Meeting documents

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

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Level 3 qualification by the age of 19 DCSF DSO:Young people s participation in positive activities PSA 14CFirst time entrants to the Youth Justice System aged 10  17 PSA 14Under 18 conception rate PSA 14Q16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, training or employment (NEET) PSA 140Working age people on out of work benefits PSA 8DWorking age population qualified to at least Level 2 or higher PSA 2DWorking age population qualified to at least Level 3 or higher PSA 2%Assault with injury crime rate PSA 25hDealing with local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police PSA 23,Repeat incidents of domestic violence PSA 23(Drug users in effective treatment PSA 25 Fair Treatment by local Services@Number of vulnerable people achieving independent living CLG DSO$Net additional homes provided PSA 203Number of affordable homes delivered (gross) PSA 20=Number of households living in Temporary Accommodation PSA 20%Adult participation in sport DCMS DSO'All-age all cause mortality rate PSA 186Delayed transfers of care (DTOC) from hospitals DH DSOiCarers receiving needs assessment or review and a specific carer s service, or advice and information DH RAccess to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling DfT DSO<Children travelling to school  mode of travel usually used.4CO2 reduction from Local Authority operations PSA 27!Adapting to climate change PSA 270Household waste recycled and composted Defra DSOnImproved street and environmental cleanliness (levels of graffiti, litter, detritus and fly posting) Defra DSOEImproved street and environmental cleanliness  fly tipping Defra DSO4Overall/general satisfaction with local area CLG DSO,Participation in regular volunteering CO DSOšValue for money  total net value of on-going cash-releasing value for money gains that have impacted since the start of the 2008-9 financial year CLG DSO<Obesity among primary school age children in Year 6 DCSF DSO Main FocusChildren & Young People Skills & WorkHousingAdult Health & Well-being TransportClimate ChangeWaste and Clean & GreenValue for MoneyKEY Baseline Year Baseline No. Baseline % 08/09 No.08/09 % 09/10 No.09/10 % 10/11 No.10/11 %Total Stretch No.Total Stretch %2007/08%³This is a Place Survey Target - a baseline and two year target will be set once the first national Place Survey has been completed and results are available (expected Spring 2009)8Youth Justice Board will confirm baseline figures, nationally, later in 2008/09 (expected Dec 2008). There is a high level of confidence within Oxfordshire on the draft figures as arrangements to improve data quality have been implemented and verified . Local targets will then be agreed with the YJB and GOSE.~The definition of this indicator has been delayed nationally therefore no baseline or target can be set (expected summer 2008)2005/060.6 percentage points-Baselines and targets cannot be set until after the Tell-Us Survey results (expected Autumn 2008). The ability of the data collected from this survey to reflect real progress against this target is being queried nationally and will require re-evaluating within Oxfordshire before a target is agreed. 2006/071753 NEETS (Total no. of 16-18 year-olds = 17,928)1Indicator is Measured as a number or a percentageN/A **128,133 **123,261 **133,0054 percentage pointsDAt least 19,400 more people will be actively participating in sport..7 percentage pointsEstimated savings of £41M1Baseline expenditure for 07/08 not yet finalised.6370 incidents616 fewer incidentsY77 Fewer inspections falling below grade B, Assuming 900 inspections/yr by each district.,257 Litter Inspections falling below grade B**127,704 tonnes recycled**130,258 tonnes recycled**134,166 tonnes recycled(**An estimated 8966 more tonnes recycled736 kg730 kg723 kg715 kg 21 kg per hhdJan 2008-Dec 2008 Not known2007-085.5 crimes per 1000 populationtbc;5.9% of the working age population on out of work benefits.'Average of Aug 06 to May 07 DWP / NOMISA**Reduce the number of NEETS by 108 (based on 2007/08 population)**753**717**6455.2 percentage pointsZ135 Fewer inspections falling below grade B, Assuming 900 inspections/yr by each district.4.2 percentage points22.3 per thousand19.8 per thousand17.3 per thousand3% increase on baseline4% increase on baseline5 % increase on baseline Level ZeroLevel achieved between 0 and 4Level 1Level 2Level 3%All local authorities achieve level 32.9 percentage points;45% reduction in the level of teenage pregnancy since 1998..34.3 per thousand (+9% over national average);29% reduction in the level of teenage pregnancy since 1998.;37% reduction in the level of teenage pregnancy since 1998.$A difference of 30 percentage points$A difference of 29 percentage points$A difference of 28 percentage points"A reduction of 3 percentage pointsP.1 percentage point decrease. (Current trend is rising levels in this age group)**5These numbers are indicative only, as the indicator is measured as a percentage of a whole number which cannot be defined in advance. E.g.. For NI 8, the adult population of Oxfordshire in 2010/11 can only be estimated at this time, so the figure entered for 2010/11 is 27.3% of the current adult population. Avg of 04/05, 05/06 & 06/07**2861**3,127**3,393/450 Detritus Inspections falling below grade B Rate per 10K Can be reported as a number or %c**Reduce the number on out of work benefits by 4051 (using baseline working-age population figures)7.1 percentage points125,200 tonnes recycledLA difference of 31 percentage points. (The gap nationally is currently 26.)92 per 10K of the population86 per 10K of the population83 per 10K of the population81 per 10K of the populationXReduction of 11 per 10K of the population since 2006/07 (Approx. 116 actual admissions)%23,898 people on out of work benefits3,477 assaults&1581 drug users in effective treatment79 more drug users in treatment589 completed affordable units:Average 846, giving average stretch of 257 units per annum& Averages covering 2001/02 to 2006/07.^Avg. 2,551 per annum between 2001/02 & 2006/07 Avg. 3,284 per annum between 2004/05 & 2006/07Avg. 3034 per annum giving stretch of 483 cf 2001/02 - 2006/07. Avg. 3034 per annum giving 250 reduction cf 2004/05 - 2006/07.7292 fewer households living in temporary accommodation.36% improvement/113,517 adults actively participating in sport.W547.97 (a standard statistical measure where lower numbers imply improving performance) 2,595 carers**798 more carersQ267,894 people in the working age population with at least level 2 qualificationsQ152,163 people in the working age population with at least level 2 qualificationsA reduction of 5% per annumVFigures to be confirmed at PCT Executive mee<zting May 20 2008 before submission to GOSE6Residual household waste per household (hhd) Defra DSOStronger Commun-itiesSafer Commun-itiesÌAchievement of at least 78 points across the Early Years Foundation Stage with at least 6 in each of the scales in Personal Social and Emotional Development and Communication, Language and Literacy PSA 10[Achievement at level 4 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 2 (Threshold) PSA 10to be set 09/08[Achievement at level 5 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 3 (Threshold) PSA 10iAchievement of 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths (Threshold) PSA 10BAchievement at level 5 or above in Science at Key Stage 3 DCSF DSO1Secondary school persistent absence rate DCSF DSO06/071474? 4.48%? 0.78%kNarrowing the gap between the lowest achieving 20% in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the rest05/06MProgression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 PSA 112008KProgression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 PSA 11MProgression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 PSA 11KProgression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 PSA 11MProgression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 PSA 11KProgression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 PSA 11BChildren in care reaching level 4 in English at Key Stage 2 PSA 11 Summer 073/116/174/166/16@Children in care reaching level 4 in Maths at Key Stage 2 PSA 112/115/167/16%kChildren in care achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 (including English and Maths) PSA 114/399/4513/503/36Statutory TargetNI 72NI 73NI 74NI 75 NI 83 NI 87NI 92NI 93NI 94NI 95NI 96NI 97NI 98NI 99 NI 100 NI 101 ÿî 5S€žÍë:`~¿Ý‡¥!0 ,$J Å$ã #%A ^'|©)Ç‘*¯Â+à ,>-/.,µ.Ó:0X82V3­Í4ëî6 †8€;]<Wø=òÔ>Î?_?YccF  ÍÉÀ \]Gï_…t y•}‚¥†-‹µ=”ŘMÕ¡]¦åªm¯õ³}¸½Á  dü©ñÒMbP?_*+‚€% FÁ,ÿÿÿÿ %ÿ+ÿ_\&L&"Arial,Bold"&12OXFORDSHIRE PARTNERSHIP LOCAL AREA AGREEMENT TARGETS: 2008 - 2011&RAnnex 1&R&8Page &P of &Nƒ„&R¸…ëQÈ?'áz®GáÊ?( ×£p= ×?) ×£p= Ç?M–\\cenfp01\CE-DEMSER HP LaserJeܸ?€ dX,Letter”.HP LaserJet 4050 Series PCL 62†xœeKOA…ïé.(Ô…`ŒÄ #.Ú†Œš8 (ˆ!dx„ ’‘)gÚïtc”P–º $úC\“+_<†ê&$ÜÅ9•/•›{N’œTÃo8k`‡ô ÐâzÓ¶¯ÍÜ«hµnìšáòKkj6¶¤;"Ý™éŠÊÑdÄQR‹¸JÒ"ÿ ­– aË_À–€§=ù®äd< ¾ ¾ …[ò}¤ß¥Ûš›à ÈðGW¹›ŠR)ø]X&ùCr@ñâ}␿${ć$WÀ}à~ˆ\…߃ q/ää"ü‡xŸíñ ¸[qNI—’ŸJÍB\ËT«Tó™^ÏÈ/JuWy4F ߣ“ÙN_«6þtw´ñç6Ö?üyZ,ÇUWh)ŽxÍÆÌ“’™)'6~ê`!¼š;Ç6[,MÌÜ+֚Ϟ‡áx5¨4Å%'‘°)ã÷ƒôWP Éû.“?/ÊäD#…Óè!ɹÄà¼;_¡?«²íjuÑŽ fË¡" XX,R¸…ëQÈ?š™™™™™É?U} $ } } I”} Û q} I }  r} \}  } ¶ } $ } } I } Û r} ¶\} m } I t<t"!  ]Ñ@ TÀ• FÀ$ o À4 ŸÀ4 ÚÀ4 ®À4 F@ F@       @     @ ë@ @ @ F@ c@   " À4 TÀ4 &À4    @  À4 ™ À4 F@   þ@ ì@ ë@ ý –P¾"——˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ý ™¡ý ´¢¾ ´´´´´´´´´´´ššý #Gý #ý $ý ]Qý #Rý ^Sý #fý #Tý #Uý  #Vý  #Wý  #Xý  ^Yý  #Zý #[ý GHý Hý ŽFý _dý 1g`/Ý$•Ã?¾ S26ƒÀÊ¡E¶Ã? 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