Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 1 April 2008

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Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council


1.                 Code of Corporate Governance

(Cabinet, 15 January 2008)


The Cabinet considered the new Draft Local Code of Corporate Governance, which set out how the Council complies with the requirements of the Code and identified key documents that provided detailed information as to how the Council ensures these Corporate Governance principles are adhered to.


Following consideration by the Audit Committee and in the light of comment by the Standards Committee and Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee, the Cabinet approved the draft Code and confirmed that the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee would conduct an annual review of the Code of Corporate Governance for Oxfordshire County Council.


2.                 Strategic Policy & Economic Development (SPED) Small Grants Fund

(Cabinet, 19 February 2008)


The Cabinet considered a report on amendments to the SPED Small Grants Fund approval process that had been approved by the then Executive on 23 April 2005. The revisions aimed to make the grant application process fairer; more transparent; and easier to manage. The proposed amendments also aimed to ensure that grants supported the Council's objectives.


The Cabinet approved the proposed revisions to the Grant Fund.


3.                 CPA Annual Update

(Cabinet, 19 February 2008)


The report informed the Cabinet about the Audit Commission’s Comprehensive Performance Assessment for 2007. It showed that the Council had been classified as a 3-star authority which was improving well. The drop in the overall rating from four stars masked significant improvements in most of the components which make up the CPA score for Oxfordshire County Council. The Cabinet also noted that Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service was one of only two services nationally to achieve a 4-star rating and congratulated the Service on this achievement.


4.                 Strategic Outside Body - Guided Transit Express (GTE) for Oxfordshire Ltd

 (Cabinet, 19 February 2008)


Scrutiny Procedure Rule (17)(a) requires any decision taken as a matter of urgency within the terms of that Rule, and thus not subject to the call in procedure, to be reported to the next meeting of the Council, together with the reasons for urgency.


In May 2007, the Cabinet appointed Councillor David Robertson and former Councillor Bill Bradshaw as the Council’s representatives on the Guided Transit Express (GTE) for Oxfordshire Ltd. The Solicitors to the Company confirmed that the Council is entitled to nominate one person as a director of the Company. The Cabinet proceeded to confirm its appointment of Councillor David Robertson as the Council’s representative Director on GTE for Oxfordshire Ltd.


In reaching a decision on the item, the Cabinet was of the opinion that the matter was urgent within the meaning of Scrutiny Procedure Rule (17)(a) and that the decision should not be subject to call in because the delay likely to be caused by the call in procedure, if invoked, would seriously prejudice the Council’s or public interests in that the next meeting of the Directors of the Company was on Monday, 25 February 2008. In the circumstances, the Chairman of the Council agreed that the Committee's decision should be treated as a matter of urgency.


Cabinet Member: Finance


5.                 Financial Monitoring

(Cabinet, 15 January & 19 February 2008)


The Cabinet has considered two financial monitoring reports. The report to the meeting on 15 January covered the period ended 30 November 2007 and the report to the meeting on 19 February covered the period ended 31 December 2007.


At the January Cabinet meeting, the Cabinet approved virements; supplementary estimates totalling £0.029m relating to costs incurred as a result of the July 2007 floods; and revisions to the Capital Programme.


At the February meeting, it was reported that the in-year overspend for the Directorates was predicted to be £0.545m, meaning a decrease of £0.617m from November (£1.162m). This forecast excluded the City Schools reorganisation overspend of £1.957m (repayment planned over a number of years) and the Schools Transport days variation of -£0.320m. An underspend was also reported on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) of £1.144m. Supplementary estimates totalling £0.005m were requested in the report associated with costs incurred as a result of the July floods. When added to the supplementary estimates agreed previously, the cost to this Council of the floods stands at £1.067m. Taking into account the virement of £0.400m to Agency Placements from Unallocated DSG (approved by Council on 8 January 2008) which would be reflected in the next report and the supplementary estimate of £0.005m for flood related expenditure; the forecast in-year overspend was reported as £0.140m, which is 0.04% of the total Directorates’ budget. 


Taking into account all known changes, general balances were £21.057m at the end of December.  This gave an overall consolidated balances forecast for the year-end of £20.832m.


The Cabinet approved virements; supplementary estimates totalling £0.005m; and revised charges for season tickets at Cogges Manor Farm Museum.


Cabinet Member: Change Management


6.                 Race Equality Scheme

(Cabinet, 15 January 2008)


The Cabinet considered a revised Race Equality Scheme, in accordance with the Race Relations Act 1976 and amendments. The revised scheme is intended to act both as a clear sign-post to the Council’s commitment to race equality and as a blueprint for its delivery. It makes race equality central to the way the Council works and puts it at the heart of planning, service delivery and employment practices.


Following wide ranging engagement and consultation with a variety of stakeholders, the Cabinet approved the Race Equality Scheme 2008-11.


Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement


7.                 Oxford Academy – Outline Business Case

(Cabinet, 15 January 2008)


The Cabinet considered a report relating to the construction of the new Oxford Academy on the Peers School site in Littlemore and a supplementary report on the funding of the proposed Academy issued as part of the schedule of addenda. It gave an outline of the project and sought Outline Project Approval for the scheme that included other non-Academy provisions currently existing on the site such as the Mabel Prichard School, Adult Education facilities and a Public Library.


After answering questions from local members and responding to a presentation from a member of the public, the Cabinet approved the Outline Project Appraisal & Outline Business Case, subject to the Head of Property and the Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer satisfactorily finalising the funding details.


8.                 Post 16 Education for Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

(Cabinet, 15 January 2008)


The Cabinet considered a report that analysed the responses to the consultation requested by the Cabinet meeting on 16 October 2007. Formal Consultation would take place for a period of six weeks after Cabinet approval, followed by a further report to Cabinet, or the Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement should there be no objections, for a final decision.


The Cabinet approved the publication of formal proposals to extend the age ranges of schools.


Cabinet Member: Sustainable Development


9.                 Oxfordshire Waste Treatment Procurement - Selection of Participants to be Invited to Submit Detailed Solutions

(Cabinet, 15 January 2008)


The Cabinet considered a report that presented the results of the evaluation of proposed submissions for residual waste treatment facilities in Oxfordshire. The Cabinet was asked to ratify the selection of participants to be invited to submit detailed solutions.


Following the withdrawal of the press and public, the Cabinet endorsed a selection of participants to be invited to submit detailed solutions as outlined in the exempt minutes of the Cabinet meeting.


Cabinet Member: Social & Community Services


10.             Annual Report by the Commission for Social Care Inspection on Adult Social Services

 (Cabinet, 19 February 2007)


The Cabinet considered the Annual Report by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) that detailed the performance of Adult Social Services over the period 2006/7. Oxfordshire was rated a 2-star authority, delivering good outcomes and with promising prospects for improvement. This rating is based on a four point scale from zero to three stars, with a 2-star rating described as ‘good’. The supporting documentation provided by the Commission for Social Care Inspection describes Oxfordshire as 'a strong 2 star council'.


Cabinet Member: Community Safety


11.             Integrated Risk Management Plan

(Cabinet, 19 February 2008)


The Cabinet considered a report which informed them on the progress of the Integrated Risk Management projects for 2007/08 and the proposed projects for 2008/09, alongside the proposed new strategic Integrated Risk Management Plan 2008-13. A response to the consultation exercise was circulated as part of the schedule of addenda.


The Cabinet congratulated the Service on managing all projects on-time and within budget; and approved the proposals for the Integrated Risk Management Plan 2008-13.




Leader of the Council


March 2008


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