Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 9 September 2008


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ITEM CC12(b)








The Cabinet has agreed to include a report on current developments in partnership working to each full Council meeting. This report includes information on the following partnerships:

  • Oxfordshire Partnership by Councillor Keith R Mitchell
  • Public Service Board by Councillor David Robertson
  • Oxfordshire Children’s Trust Board by Councillor Louise Chapman 
  • Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board by Councillor Jim Couchman
  • Safer Communities Board by Councillor Judith Heathcoat
  • Waste Partnership by Councillor Roger Belson
  • Oxfordshire Economic Partnership by Councillor Keith Mitchell 
  • The Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Improvement Partnership by Councillor David Robertson 
  • Environment Partnership by Councillor Roger Belson
  • Learning and Skills Partnership by Councillor Keith R Mitchell
  • Oxfordshire Voluntary Sector Development Partnership by Councillor Jim Couchman


This report provides a summary on:

  • Date of next meeting.
  • Key agenda items for discussion.
  • Key contact for further information.


The report scheduled for the Council meeting on 4 November will include detailed information covering:

  • A summary of partnership priorities for the year.
  • Progress in the last quarter towards those objectives.
  • Other information of interest.


We will update the Oxfordshire Partnership website ( by the end of September which will hold all relevant information on each of the thematic partnerships. This will include information on:

·        Dates of meetings

·        Membership

·        Terms of reference

·        Agenda/Papers and minutes of previous meeting

·        News

·        Progress


Paul James

Head of Partnership Working 

Corporate Core (Strategy)



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Oxfordshire Partnership


Cllr Keith R Mitchell

Cabinet member

Cllr Keith R Mitchell

Date of next meeting

26 November 2pm

Agenda items for discussion

·            Agreement of Oxfordshire 2030 (the Countywide Sustainable Community Strategy)

·            Progress on Local Area Agreement 2

·            Presentation from the Data Observatory and trends affecting Oxfordshire

Contact for further information

Claire Evans
Partnership Manager
01865 816077


Oxfordshire Public Service Board


Cllr David Robertson

Cabinet member

Cllr David Robertson

Date of next meeting

3 September 2008

Agenda items for discussion

·            LAA2 – status and implementation report

·            Finance (Area based grant)

·            First quarter performance report

·            Review of governance

Contact for further information

Claire Phillips
Partnership Officer
01865 816029


Oxfordshire Economic Partnership


Frank Nigriello

Cabinet member

Cllr Keith R Mitchell

Date of next meeting

26 June

Agenda items for discussion

·            Economic update - Credit Crunch impact

·            Quadrant update

·            Matters arising

·            Finance update

·            Corporate issues

·            Progress Report

§      Annual dinner - Thursday 13 November at Mansfield College

§      Business awards winners

§      Learning & Skills Partnership meeting - feedback

§      Special Interest Groups

o       partnerships

o       business/education

o       start-up

o       tourism

o       transport

o       horizons/futures

o       business engagement



  • Oxford West End
  • Bicester Vision


o       OEP arrangements going forward

o       Business Plan and priorities

Contact for further information 

Dave Waller

Oxfordshire Economic Partnership

Speedwell House, Speedwell Street, Oxford, OX1 1NE

0186 810 813


Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire (MKOB) Improvement Partnership


Hilary Simpson (Corporate Change Manager, Oxfordshire County Council

Cabinet member

Cllr David Robertson

Date of next meeting

28 August

Agenda items for discussion

At the last MKOB Board meeting, it was agreed that the role of the Partnership would be extended with a wider improvement and efficiency remit. Therefore, the next meeting will be focused on clarifying this further:

·            Agree terms of reference

·            Governance arrangement, esp. Member oversight

·            Agree communication strategy

Contact for further information

Rachel Greenham

MKOB Programme Coordinator

Tel: 01865 816379


Oxfordshire Health & Wellbeing Partnership


Co-Chairmen: Cllr Jim Couchman and Dr Stephen Richards (Oxfordshire PCT Chair of the Clinical Executive)

Cabinet member

Cllr Jim Couchman


Date of next meeting

Thursday 18 September @ 2pm in Oxford Town Hall

Agenda items for discussion

-          An Away Day was held on the 19 June and the next meeting will be discussing the Action Plan that emerged from the discussions and activities during that day to take the work of the Health & Well-Being Partnership forward. 

-          This Action Plan will include some priorities for a Health & Well-Being Partnership ‘work programme’, to give future meetings much more focus.  Activity to deliver against this action plan is also expected to produce some quality standards to further improve accountability and governance of the Health & Well-Being Partnership.

-          Other agenda items: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Oxfordshire will feature, unless a special workshop is held to raise awareness of this new process/ resource before the next meeting.  There is a new statutory requirement on the Director for Children’s Services, Director for Adult Social Services and Director of Public Health to produce this assessment jointly and use it to inform strategic planning and commissioning

Contact for further information

Matt Bramall - Health & Well-Being Partnership Officer
(Work 01865 (3)37016  (Tues & Weds)
(Work 01865 (81)0581  (Mon, Thus & Fri)


Oxfordshire Environment Partnership


Robin Buxton

Cabinet member

Cllr R Belson

Date of next meeting

14 July 2pm

Agenda items for discussion

·            LAA2 update

·            Sustainable Community Strategy – the role of the Partnership in implementing pledges for which it is responsible and future work

·            A review of climate change activities and options for further work

Contact for further information

Susie Ohlenschlager
01865 810148


Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership


Cllr J Heathcoat

Cabinet member

Cllr J Heathcoat

Date of next meeting

Monday 28 July


Agenda items for discussion

·         LAA1 and LAA2 update

·         Performance booklet for discussion, focusing on performance against LAA2 targets, proposed Oxfordshire 2030 targets and CDRP performance

·         Briefing on special meeting of the OSCP Officer Group (14 July) to discuss finance allocations for next year

·         Updates from the Tactical Business Groups, with an in-depth focus on the Drugs group

·         Strategic Intelligence Assessment update

·         Audit of CDRP finances

·         Presentation from Crimestoppers (to be confirmed)

Contact for further information

Ruth Whyte
Safer Communities Unit
Tel: 01865 258423
Mobile: 07990 782327


Oxfordshire Waste Partnership


Cllr J Tanner, (for Oxford City Council)

Cabinet member

Cllr R Belson

Date of next meeting

11 July

Agenda items for discussion

·            Election of chair and vice chair (a formality as set out in our governance agreement)

·            Dates of meetings for 2008/09 and 2009/10 (Oxford City Councils tenure as host authority)

·            Annual report for 2007/08

·            Internal Audit report for 2007/08

·            LAA1 and LAA2 update

·            Procurement updates (Residual waste treatment, food waste treatment & VOWH/SODC joint collection contract)

·            Performance monitoring report (2008/09 first quarter performance)

·            Joint Waste Authorities - Expression of interest (to consider an invitation from government to form a JWA)

·            Radley Lakes - to consider a position on the deposit of pulverised fuel ash from Didcot power station into Radley Lakes

Contact for further information

Wayne Lewis

OWP Coordinator

c/o Cherwell D.C

Thorpe Lane Depot


OX16 4UT

tel. 01295 221903



Oxfordshire Children’s Trust Board


Cllr Louise Chapman

Cabinet member

Cllr Louise Chapman

Date of next meeting

5 September

Agenda items for discussion

·           Teenage Pregnancy

·           Educational achievement

·           Safeguarding children

Contact for further information

Mike Simm
Head of Commissioning, Strategy and Locality Development
01865 815212


Oxfordshire Voluntary Sector Development Partnership


Bishop Colin Fletcher

Cabinet member

Cllr Jim Couchman

Date of next meeting

3 July 10:00

Agenda items for discussion


Business and Strategic Plan Update

Improving Reach – update from OREC on funding awarded by Capacity Builders through new improving reach programme

Sustainable Communities Strategy and LAA update
Implementation of IDP – to discuss progress on the implementation plan

Capacity Builders reporting 2008 onwards

Regional META Plan

Mapping of faith groups in Oxfordshire

OCC Voluntary sector briefing event – to discuss write up of event and how to take forward

Voluntary and Community Sector Forum Calendar 08/09:

September 23 – West Oxon

October 10 – City

October 24 – Vale

November 7 – Cherwell

TBC – County

Contact for further information

Kate Hill
Strategic Partnership Manager
01865 251946


Oxfordshire Learning and Skills Partnership


Cllr K R Mitchell

Cabinet member

Cllr K R Mitchell

Date of next meeting

Date to be confirmed

Agenda items for discussion

Learning, skills and business organisations, including representatives of CYP&F and S&CS met on 23 June at a meeting chaired by Cllr Mitchell to form a new strategic partnership for learning and skills in Oxfordshire. The purpose of the partnership is to provide strategic direction for learning and skills in the county with a focus on workforce skills and the needs of business; young people and educational attainment; people of working age who are not in education, employment or training. The partnership will be meeting quarterly. Dates to be confirmed.

Contact for further information

Paul James
Head of Partnership Working
01865 816031

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