Services additional directorate savingsCUtilisation of capacity in grant funding( School Development Grant)1Additional income generation from traded servicesLowSavings in posts New licences package for schools2Purchase Order Specialist post (1 additional post)Reduce central costs'Contributions from Directorate Services3School Organisation/Capital Programme (2 new posts))Capital Programme/Developer contributions Legal costs"Reduction in Redundancy/PRC budgetEfficiency savings from BPR8Contribution to additional specialist e-procurement post:New Efficiency savings target (above those agreed in MTFP)šNon-achievement in full of efficiency savings in current MTFP to be achieved through improved commissioning and contracting arrangements and external carebUnachievable efficiency savings relating to income generation for schools included in current MTFP8Buy Independent Living Fund expertise on a session basisIncreased Planning Fee Income ÎCommunities & Local Government (CLG) Fire Prevention Grant ceases 31 March 2008; This grant funds the Community Safety Advocates providing direct and specialist access to the vulnerable members of society. ]CLG Home Fire Risk Initiative Grant ceases 31 March 2008; This grant provides the funding for smoke alarms which have been demonstrated to reduce deaths and injuries caused by accidental fires. These detectors are targeted towards vulnerable groups, together with other domestic properties that fall outside the F&RS agreed local response standards.ÝEquality & Diversity. Action to attract and employ under-represented groups is a requirement of the F&RS National Framework and is measured through the F&RS Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) process and BVPI's. Immunisation Hepatitis BòSavings within Training Budget :- From current discussions with SSC it is anticipated that courses delivered centrally will potentially allow a release of £15k from the training budget. (This budget was reduced by £10k in 2007/8 Star Chamber) TOTAL COMMUNITY SAFETY PRESSURESÀReduce the consultation budget for Oxfordshire Partnership development work. This will be offset in 2008/09 by one off funding for partnership training (Progress through Partnership / IDEA).]Reprioritisation of additional allocation in 2007/08 - Virement from Home to School Transport• Agency Placements Additional Pressure arising in 2007/08. Full pressure is £500k and is partly funded by increased DSG contribution agreed in MTFP.SAdditional savings relating to Placements identified in current MTFP not achievableoSavings achieved on Home to School Transport. Budget provision for abnormal inflation in 2007/08 not required.ODirectorate Publications budget and Information Manager post (1additional post)Early Years & Family SupportChildren & Young PeopleEducational Effectiveness Systems & Performance ManagementJAnnex 3 : Pressures, Priorities, Efficiencies, Savings & ReprioritisationsFire & Rescue Service (F&RS)-6Efficiency Savings Target (above those agreed in MTFP)New Style Gas Tight suits; Required to ensure a high level of protection for firefighters when initially assessing a chemical hazard. Having the same higher level of protection will ensure that any rescue team can be deployed immediately to the hazard area. ¸Assessment Development Centres. Introduction of new legislation following the repeal of the Appoint and Promotion Regulations concerning the advancement of personnel within the F&RS.&Integrated Clothing Project. The existing contract for uniform and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) finishes at the end of this current financial year. Any replacement contract, regardless of whether procured nationally, regionally or locally, is likely to result in an increase in costs. Asset Management - ICT Solution7Annual subscriptions/licences Fire Gateway ICT Licences˜Reduction in Communications budget: Following the completion of the Firelink project it is anticipated that it may be possible to release these savings.­Media Technician Post - Reduction: Loss of this post would result in a reduction in the production of training packages, internal publications and engagement with the media.%Total Pressures Fire & Rescue Service#Total Savings Fire & Rescue ServiceEmergency PlanningReduction in running costsHigh"Total Pressures Emergency Planning Total Savings Emergency PlanningSafer & Stronger Communities‘Home Office Regional Director Specific Funding (HORDS) removal of grant funding designed to improve joint working between OCC & District CouncilsThe loss of this funding will result in the loss of 2 FTE's leading to difficulties in coordinating the planning, performance monitoring and budget monitoring of the 5 district Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships, to the LAA Safer Communities Block officer and strategic groups. ,Total Pressures Stronger & Safer Communities*Total Savings Stronger & Safer CommunitiesGypsy & Traveller Sites'Total Pressures Gypsy & Traveller Sites%Total Savings Gypsy & Traveller SitesTrading Standards/Unidentified service reduction to be determinedŸHome Improvement Packs - responsibility for enforcement of this legislation has been delegated to local authority trading standards depts by central governmentFormula Grant - Function Transfer. If not funded will be unable to enforce the new legislation CR (part)@Potential withdrawal of police funding of the coroner's offices.LRestructuring of the Internal Audit service to improve financial control. !Total Pressures Trading StandardsTotal Savings Trading Standards&EFFICIENCY SAVINGS & REPRIORITISATIONSRISK TRANSPORTNetwork ManagementsPark and Ride transfer responsibilities from the city council (including implementing the councils charging policy)DOne off draw down on surplus Enforcement Income generated in 2007/08Oxfordshire HighwaysNWitney Depot operational costs due to replacing an owned depot to a leased oneCountywide weed control$Street Lighting Energy price savingsStreet Lighting Energy price savings - due to officer negotiations to obtain a rate substantially less than the previous contractReduction in road maintenance GeneralEfficiency Savings Target!Additional Shared Services savingTOTAL TRANSPORTTransport Net Pressures/SavingsSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT< Planning Implementation Group7Increase in income due to increased monitoring activitycContinue full funding of Victoria County History for 3 years and a grant of £7k per year thereafter«Reorganise Museum Service including withdrawing funding from Cogges. Continue full funding of Cogges for one year, reduce for one year and withdraw completely thereafter.SPEDClimate Change AdaptationsData HubData Observatory member fees$Contributions from other departmentsBid for Change Fund monies#Increase in 3rd party income levelsWaste ManagementQPotential WPEG pressure (assuming partner contributions remain at 2007/08 levels)!Waste Treatment procurement costsVIncrease in Landfill Costs (cessation of the O.W.L contract and the loss of royalties)¶LATS Fines are assumed to be £150/tonne at OWP target levels until 20012/13. Revisions to potential fines and new forecasted recycling % from districts may substantially reduce this.óLandfill Tax increases £8 per tonne increase less inflation and £3 already in budget - 2010/11. Thereafter 3% inflation also accommodates decrease in landfill linked to OWP targets. Includes increase for inert waste as well from £2.00 - £2.50.TContribution from third party income to fund staffing post (OWP and Flytipping Post).Materials cost reduction in paint and textiles CountrysideService RestructureTOTAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.Sustainable Development Net Pressures/ SavingsPROPERTY SERVICES;Corporate Property database investment and on-going support Updating of building floor plans7Staffing increase required to support capital programmeLIncreased consultant fees from the growth in gross external area of property1Shortfall in previously identified savings target/Procurement of new Construction Framework Panel-Reduced fees for consultants time charge workIncome from Oxford Castle *Reduced energy costs for central buildings#Reduction in Health & Safety budgetProperty Staff Restructuring9S106 funding (means reducing available capital resources)TOTAL PROPERTY'Property Services Net Pressures/SavingsBUSINESS IMPROVEMENT'Business Improvement structural savingsSavings still to be identifiedEPressures from previous years MTFP which had not been fully worked upPurchase Order SpecialistTOTAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT+Business Improvement Net Pressures/ Savings CHANGECommunications & Marketing;Sell space in the magazine to replace income lost from TVP.Shared Services savingOther savings to be identifiedCConsultancy assistance to improve internal/external communications :Contribution from the Change Fund - subject to approval. Print & Design¡Print & Design is forecasting a deficit of £100K in 2007/08. If no action is taken to manage this deficit, it is assumed that it will continue in future years .KOptions for managing Print & Design's deficit are currently being reviewed.Corporate HR & OD·Reduce the establishment by 2 FTE's. Further restructuring of the service from 2009/10. NB this will make it difficult for the service to achieve its HR and OD strategy objectives.SR / CR(Funding of the Job Finder Service from the Shared Services investment budget will end in September 2008. The Better Offices Programme is likely to create a further demand for this service and it can be demonstrated that the service does bring savings to the Council by reducing redundancy costs.eJob Finder funds 1 permanent FTE. When funding ends, there will be a pressure on the HR base budget.Restructuring of the serviceCustomer First3Reductions in pay and supplies & services budgets. Change@Reduce staffing budget by filling vacant post at a lower salary.Savings to be identifiedSTRATEGYLegal & Democratic ServicesMDecrease the use of counsel and rely more on existing staff to cover hearingspNet loss of income following the transfer of the Commons and Village Green function to Environment & Economy. ¨Increase income generation from Sec 106 developer funding work. This will be subject to the recruitment of suitable staff to provide support for Environment & Economy.?Generate income by seeking additional work from other councils.Reduce pay and travel budgetsgDelete Project Officer post - not required following the introduction of a committee management system.[Reduce printing and postage costs by reducing the number of agendas printed and distributed%Reduce furniture and equipment budgetMembers' ServicesReduce IT and training budgets Reduce subsistence budgetuSavings to be identified - to be reviewed when the IT and training requirements of the 2009 Council have been agreed.<Review of Members' Allowances approved by Council 19 June 07*Increase in Developer Funding Team (3 fte)To be identifiedCoroner's Service2Potential pressures on the service may arise from the revised Coroner's Bill, a national pay review and increased mortuary costs. In addition, if there were to be a resumption of military fatalities being flown into RAF Brize Norton, the cost of military inquests might continue to fall on the Council. 7The Scrutiny review may identify some efficiency savings in the administration of the service but it should be noted that most of the expenditure by the Coroner is out of the control of the Council. Pressures which cannot be controlled will need to be managed by supplementary estimate or base budget increase.Partnerships Working UnitÌRe-organise the service. However, savings will be difficult to achieve if the Council is to comply with the government's policies on localism, equalities and breaking the cycle of deprivation and meet the requirements in relation to LAA's and place shaping. It is likely that the Council will need to invest more in the Partnerships agenda in future years. Proposals for the way forward will be presented when feedback is received from CPA early in 2008. Corporate PerformancePayroll pressures !Use planned underspend in 2007/08Saving to be identified*Corporate Core Management & AdministrationRemove vacant admin postSavings to be identified 1Efficiencies arising from automation of processesFINANCE & PROCUREMENT / ICTFinance & ProcurementRestructure Financial PlanningIncrease vacancy factorProcurement income shortfall=Restructure charging of directorates for procurement servicesICTôRenegotiation of the Serco contract for the provision of SAP. Savings on the contract will cover efficiency savings to 2009/10 and part of 2010/11. The contract savings are for four years to 2012 when the Serco contract comes to an end. ¼The Serco savings start to fall out in 2010/11. Further savings will need to be identified from that year. Some savings should come when the SAP support contract is re-tendered in 2012.AOxfordshire Community Network (OCN) - increased BT rental chargesWReconfiguration of the OCN infrastructure. Increase charge to schools (grant funded)"Increased system maintenance costsReduced operating costsAESICT Serco Savings08/0909/1010/1111/1212/13"Directorate Shared Services savingb/f !annual saving less est £50K spend eff savingc/fPRIORITIES & PRESSURESREF 1CULTURAL, ADULT LEARNING & REGISTRATION SERVICES CALS_1N/A:New efficiency savings target (above those agreed in MTFP)Library ServiceCALS_2|Remove savings to be identified as a result of fundamental service review in current MTFP. Savings now identified on right.CALS_3pFurther decline in Audio Visual income - above the amounts assumed agreed in last year's budget setting processCALS_4@Decline in fines income - mainly due to on-line renewals serviceCALS_5UReduced income due to temporary closure of Westgate Library (during refurbishment). NSavings due to temporary closure of Westgate Library (during refurbishment). CALS_6…Slippage on library capital programme: adjustments to timings of additional running costs compared to those shown in the current MTFPCALS_7+Increased Revenue Costs at Bicester LibraryCALS_8DWrite-down of Audio Visual stock (asso<'ciated with 2006/07 overspend)CALS_9pSavings on single staffed mobile libraries (Option A). Other Options are possible with revised savings patterns CALS_10Self service at Central LibraryCALS_11XSavings on cataloguing due to Business Process Re-engineering (brought forward one year)CALS_12nSavings from alternative service provision, based on local consultation and community engagement (medium term)Heritage ServicesCALS_13_Remove saving to reduce curatorial resource in archaeology and natural history in current MTFP.CALS_14CALS_15URemove savings on management in Heritage service in 09/10 and beyond in current MTFP..Revised Management savings in Heritage serviceCALS_164Unachievable income target in The Oxfordshire MuseumCALS_18 Music ServiceCALS_19?Additional income due to service expansion (net of expenditure)CALS_20'Reduced expenditure from changing examsCALS_21$Increased sponsorship / grant incomeCALS_22&Increased income from re-sizing groupsArts & RecreationCALS_23/Do not suspend grants as agreed in current MTFPCALS_24CALS_25ORemove saving to reprioritise spend on recreation organisations in current MTFPCALS_264Reduce / cease funding to Group A arts organisationsCALS_274Reduce / cease funding to Group B arts organisationsCALS_284Reduce / cease funding to Group C arts organisations Management, Policy & PerformanceCALS_29iDo not reinstate Cultural Entitlement post following freeze in 2007/08. Remove pressure in current MTFP.4TOTAL CULTURAL AND ADULT LEARNING SERVICES PRESSURES2TOTAL CULTURAL AND ADULT LEARNING SERVICES SAVINGSSOCIAL CARE FOR ADULTS Older PeopleOP_1Older People Pooled BudgetResidential & Nursing BedsÊRevised demographic pressures for 2008/09 to 2010/11 due to amended bed forecasts and lower prices. Demographic pressures 2011/12 & 2012/13 - an additional 106 beds by 2012/13 compared to current MTFPMRemove savings to be identified to meet demographic pressure in current MTFP.åAdditional home support because people are staying at home longer before moving to residential /nursing care. Assumes care for an additional 36 days for 338 people, compared to 2007/08 levels and a 72 day increase by 2009/10. <Recognise shorter length of stay in residential/nursing homes. Assumes a 36 day reduction for 376 people compared to length of stay in 2007/08 and a 72 day reduction by 2009/10. (Savings on 376 beds are shown here, but only 338 care packages shown left as assume 10% of care at home is delivered by unpaid carers) œRemove residential bed saving agreed in MTFP. Placement rate was not reduced by 1 during 2007/08, so there is no full year effect of this saving for 2008/09˜On going effect of increased mortality rate and additional funding from Registered Nursing Care Contributions, to replace the saving shown on the left.oInflation savings 2.5% for spots; 2% for blocks. £25 off bed prices for new admissions. Protect specialist rateÓIntensive home support for 12 additional people over the course of the year, as a replacement for residential care. Assume packages of 15 hours per week at £20 per hour, and client contribution at £25 per week `Remove "Option B" saving in MTFP associated with 0.5 fewer new residential placements each week.Purchase 12 fewer residential beds over the year, providing home support as an alternative. The additional recuperation beds , as well as recent investment in support for carers will also facilitate this service shift. Beds saved at £465 per week, less 20% client contributionlSpot purchase 9 nursing beds to partly replace the 14 nursing bed reduction at the Isis Centre (see below)ˆStop buying 8 block purchased Intermediate care beds at The Albany. Intermediate care at the Isis will be provided instead (see below) ÿBáW |\§°^Ûc- ýf(Ojz3l^Õnõp ìrÊtõ°vÛx,z3¶z½¯{¶Q}XÂÉsz †„ L†S‹‰’Ý‹äÓŽÚ")#’*W“^;•B‹–’I˜,Ö™¹4›z›]Û›¾wZuŸX‰ l¢r ·§šªÓ­¶ú¯Ýx²[k´N•µx ·ƒ–¸^<ºL½g¾/ö¿¾6ÁþÂæ “Ä[ âƪöȾïÊ·µÏ}¾Ð†,Óô3Ôû®ÔviÕ1b×*ûØŸ%ÚÉoÛ:ÜÞ#ÝÇuÞà»så fÞfðÈð¨L@ñÿÿÿ€€€÷cc’ (.ÍÉÀ Q»ðŒ³«!  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€%ÿÁZW&CCC8 - Liberal Democrat - Annex 3 - page &P&R&"Arial,Bold"&12LIBERAL DEMOCRAT ANNEX 3&L&Fƒ„&¬ÕjµZ­Ö?'¬ÕjµZ­Ö?(º\.—Ëåâ?) ƒÁ`à?M–\\Treas-server3\CE-COMSERV-4050ܸ?€ dXXLetter”.HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 62Š†xœe_KTQÅ÷º÷èit4}H%’¥‘>\¯2%8 Eb*Ÿ„iæ茎{÷%a9ùR&ÔúLõ¤V:{ËAp?¬uøqöÞ‹Ç×ËUðÎjøDú-ii§n Û7æùëjiÓ¼´Û†‹[ÖTldI·Dº=QiÃ?D³)÷ÑðÀ7ÐÐàAð¼'!;à!ð(ød®åúHHzëïÁ»}ðG^Uš¦‹qµ“).+rŠßÀ89!>§èñ⻐S’ßÄ$·À}à~° ÀïB™¸Ò¹ ÿ ö²¢=¾ý5M~;Õ;©þ §í ߣÿu\¾V-üù*nká/-ìƝQ/ù3XñüY'õ9$p]$àNpÖíQè'îTÜ¡$£ä»ÒZ%9²©~sûÆIû/h©­»³¢*oÛhÊ<-˜Åbl£sá£ÐŒý³gùÂÌâã|¥þj- 'Öƒr­–_¶Q\6¹`b2H~¹ñ0=ä&´;ª[õµ¦dС" dýÿX …B¡P(Ô?i4F£Ñ?U} $} ’W} W} ¶ } Q  ; ; Ò@ ÿ ÿ <@ ÿ Z@ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ K@ ÿ <@ ÿ <@ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ <@ ÿ <@ <@ ÿ <@ ÿ ÿ ÿý !ý !9¾ 5>?ý 6øý 6ùý 6ÿý 6ý 67¾ :@Aý ;iý ;iý ;iý ;iý ;i<¾5>?====dý Ütý BgCû0x@<ÿZÀûP‚@ÿZÀûƒ@ÿZÀû°ƒ@ÿZÀû°ƒ@ÿZÀ9¾ÜBCdddddÜý Bh¾Cddddd¾ 8Bý Ck¾ d¾ 8Bý Cj¾ d¾ 8Bý ˜ì¾ ™šššš¾ 8Bý Cl ûÿZ À ûÿZ À û ÿZÀ û ÿZÀ û ÿZÀ 9¾ 8BCddddd8ý DmE"F0x@Oÿ DÀD À"FP‚@ÿ DÀD À"Fƒ@ÿ DÀD À"F°ƒ@ÿ DÀD À"F°ƒ@ÿ DÀD ÀG¾:@A444444ý Þbý BgCûx“@1ÿZ5Àûø—@1ÿZ5Àûž@1ÿZ5Àû&§@1ÿZ5Àû&§@1ÿZ5À9¾ÜBCdddddÜý Bh¾Cddddd¾ ßBý Ck.ûp‘ÀÿZ> ÀZ? 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