Meeting documents

Tuesday, 17 July 2007


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MINUTES of the meeting held on 20 June 2007 commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 4.40 pm




Voting Members:          Councillor David Robertson – in the chair


Councillor Roger Belson

Councillor Louise Chapman

Councillor Mrs J. Heathcoat

Councillor John Howell

Councillor C.H. Shouler

Councillor Michael Waine

Councillor Keith R Mitchell


Other Members in

Attendance:                   Councillor Alan Armitage (for Agenda Items 5,6 &10)

                                          Councillor Ian Brown (for Agenda Item 11)

                                          Councillor Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor (for Agenda Item 12)

                                          Councillor Jean Fooks (for Agenda Items 11 & 12)

                                          Councillor Jim Moley (for Agenda Item 11)

                                          Councillor Zoé Patrick (for Agenda Items 9,11 & 17)

                                          Councillor David Turner (for Agenda Item 13)




Whole of meeting:           Chief Executive;

                                          A.R. Cloke and M. Cooke (Legal & Democratic Services)


Part of Meeting:

Agenda Item

Officer Attending


K. Bell (Finance & Procurement)


K. Bell (Finance & Procurement)


S. Scane (Finance & Procurement)


P. Edwards (Corporate Performance)


S. Munn (Human Resources)


P. James (Partnerships)


M. Mill & J. Morris (Children, Young People & Families)


J. Johnson (Children, Young People & Families)


M. Tailby (Environment & Economy)


M. Tailby (Environment & Economy)


M. Tailby (Environment & Economy)



The Cabinet considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ian Hudspeth and Jim Couchman.


72/07         MINUTES


The Minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2007 were approved and signed. Councillor Waine reported that the Option of the ‘New Secondary School’ will now include sharing the ’14-19 Facility’ between the three schools, namely the new co-educational school, St. Birinus School and Didcot Girls’ School, recognising the level of collaboration necessary in delivery.




The following requests to address the meeting had been agreed:-


Request from

Agenda Item


Andy Burns (Audit Commission)

10. Annual Audit & inspection Letter

June Awty (KPMG)

10. Annual Audit & inspection Letter

David Brett (KPMG)

10. Annual Audit & inspection Letter

Councillor Bill Melotti (Vale of White Horse District Council)

11. Provision of Additional Secondary School Pupil Places in Wantage, Grove and Surrounding Villages

Councillor James McGee (Vale of White Horse District Council)

11. Provision of Additional Secondary School Pupil Places in Wantage, Grove and Surrounding Villages


Item 11 – Provision of Additional Secondary School places in Wantage, Grove, and surrounding villages


Councillor Bill Melotti (Vale of White Horse District Council)


Councillor Melotti spoke as a Local Member of Vale of White Horse District Council. He addressed each option in turn. Speaking to parents prior to elections he had found that Option A was the most popular, as it provided the most choice. He felt that this Option would cause too much disruption to King Alfred’s school and did not favour option B because it would create one very large school. Therefore, he felt that Option C was the most sensible.


Councillor James McGee (Vale of White Horse District Council)


Councillor McGee spoke as a Local Member of Vale of White Horse District Council. He felt that out of the 3 options, Option C was the most viable because it gave parents a choice. Although Option A was appealing, he felt that this was not a sensible option because of the possible legal challenges and the disruption to King Alfred’s.



(Agenda Item 5)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA5) which presented the provisional outturn for revenue (Part 1) and capital (Part 2) for the 2006/07 financial year.


Councillor Alan Armitage, speaking as shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, viewed the surplus resulting from parking charges as unpopular amongst his constituency and requested to know how it was to be spent.


In response, Councillor David Robinson drew Councillor Amitage’s attention to the Forward Plan, which outlined the surplus’ use for Park and Ride facilities.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          note the provisional revenue and capital outturn;


(b)          approve the Directorate carry-forwards, including the virement of carried forward underspends to other budget heads in 2006/07;


(c)          approve the use of balances to meet  the overspend of £0.009m on non-domestic rates;


(d)          approve the use of balances to meet £0.037m overspend on the Coroners Service;


(e)          agree that the surplus in the On-Street Parking Account at the end of the 2006/07 financial year, so far as not applied to particular eligible purposes in accordance with Section 55(4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, be carried forward in the account to the 2007/08 financial year and,


(f)            rescind the approval given to the formation of a £1.0m provision from the Strategic Measures surplus in respect of debt restructuring.



(Agenda Item 6)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA6) which covered the period ended 30 April 2007 for both revenue and capital.


Councillor Alan Armitage, speaking as shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, expressed concern that any delays in Project Link would adversely impact on the timetable for delivery of Shared Services.  He asked that the monitoring and scrutiny of Project Link, SAP and Shared Services be better co-ordinated bearing in mind the interdependencies.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          note the report;


(b)          approve the non-repayable supplementary estimate of £0.152m requested by the Director of Children, Young People & Families;


(c)          approve the permanent virements from Social & Community Services to Community Safety of £0.046m and from Community Safety to Social & Community Services of £0.024m;


(d)          approve the permanent internal virement of £1.376m within Corporate Core;


(e)          approve the permanent virement of £2.733m from all directorates to Shared Services;


(f)            approve the permanent virement of £0.335m from all directorates to Corporate HR;


(g)          approve the temporary virement of £0.255m from Corporate Core to Social & Community Services and


(h)          approve the permanent virement of £0.056m from Social & Community Services to Corporate Core.


76/07          ANNUAL AUDIT & INSPECTION LETTER 2005/06

(Agenda Item 10)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA10) the Annual Audit & Inspection Letter 2005/06 issued by The Audit Commission. The letter represents a summary of the Auditors’ work and key findings relating to the financial year 2005/06.  The timing of the letter is later this year than previously due to a review of the Fire Service Use of Resources assessment. 


Councillor Alan Armitage, speaking as shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, indicated that he had spoken to the Director of Social & Community Services before the meeting and resolved his initial query.


Councillor David Robertson and Councillor Judith Heathcoat thanked the representatives from the Audit Commission & KPMG for the report and for attending the meeting.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          receive the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2005/06;



(b)          invite individual Cabinet Members to pursue with the appropriate Directors the respective Recommendations in the Letter; and,


(c)          note that the Audit Committee on 27 June 2007 would be recommended to:


(i)                 receive the Letter and note any comments from the Audit Commission/KPMG;


(ii)               refer sections of the letter to scrutiny committees as appropriate; and,


(iii)             refer the Letter to the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group to help develop work planning for 2007/08 onwards.



(Agenda Item 7)


The Cabinet considered a quarterly report by the County Council Management Team (CA7) showing performance against the key targets contained in the Council's Balanced Scorecard at the end of the fourth quarter of 2006/7.  Performance at the end of the fourth quarter was encouraging, showing green traffic lights for over 75% of indicators where information was available.


RESOLVED:         to note the report.



(Agenda Item 8)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA8) that gave an update on activity since the implementation of the new Establishment Review and associated Recruitment Approval process on 1 August 2005 .


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         note the report; and,


(b)         confirm that the Establishment Review continued to meet requirements in reporting and managing staffing numbers.



(Agenda Item 9)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA9) on Oxfordshire's Local Area Agreement (LAA) which was signed in March 2006 for delivery from April 2006 to March 2009.


Councillor Zoé Patrick, speaking as Leader of the Opposition viewed the LAA as being forced upon the Council by Government and expressed concern that although elected Councillors played little part, they were held accountable.  She recognised that some targets were not being met and hoped that these targets would continue to be monitored closely.


Councillor David Robertson responded that all targets would be monitored closely and partnership working would continue.


RESOLVED:         to endorse the Local Area Agreement self assessment report and note progress against outcomes in the first year of delivery.



(Agenda Item 11)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA11) that summarised the findings from the public consultation in Wantage and Grove which concluded in January 2007 and recommended a way forward to meet the future demand for secondary school places in the area.


Councillor Zoé Patrick, speaking as Local Member, viewed option A as the preferred solution but was aware that developers considered option B as the only deliverable option. Councillor Patrick expressed concern over Option C not being delivered in time for large housing development planned for Grove and the potential risk of not providing joint community facilities which are badly needed.


Councillor Jim Moley, speaking as a Local Member, drew the Cabinet’s attention to 2 previous MORI polls in 2003 and 2007 which showed a strong preference for Option A. In the past, parents had rejected option B as they considered a school with 2500 plus students would be too big.


Councillor Iain Brown, speaking as a Local Member, realised that Grove had been waiting for a Secondary School for a long time and felt that Option A appears to offer the greatest amount of choice for parents. However, this would be hugely disruptive for pupils of King Alfred’s. Councillor Brown urged the Cabinet to choose Option C as it delivers a new secondary school for Grove and gives choice back to parents without disrupting education in Wantage.


Councillor Jean Fooks, speaking on behalf of Councillor David Turner, Shadow Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement, preferred options A or B whilst recognising the difficulties option A may cause. She felt that it made sense for there to be two schools of equal size and could not see how Option C was viable.


RESOLVED           to:


(a)          Proceed with Option C and provide a new 600 place 11-16 schools for Grove and retain King Alfred’s Sports and Community College under the existing arrangements; and


(b)          authorise Officers to complete negotiations with developers to secure a sufficient and appropriate site to meet the needs of the selected option and any possible future expansion and report back on the potential implications in terms of timeline and cost of the preferred option.



(Agenda Item 12)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA12) from the Children's Services Scrutiny Committee, which agreed as part of its work programme to undertake a scrutiny review of Healthy Schools and had appointed Councilors Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor, Keith Stone and Jean Fooks to the Lead Member Review Group.


Councillor Michael Waine responded to the Review’s recommendations by stating that the national target was for all schools to be participating in the Healthy Schools Programme by December 2009 and 75% of schools to have gained the Healthy Schools Status. The identification of a Healthy Schools Development Fund could provide a much needed incentive, and the Scrutiny Committee was asked to identify the source for this funding. The move to integrated services should better support the needs of children and young people in schools. The parallel development of multi-agency strategies and collaborative working should improve the quality of monitoring of the effectiveness of the support provided. It was recommended that the Directorate write to secondary schools to remind them of the importance of providing well maintained lavatory facilities, in particular to secondary schools.


RESOLVED:         to respond to the Scrutiny Review Report as set out in Annex 1 (download as .doc file) to these minutes.



(Agenda Item 13)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA13) which reviewed the first year on implementing the scheme of Special Educational Needs (SEN) delegation introduced in April 2006.


Councillor David Turner, speaking as Shadow Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement, generally welcomed the success of the new scheme, which appeared to be fulfilling the objectives set out by Scrutiny. He asked why there were no Members included in the working group that had been set up to monitor compliance with the objectives; and suggested that a member of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee be appointed to the group. He passed on concerns received from parents that some schools were being unwelcoming due to funding problems for children with SEN and he asked how this was being dealt with.


Janet Johnson, SEN Service Manager, said that she endorsed the election of a Member to the working group.


Councillor Michael Waine responded that the outcome of consultation would be reported back to the Cabinet in the autumn and highlighted the decrease by 50% in the number of statements being issued. He was aware of delays in the process but monitoring was done via an inclusion audit and the issue of relying on statements for finance had been addressed.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          endorse the continued implementation of the delegation scheme;


(b)          seek the views of the Schools Forum on the scheme as monitored hitherto;


(c)          request a further report to Cabinet in the autumn, in time for any changes for April 2008; and


(d)          instruct the Director for Children, Young People & Families to re-distribute savings from central SEN staffing to schools.



(Agenda Item 17)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA17), arising from the decision on 5 October 2006 of the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee to agree as part of its work programme to undertake a select committee style investigation of the Oxfordshire Partnership and Local Area Agreement (LAA).


Councillor Keith Mitchell set out his responses to the recommendations in the Review (a copy of which is attached as Annex 2 (download as .pdf file) to these minutes).


Councillor Zoé Patrick, speaking as Leader of the Opposition, supported the Scrutiny process and expressed approval at the number of issues regarding partnership working that it highlighted. She congratulated the Scrutiny Review team’s lead on this issue and hoped that the Cabinet would take on board these findings and seek to learn from them.


RESOLVED:         to respond to the Scrutiny Review Report as set out in Annex 2 to these minutes.



(Agenda Item 18)


The Cabinet considered a list of items (CA18) for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet .


RESOLVED:         to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.


85/07          EXEMPT ITEMS


RESOLVED:         that the public be excluded for the duration of items 14, 15 and 16E since it is likely that if they were present during those items that there would be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person, including the authority holding that information: namely, the estimated value of property in respect of which a sale is in contemplation) and since it is considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information on the grounds set out in those items.





(Agenda Item 14)


The Cabinet considered a project appraisal (CA14) relating to acquisition of a freehold site in Banbury town centre and procurement of a new office building to consolidate staff from 10 existing Council offices. 


RESOLVED:         to approve the Detailed Project Appraisal R2.



(Agenda Item 15)


The Cabinet considered the Business Case (CA15) for the Better Offices Programme which required the identification of suitable premises for an “East Oxford Hub”. 


RESOLVED:         to approve the Detailed Project Appraisal – R1/1.



(Agenda Item 16E)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA16E), which resulted from the 16 January 2007 the Cabinet meeting, where it approved the business case for the Review of Property Assets (now the Better Offices Programme). The Cabinet resolved to:


(a)          agree the funding required to implement the programme, subject to a project appraisal for the necessary capital expenditure being approved by the Cabinet;


(b)          authorise officers to pursue negotiations for the acquisition of additional office space in the South.


This report set out the proposals and financial implications of acquiring this additional accommodation. The Cabinet was then requested to approve the Project Appraisal.


RESOLVED:         to approve the Detailed Project Appraisal R3.






................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2007


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