Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 7 April 2009

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ITEM CC10(a)







Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council


1.                 Appointment to South East England Councils (SEEC)

(Cabinet, 20 January 2009)


The Cabinet appointed Councillor Roger Belson to serve as a member to the South East England Councils. SEEC has been set up to work with the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) on developing the Single Integrated Regional Strategy


2.                 Scrutiny Review of the Local Economy of Market Towns

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report on the review that considered what more Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) could do to help facilitate the economic success of market towns both as an individual agent and in partnership with key stakeholders. The review aimed to support district councils in achieving their visions as well as supporting community led initiatives in market towns.


The Cabinet welcomed the interest of the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee in the success of Oxfordshire’s market towns but believed that the future of Oxfordshire’s market towns should be considered holistically, in terms of developing places and communities and that actions to drive success should be developed from a broader framework and not focus solely on economic success alone. The Cabinet recognised the significant role of District Councils in the development of these communities and referred the review to the Oxfordshire Leader’s Group; and also wished to seek the input of the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership.


In response, the Cabinet requested that the Cabinet Member for Place prepare an action plan for supporting the success of market towns more generally, taking into account the findings of the Scrutiny Review.


3.                 Review of Partnership Governance Arrangements

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet agreed a report that proposed changes to the structure of thematic partnerships supporting the Oxfordshire Partnership and Public Service Board that followed a review of the governance arrangements of the partnerships responsible for delivery of the targets in the Oxfordshire 2030 Delivery Plan.


4.                 Local Area Agreement ‘Refresh’

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet considered a report that updated the position with regard to the review and refresh process for the Local Area Agreement 2008-2011. The Cabinet agreed the targets set out in the report subject to final negotiations with Government Office South East (GOSE).


Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader of the Council


5.                 Opportunities In The Council

(Cabinet, 17 February 2009)


The Cabinet has considered the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee following a select committee question and answer session concerning “Opportunities within the Council.

The aim of the select committee question and answer session was to:


·           Assess the success of current policies and make recommendations on how they might be more effectively implemented.

·          Identify best practice and make recommendations where appropriate.


The Cabinet agreed recommendations 2 and 3, rejected recommendation 4 and noted that on recommendation 1 there was no central budget for this, and the Cabinet expected that, given the sums involved, costs could be met from within existing Directorate budgets.


6.                 Performance Management: 3rd Quarter Progress Report against Priorities and Targets

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has noted a report on the Council's Balanced Scorecard detailing progress against priorities and targets as at Quarter Three 2008 - 2009.


7.                 Establishment Review

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has noted a report that gave an update on activity since the implementation of the Establishment Review and associated Recruitment Approval process on 1 August 2005. Details of the agreed establishment figure at 31 December 2008 in terms of Full Time Equivalents was provided, together with the detailed staffing position at 31 December 2008. The report also contained information on grant funded posts and those vacancies which are being covered by agency staff and at what cost.


Cabinet Member: Finance


8.                 Financial Monitoring

(Cabinet, 20 January, 17 February and 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has considered three financial monitoring reports. The report to the meeting on 20 January covered the period to 30 November, the report to the meeting on 17 February covered the period to 31 December and the report to the meeting on 17 March covered the period to 31 January 2009.


The January and February reports set out the Council’s forecast financial position for the 2008/09 financial year including projections for revenue, balances, reserves and capital.


The Cabinet agreed the virements, supplementary estimates and write-offs for bad debts as set out in the reports. At the February meeting the Cabinet also authorised the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families to take decisions in respect of requests for grants made under the Chill Out Fund.


At the March meeting it was reported that the overspend for Directorates was forecast at £1.963m excluding the -£0.365m underspend on the ICT Investment Fund which will be carried forward to 2009/10.  The year-end forecast of general balances was £20.006m. 


The projected in-year commitment on capital was estimated to be £86.6m (excluding devolved formula capital) in line with the latest capital programme approved by Council in February 2009.  Actual expenditure to the end of January was £55.75m, 64% of projected spend.


The Cabinet noted the report and agreed the virements and supplementary estimates as set out in the annexes to that report.


9.                 Redbridge Hollow – Fly Tip Material Removal

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has agreed the detailed project appraisal for removal of fly-tipped waste from County Council owned land at Redbridge Hollow, Oxford.


The report explained where the waste had been deposited, the method that would be adopted for its treatment and removal, an interim site security strategy to be implemented after the waste had been removed and the proposed future use of the land.


10.             Review of Facilities Management

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report that set out the findings of a review of the Council’s arrangements for Facilities Management (FM), the Business Case, proposals for the future and sought approval for putting the new arrangements in place.

The review considered soft FM services (such as cleaning, reception and hall keeping) and its objectives were to establish a service which:


•           Improved the ability to meet statutory requirements and deliver council objectives

•           Provided a broader range of high quality FM services

•           Was capable of delivering services across the County efficiently and which represents value for money in procurement, delivery and management

•           Was able to adapt to changing demands of the Council as the estate changes

•           Was capable of growing to meet the demands of new clients such as the Council’s Partners if they choose to buy-in to the service

•           Was capable of being monitored for performance and value for money.


The Cabinet agreed the proposals for establishing a Corporate Facilities Management function within Property Services and the transfer of exiting FM spend to the new function from 2010/11.


Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement


11.             Oxford Academy (Final Business Case and Detailed Project Approval)

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report that related to the final business case and sought approval to the detailed project appraisal. The Oxford Academy project would provide for a new and part refurbished 7 form entry secondary school with up to 1,050 pupils. In addition there would be a 6th form for up to 400 pupils and a specific 150-place sports academy.


The Cabinet gave authority to enter into a building contract for the delivery of the Oxford Academy, Mabel Prichard Special School, Adult Learning and Library facilities and to enter into a development agreement with the Oxford Academy Trust.


Cabinet Member: Social & Community Services


12.             Annual Report By The Commission For Social Care Inspection On Adult Social Services - Adult Social Care Star Rating

(Cabinet 20 January, 2009)


The Cabinet considered the 2007/08 annual report from the Commission for Social Care Inspection that was structured around seven key outcomes, which were used to evaluate how well the council currently served people in Oxfordshire who used adult social care and 2 further criteria which were used to describe the future prospects for the council.


The Cabinet received the report and agreed to review progress on the areas for development through the quarterly monitoring of the directorate balanced scorecard. 


13.             The Demographic Challenge In Oxfordshire - Scrutiny Review Looking Into The Demographic Challenge For Older People’s Services Within Oxfordshire

(Cabinet 20 January, 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a summary report which described the pressures of an increasing and ageing population on Oxfordshire.


The report identified the pressures that this demographic growth would have and outlined a series of ‘red flags’ that detailed the areas and issues that the Lead Member Group felt warranted most attention. In particular, these were Managing Future Care, Promoting Good Health and Good Mental Health, New Criteria for Housing, Planning and Transport, and Other Issues (including learning disability, physical disability, information & advocacy and black & minority ethnic issues). 


Cabinet endorsed the proposal to hold a Demographics Conference, endorsed the red flags detailed in the report as the basis for further work and development and that they be used as the main underlying themes of the Conference.


14.             Section 75 National Health Service Act 2006 Partnership Agreement – The Expansion Of The Commissioning Pooled Budget For Mental Health Services For Adults Of Working Age In Oxfordshire

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report which informed them of proposals for the expansion of the Mental Health Commissioning Pooled Budget between OCC and Oxfordshire Primary Care Trust (OPCT) and sought approval to the necessary arrangements to put this in place.


The Cabinet gave approval for the expansion of the Commissioning Pooled Budget from April 2009 to include all Budgets from both organizations for adults of working age with mental health problems and agreed the governance arrangements including delegated authority to Chief Officers to agree the budgets that will contribute to the Mental Health Commissioning pool.


Cabinet Member: Sustainable Development


15.             Eco-Towns: Response to Draft Planning Policy Statement and Sustainability Appraisal; and Progress Report on Eco-Town Proposals at Weston Otmoor and North West Bicester            

(Cabinet, 17 February 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a response to a consultation on a draft Planning Policy Statement (PPS) on Eco-towns together with an initial sustainability appraisal (SA) of the shortlisted proposals. The draft PPS included a revised shortlist of 12 potential locations including Weston Otmoor and one of the alternatives, suggested by Cherwell District Council for the appraisal process – North West Bicester.


The Cabinet endorsed the joint response with Cherwell District Council.


Cabinet Member: Community Safety


16.             Fire Authority IRMP Final Action Plan 2009/10

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report that proposed the projects to be included within the Fire Authority’s Integrated Risk Management (IRMP) – Action Plan for 2009/10.  The proposals agreed for the 2009/10 IRMP Action Plan were: Review Prevention and Risk Reduction; A review of the implementation of the Fire Safety Order; Working with the requirements of the Local Resilience Forum; a review of the training requirements and operational needs associated with the retained duty staff; to achieve level 3 in the Local Government Standard for Equalities; a review of the joint working opportunities with Oxfordshire County Emergency Planning Unit; the creation of a succession Planning strategy and a review of the Incident Command structure


17.             Debt and Money Advice Review

(Cabinet, 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report on the Review exploring the range, quality and effectiveness of debt and money advice that is being provided by a host of different agencies across Oxfordshire. 


Cabinet Member: Transport


18.             Didcot Parkway Station Interchange Scheme

(Cabinet, 20 January 2009)


The Cabinet has given approval to the Detailed Project Appraisal for the Didcot Parkway Station Interchange scheme as required by The Financial Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution.


19.             Reading Area Transport Innovation Fund Bid

(Cabinet, 20 January 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report regarding Reading Borough Council's plans to bid for £275 million under the Government's Transport Innovation Fund (TIF).  The report outlined that the County Council was invited to be represented on a TIF Partner Authority Members’ Liaison Group in order to influence the final package of measures.


The Cabinet agreed that the Cabinet Member for Transport be involved; recorded its opposition to congestion charging per se and its support for a third Thames crossing only for public transport vehicles and gave qualified support to the principle of the TIF bid by Reading Borough Council to secure traffic improvements.


20.             Cycle Hire Scheme

(Cabinet, 17 February 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report that updated Members on progress with the feasibility of a cycle hire scheme for Oxford and gave approval for the next stages in the project.


21.             Capital & Revenue Transport Works Programmes

(Cabinet 17 March 2009)


The Cabinet has considered a report that sets out the main Transport works programmes for 2009/10 and beyond.  The report also provided an update on the delivery of the 2008/09 programmes, and on the general progress made during the first two years of the current Local Transport Plan (LTP 2).


The Cabinet has given approval to the details of the 2009/10 Transport Improvements programme and scheme allocations and 2010/11 provisional programme as set out in Annex 3; the use of relevant developer funded contributions; the details of the 2009/10 Highway Maintenance programmes and allocations; Oxford City Council’s Section 42 allocation for 2009/10 and the Detailed Project Appraisal for A420 High Street, Oxford, Phase 3.






Leader of the Council


March 2009


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