Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 4 November 2008



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Report by Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services




1.                  On 20 May 2008 the Cabinet considered as part of the annual review of appointments the ‘Member Champion’ role. 


2.                  Member Champions could potentially play an important part in helping the Council to achieve its aims, objectives and values. The role has not been designated by the Cabinet (or endorsed by the Council) as being strategic and therefore, under the Constitution, is currently the responsibility of the Democracy & Organisation Committee.


3.                  The Cabinet supported the development of a broad, overall approach to the Member Champion role in order to achieve a consistent strategic approach to such appointments and asked the Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services to develop, for consideration by the Cabinet, draft guidance in relation to the role of ‘Member Champion’, to include a person specification / role description and reporting framework. 


Current position


4.                  To date, the Democracy & Organisation Committee has designated three Member Champions: 

·                    Older People’s Champion – Councillor Peter Skolar

(appointed in September 2004);

·                    Member Champion for Cycling – Cabinet Member for Transport

(appointed in April 2008); and

·                    Healthy Schools Champion – Councillor Pete Handley

(appointed in April 2008).


5.                  Some designations have a person profile/role description and a reporting process. 


6.                  In addition, the Audit Committee has agreed that its Chairman should fulfil the role of Member Champion for Risk Management in support of a CPA Key Line of Enquiry. 


7.                  There are at least two routes by which Member Champions are identified.


8.                  The first route is a request from Government or an outside body that the Council designates one of its Members as a Champion for a particular issue in order to demonstrate commitment to that issue.  Where the issue seems to sit squarely within the portfolio of a Cabinet Member, it is envisaged that the Cabinet should make the appointment.  An example of this is the recent request for the appointment of a Cycling Champion.


9.                  The second route is one which arises from the Council wishing to give greater prominence to an issue, such as the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee recommendation that a Healthy Schools Champion be appointed.


Matters for consideration


10.             The Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee had identified this item from its consideration of the Forward Plan on 24 July and considered a report and comments form the Leader of the Council at its meeting on 25 September 2008.


11.             The Committee was asked for its views on the matters listed below and the initial thoughts set out below each in italics.


-        Personal qualities / role requirements

Suggested guidance attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


-        How does the role start / terminate?

Appointment and removal by Cabinet resolution.


-        Is the role for a fixed period?

Yes, but it should be renewable if Cabinet decides (following a recommendation from a scrutiny or other committee, if appropriate).


-        Is a reporting framework desirable?  If so, how - by formal / informal channels?

This is essential and should be specified in the terms of appointment.  At least an annual report to Cabinet if a Cabinet Member, or to the appropriate scrutiny or other committee if the position arises from a committee recommendation.


-        Should the designation qualify for a fixed responsibility allowance?

This could be considered when the Independent Remuneration Panel next meets and when there ought to be evidence of time commitment.  Current Champions should be asked to keep a simple record of time spent in anticipation of giving evidence to the Panel.  Any allowance payable would have implications for Members Allowances budget.


12.             The Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee supported the proposal for a Member Champion role, as set out above, and agreed that it was appropriate for the Cabinet to appoint Member Champions, provided that there was a sensible limit on the number appointed.


13.             The Committee also recognised the importance of Champions reporting back on their work, to members of the public as much as to other councillors.




14.             The Cabinet is recommended to RECOMMEND to Council that the Constitution be amended to include the role of Member Champion (on the basis of the duties and the means of appointment as set out in paragraph 11 above and the guidance at Annex 1).





Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services


Contact Officer:         Tony Cloke  Tel: (01865) 815314


October 2008


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