Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 12 February 2008


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MINUTES of the meeting of the County Council held at County Hall on Tuesday 8 January 2008 commencing at 10.00 am and finishing at 3.56 pm




Councillor LIZ BRIGHOUSE – in the chair




M Altaf-Khan

Alan Armitage

Michael Badcock

Roger Belson

Maurice Billington

Norman Bolster

Mrs Gail Bones

Ann Bonner

Bill Bradshaw

Iain Brown

Alan Bryden

Patrick Cartledge

Louise Chapman

Jim Couchman

Tony Crabbe

Surinder Dhesi

John Farrow

Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor

Jean Fooks

Mrs C Fulljames

Barbara Gatehouse

Deborah Glass Woodin

Janet Godden

Patrick Greene

Sue Haffenden

Timothy Hallchurch MBE

Neville F Harris

David Harvey

Steve Hayward

Mrs J Heathcoat

Hilary Hibbert-Biles

John Howell

Ian Hudspeth

Ray Jelf

Bob Johnston

Terry Joslin

Colin Lamont

Lesley Legge

Kieron Mallon

Olive McIntosh-Stedman

Keith R Mitchell CBE

Jim Moley

David Nimmo-Smith

Zoé Patrick

G A Reynolds

Dermot Roaf

David Robertson

Rodney Rose

John Sanders

Larry Sanders

Don Seale

Bill Service

Chip Sherwood

C H Shouler

Craig Simmons

Dr Peter Skolar

Roz Smith

Val Smith

Lawrie Stratford

Melinda Tilley

David Turner

Nicholas P Turner

Michael Waine

David Wilmshurst

Chris Wise



The Council considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda and reports, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.



(Agenda Item 1)


RESOLVED:          that the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on 6 November 2007 be approved and signed as a correct record, subject to, in Minute 80/07, the corrections as follows shown by strikethrough and in italic type:



Agenda Item

Nature of Interest


19 (Motion from Councillor Carter)

Personal (member of the Federation  of Small Businesses)


19 (Motion from Councillor Carter)

Personal (member of the Federation of Small Businesses shareholder of a number of companies)


19 (Motion from Councillor Carter)

Personal (member of the Federation of Small Businesses)


On Minute 84/07 (Questions with Notice from Members of the Public), in response to Councillor D Turner’s question about Roman Way, Councillor Hudspeth replied that the new footpath could not be adapted for use by equestrians, cyclists and pedestrians. 


2/08             APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE

(Agenda Item 2)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Marilyn Badcock, Carter, Dhall, Handley, Mrs Hastings, Mathew, Purse and Viney.



(Agenda Item 3)



Agenda Item

Nature of Interest


8 (Waste Management Procurement Process)

Personal – owns and manages company in Oxfordshire which supplies waste equipment to the industry but not to organisations within Oxfordshire


14 (Motion from Councillor Brown)

Personal and prejudicial – driver of HGVs


14 (Motion from Councillor Brown)

Personal – employed by a distribution company


8 (Waste Management Procurement Process)

Personal – part owns company which advises councils on waste management

Michael Badcock

14 (Motion from Councillor Brown)

Personal – employed by a distribution company



(Agenda Item 4)


The Chairman reported that:


(a)     John Kelly, County Emergency Planning Officer, had been made an MBE;


(b)     John Parry, Director for Community Safety and Chief Fire Officer, had received the Queen’s Fire Service Medal;


(c)     Euton Daley, Artistic Director, Pegasus Theatre, had been made an MBE;


(d)     She had written to the son of Benazir Bhutto conveying the Council’s condolences on the death of his mother recently and wishing him a peaceful time with his continuing studies at Oxford University;


(e)     The Oxfordshire Millenium Charity Dinner, in aid of the Oxfordshire Community Foundation, had been held on 14 December 2007 at County Hall and approximately £4000 had been raised for the Foundation;


(f)      She had received thanks from Brigadier Miles Wade, 145 Southern Brigade, for the support the Council had given to the troops in Oxfordshire returning from war zones;


(g)     Former Councillor MacKenzie had died on 6 January 2008.  Councillors Mitchell, Harris, Patrick, L Sanders, Michael Badcock, Tilley, Mrs Fulljames, Godden and Brighouse paid tribute to her.  Council observed a minute’s silence in her memory.



(Agenda Item 6)


(a)          Petition


David Cullen (Oxford Brookes University People and Planet) presented a petition about Agenda Item 8, in the following terms:


“We, the undersigned believe that building an incinerator in Oxfordshire would be detrimental to the environment, the health of local people, and the possibility of a sustainable future.  Instead we call upon the Council to follow the example of Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Lancashire Councils and build a mechanical biological treatment centre (MBT).”


(b)          Addresses


Jill Haas (Oxford Campaign against Climate Change) and Sam Clarke (Friends of the Earth) both addressed Council about Agenda Item 8 against incineration and asked the Council to consider alternatives.



(Agenda Item 8)


Councillor Belson sought leave of Council to withdraw his motion.  Seven members by standing in their places required a named vote in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15(a).  Voting was as follows:


Councillors voting for the withdrawal of the motion (46)


Councillors Michael Badcock, Belson, Billington, Bolster, Bonner, Brown, Cartledge, Chapman, Couchman, Crabbe, Dhesi, Farrow, Mrs Fitzgerald-O’Connor, Mrs Fulljames, Gatehouse, Greene, Haffenden, Hallchurch, Harris, Harvey, Hayward, Heathcoat, Hibbert-Biles, Howell, Hudspeth, Jelf, Joslin, Lamont, Mallon, McIntosh-Stedman, Mitchell, Nimmo-Smith, Reynolds, Robertson, Rose, J Sanders, Seale, Service, Shouler, Dr Skolar, V Smith, Stratford, Tilley, N Turner, Waine and Wilmshurst


Councillors voting against the withdrawal of the motion (18)


Councillors Altaf-Khan, Armitage, Bones, Bradshaw, Bryden, Fooks, Glass Woodin, Godden, Johnston, Legge, Moley, Patrick, Roaf, L Sanders, Simmons, R Smith, D Turner and Wise


Councillors Brighouse and Sherwood abstained (2)


Councillor Belson proposed and Councillor Lamont seconded that Council Procedure Rules 11 and 13 be suspended for this agenda item only to enable the Council to have a free and wide-ranging debate on the waste management procurement process.  Council agreed to the suspension (46 members voting in favour, 1 member voting against and 17 members abstaining).


Council debated the issue of the waste management procurement process.  Councillor Belson then summarised the points made by councillors during the debate and reported that the points would be included in a report to the Cabinet for its meeting on 15 January 2008 but would be circulated to all councillors beforehand to ensure accuracy. 


7/08             REPORT OF THE CABINET (CC9)

(Agenda Item 9)


The Council had before it the report of the Cabinet (CC9).  The report contained one recommendation from Council. 


Item 1 – Financial Monitoring


RESOLVED:  (on a motion by Councillor Shouler and seconded by Councillor Mitchell):


(a)          (nem con) to approve the permanent virement of £0.8m from the Dedicated Schools Grant unallocated budget as follows:  £0.4m to Family Support & Assessment to increase the establishment of social workers and £0.4m to Agency Placements to address the ongoing pressures in relation to education and transport costs; and


(b)          (45 members voting in favour, 1 member voting against and 16 members abstaining) to approve the allocation of the LABGI grant as set out in Annex 1 to the report.



(Agenda Item 10)


23 questions with notice were asked.  Details of the questions and answers and the supplementary questions and answers, where asked and given, are set out in the Annex to the Minutes (download as .doc file).



(Agenda Item 11)


Councillor Patrick moved and Councillor D Turner seconded the following motion:


“This Council recognises that The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 places responsibility on local authorities regarding the important role that frontline councillors play in their communities.    County councillors should be recognised as ‘Community Champions’ taking forward the priorities and needs of their individual communities, helping to engage the public with local design and delivery of services.


Council therefore calls upon the Cabinet to confirm its commitment to enabling frontline councillors to perform their role appropriately in the communities they serve by:


(a)          Setting up mechanisms which would increase powers of scrutiny within this Council, and take into account the Community Call for Action;


(b)          Devolving some small budget funding to enable engagement with parish/town councils and community groups for delivery of key priorities.


This will give clear recognition to the work being undertaken by councillors in contributing to community leadership of this council.  It will also be seen by the public as giving back some power to the people who were elected to serve them, and allowing councillors to respond to the needs of those they represent.” 


After debate, the motion was lost by 37 votes to 17.



(Agenda Item 12)


Councillor Roaf sought leave of Council to withdraw his motion, which was granted, as he understood that Councillor Bradshaw had been given assurances on some of the issues raised in his motion.



(Agenda Item 13)


Councillor J Sanders moved and Councillor V Smith seconded the following motion:


"This Council believes that Oxford residents in controlled parking zones should not be charged for parking outside their own homes and therefore asks the Cabinet to remove all charges for residents’ parking permits in Oxford (subject to consultation).”


Seven members by standing in their places required a named vote in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15(a).  Voting was as follows:


Councillors voting for the motion (12)


Councillors Altaf-Khan, Armitage, Bones, Brighouse, Cartledge, Dhesi, Gatehouse, Harris, Joslin, J Sanders, R Smith and V Smith


Councillors voting against the motion (41)


Councillors Michael Badcock, Belson, Billington, Bolster, Bonner, Brown, Chapman, Couchman, Crabbe, Farrow, Mrs Fitzgerald-O’Connor, Fooks, Mrs Fulljames, Godden, Greene, Haffenden, Hallchurch, Harvey, Hayward, Heathcoat, Howell, Hudspeth, Jelf, Lamont, Mallon, Mitchell, Nimmo-Smith, Reynolds, Roaf, Robertson, Rose, Seale, Service, Sherwood, Shouler, Dr Skolar, Stratford, Tilley, N Turner, Waine and Wilmshurst


Councillors abstaining (9)


Councillors Bryden, Johnston, Legge, McIntosh-Stedman, Moley, Patrick, L Sanders, D Turner and Wise



(Agenda Item 14)


RESOLVED:  (on a motion by Councillor Brown and seconded by Councillor Tilley and carried nem con):


“Oxfordshire is a major warehousing and distribution hub for some of the largest companies within the UK. Unfortunately, within the County, there are not enough facilities to cater for the needs of the drivers of the large goods vehicles that deliver to this large and important transport hub. Council therefore requests that the Cabinet Member for Transport and the Director for Environment & Economy at Oxfordshire County Council give this matter consideration within the remit of highway planning and section 106 (planning gain) agreements.”


(Councillor Hayward spoke at the start of the debate and then left the room for the remainder of the debate.)




................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2008


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