Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 9 September 2008

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ITEM CC12(a)







Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council


1.                 Oxfordshire 2030 – Sustainable Community Strategy: A Partnership Plan for Improving Quality of Life in Oxfordshire

(Cabinet, 24 June 2008)


The Cabinet has considered Oxfordshire 2030 – the sustainable community strategy for the county. It has been developed by the Oxfordshire Partnership and sets out a long-term vision for improving the quality of life for all the county’s residents and businesses.


Following the Cabinet’s approval, there is a public consultation period for 12 weeks on the draft strategy. Formal agreement will be sought in November 2008.


The Cabinet has agreed to support the draft strategy.


2.                 Performance Management – Fourth Quarter Report of Progress Against Priorities and Targets

(Cabinet, 24 June 2008)


The Cabinet has noted a report on the Council's Balanced Scorecard, detailing progress against priorities and targets as at Quarter Four, 2007 – 2008. Performance at year-end was encouraging with more than 80% of targets for which information was available on track at the end of quarter four, compared to 75% at that stage last year.


3.                 Government Draft Legislative Programme

(Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a summary report on the 2008/09 draft legislative programme announced by the Government in May. It set out proposed legislation for the next session of parliament, to be announced in the Queen’s speech in the autumn. The Government has asked for comments to be received by 6 August 2008.


Following comments from members and officers, the Cabinet has delegated responsibility to the Leader of the Council to respond on behalf of the county council.


4.                 Annual Review of LAA Targets, Year 2 of the First LAA

(Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has noted a report detailing the progress on Local Area Agreement targets during the second year of delivery, 2007/08. The report discussed progress made to date on each ‘stretch-target’ indicator.


The report highlighted that performance in the second year was promising, with most stretch targets on track to achieve a reward grant.


Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader of the Council


5.                 Establishment Review

(Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has noted a report that gave an update on activity since the implementation of the Establishment Review and associated Recruitment Approval process on 1 August 2005. Details of the agreed establishment figure at 31 March 2008 in terms of Full Time Equivalents was provided, together with the detailed staffing position at 31 March 2008. The report also contained information on grant funded posts and those vacancies which are being covered by agency staff and at what cost.


Cabinet Member: Finance


6.                 Financial Monitoring

(Cabinet, 24 June & 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has considered two financial monitoring reports. The report to the meeting on 24 June covered the period to 30 April 2008 and the report to the meeting on 15 July covered the period to 31 May 2008.


At the June Cabinet meeting, the Cabinet approved the virements and supplementary estimate requests, as set out in the report to the Cabinet.


At the July meeting, it was reported that the in-year overspend for the Directorates was forecast to be £1.136m. This forecast excluded the City Schools reorganisation overspend.


The year-end forecast of general balances showed a forecast of £18.069m. After taking into account the forecast Directorate outturn, the consolidated revenue balances forecast is £16.933m.


The Cabinet has noted the report and revised Annex 2a and Annex 4 and approved virements and changes to the capital programme as set out in paragraphs 55 to 58 and the updated programme at Annex 7 of the report to the Cabinet.


7.                 Provisional 2007/08 Revenue and Capital Outturn

(Cabinet, 24 June 2008)


The Cabinet has considered the 2007/08 provisional revenue and capital outturn and identified variations of actual spend against budgets. The report focused on the year end balance sheet position, including the level of general balances and reserves. The report also included the approval process for the allocation of revenue carry forwards in 2008/09.


The Council's year end position for 2007/08 showed a revenue underspend of -£3.281m, a capital underspend of -£12.974m and general balances of £22.411m.


The Cabinet has noted the report subject to the amendments listed in the schedule of addenda; approved the process for carry-forwards and the approach to School Balances; the changes to balances and the creation of new reserves as set out in the report to the Cabinet.


8.                 Treasury Management Outturn

(Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has noted a report that set out the Council’s Treasury Management Outturn financial position for the 2007/08 financial year.


The Council's external debt increased from £367.38m on 1 April 2007 to £392.38m on 31 March 2008. The weighted average rate of interest paid on long-term debt during 2007/08 was 4.8387%. The Council achieved an in-house deposit return of 5.67% and continued to use two external fund managers, Investec and Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (SWIP).


The Strategic Measures interest on balances outturn was £8.420m compared to a budget of £4.307m. The additional net interest earned was as a result of higher temporary cash balances, due to capital programme slippage, higher than budgeted interest received as a result of the 'credit crunch' and a lower rate of interest paid on developer contributions due to movements in the Baxter index.


Cabinet Member: Children, Young People & Families


9.                 Scrutiny Review of Young Carers

(Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a Scrutiny Review Report from the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee on Young Carers.


The Review set out to identify how the county council (and its partners) may empower young carers to approach the authority for help; to achieve a change in understanding and perception around young carers; to identify the gaps between provision, need/demand and availability of services and to examine the social/economic/educational and health impacts of the issue. The Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee believed that the report demonstrated that these aims had been achieved.


In the majority of cases, the Cabinet has agreed either to adopt the recommendations or to recommend that schools or partner organisations adopt them, as set out in the Cabinet Member’s response attached to the minutes.


Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement


10.             Didcot 14-19 Provision: The Future of Secondary Education in Didcot

(Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report that outlined the need to plan the provision of more secondary education in Didcot, given its expansion in population size and the need for more technical and scientific skills. It covered the issues surrounding the provision; including the requirement for mixed provision that will enable the delivery of 14-19 diplomas and the need for a competition for the creation of the provision, with the county council acting as decision-maker.


The Cabinet has approved the proposal to open a competition for the provision of a new secondary facility in Didcot; instructed officers to prepare a specification for consultation prior to the competition and agreed that the Cabinet would consider the specification when appropriate.


Cabinet Member: Sustainable Development


11.             Eco-Towns

            (Cabinet, 24 June 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a report on the Government’s eco-towns consultation and, in particular, to the proposal for “Weston Otmoor”. The report to the Cabinet also included a joint report prepared with officers from Cherwell District Council.


The Cabinet stated its opposition to the Weston Otmoor proposal, considering the negative effect on Bicester and local communities unacceptable and was sceptical of the ability to delivery the proposed transport links. Members of the public and local members raised similar concerns about the impact on existing local communities and transport in the area.


The Cabinet has undertaken to respond to the Department of Communities and Local Government regarding the concerns raised, as detailed in the minutes, report and schedule of addenda.


12.             Proposed Reservoir – Consultation on Water Resources Management Plan

            (Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


Thames Water Utilities Ltd (RWE Group) is required to produce a Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP), setting out how demand for water will be balanced against supply over the next 25 years.


The Cabinet has considered a report that set out the key issues highlighted in the WRMP; the Thames Water Preferred Programme, including the preferred option to provide a large reservoir south west of Abingdon and a proposed response from the Council.


The Cabinet shared members’ concerns regarding leakages and the effect of the reservoir on Oxfordshire and asked officers to respond to the consultation, taking account of the points raised in the discussion and in the report to the Cabinet.


13.             Oxfordshire Waste Partnership (OWP) – New Financial Arrangements

            (Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


On 16 January 2007, the Cabinet approved governance and financial arrangements for the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership. At that time, it was reported that the financial arrangements needed further detailed development.


The Cabinet has considered a report that recommended approving a revised legal agreement, resulting from the new financial arrangements for the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership


The Cabinet has agreed that Oxfordshire County Council should formally sign the legal agreement subject to any minor drafting changes agreed by the Head of Sustainable Development following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development.


14.             Developer Contributions to Service Infrastructure

            (Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has noted a report that presented a summary of the developer contributions secured through the planning process for 2007/08, identifying the financial contributions negotiated, received and spent throughout the year.


Cabinet Member: Transport


15.             Scrutiny Review on Cycling to Work – ‘On Your Bike’

(Cabinet, 24 June 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a Scrutiny Review Report from the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee on Cycling to Work in Oxfordshire. The Scrutiny Committee had held a ‘select committee’ style question & answer session on 20 February 2008, with the resultant report setting out the practical steps that the authority and its partners could take to increase levels of cycling and overcome barriers to achieving an increased level of cycling in the county, without radically increasing its expenditure.


The Cabinet has responded to the Scrutiny Committee as set out in the minutes and accepted the majority of the recommendations.


16.             Sustainable School Travel Strategy 2008-2011

(Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


On 18 March 2008, the Cabinet approved a draft Sustainable School Travel Strategy (SSTS) for consultation which was undertaken during May and June 2008.


The Cabinet has considered a report that contained a summary of the comments received on the draft Strategy; identified the changes made to the document as a result and identified changes to the Strategy made as a result of other developments since the draft was approved.


At the meeting, the Cabinet highlighted the attempt to make the change to sustainable transport to school; that state schools were showing good reductions in unsustainable travel and the aim to tailor each plan to the individual school for the best results.


The Cabinet has approved the Sustainable School Travel Strategy for consultation.


Cabinet Member: Community Safety


17.             Scrutiny Review of Recruitment and Retention of Retained Firefighters

(Cabinet, 24 June 2008)


The Cabinet has considered a Scrutiny Review Report from the Community Safety Scrutiny Committee. The Review set out to examine the current system and processes for recruiting retained fire fighters and to recommend ways in which these could be enhanced to attract and then maintain a higher establishment; including how to improve workforce diversity and to monitor the implementation of the recommendations and outcomes of the in-depth (internal) authority review on Fire Cover.


The Cabinet has referred the Review and recommendations to the Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service for detailed consideration before further consideration by the Cabinet.


18.             Fundamental Review Report – Analysis of the Retained Duty  System

(Cabinet, 15 July 2008)


The Cabinet has considered the analysis of the Retained Duty System, which had been carried out to provide a detailed platform for future reviews. The report highlighted that the ideal solution had not been identified and future options must be developed and budget implications brought before a future meeting of the Cabinet.


The Cabinet has commended the Retained Firefighters, their Officers and the Retained Recruitment Officer for their dedicated service to the Communities of Oxfordshire and asked the Director for Community Safety & Shared Services and Chief Fire Officer to report to the Cabinet on the outcomes of the Integrated Risk Management Plan project examining the Retained Duty System and the options for improving emergency cover within Oxfordshire.


19.             Items Exempt from Call-In


Scrutiny Procedure Rule (17)(a) requires any decision taken as a matter of urgency within the terms of that Rule, and thus not subject to the call in procedure, to be reported to the next meeting of the Council, together with the reasons for urgency.


In reaching a decision on the item, the decision-maker was of the opinion that the matter was urgent within the meaning of Scrutiny Procedure Rule (17)(a) and that the decision should not be subject to call-in because the delay likely to be caused by the call-in procedure, if invoked, would seriously prejudice the Council’s or public interests for the following reasons:



Reason for Urgency

Ballot by OX1 on a Proposed Oxford City Business Improvement District

(Leader of the Council, 30 June 2008)

The ballot closed at 5pm on 4 July.


In the circumstances outlined above, the Chairman of the Council agreed that the decisions should be treated as a matter of urgency.



Leader of the Council


August 2008


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