- That the S&HC
small grants budget - which was reduced from £25,000 in 2002 and is
currently £18,600 - be increased to at least £40,000 p.a. and the availability
of grants be better publicised.
Response: Social
& Health Care have no resources to increase the small grants budget,
indeed some of the year’s money is still to be allocated for the last
minute emergency requests and it has to be said that without a specific
call on the need for an increased budget I will decline to accept this
- That work be
done to assess the feasibility of and, if possible, implement a centralised
procedure for giving small grants across all Directorates.
Response: Agreed
and will be actioned, but I am not sure how effective this will be regarded
by other Directorates who may not be as closely involved with the voluntary
sector in the field of activity as Social & Health Care were and
the new Directorate for Adult Social Services will be.
- That information
relating to grant funding on the OCC website be updated, including the
provision of an online application form.
Response: Agreed
and will be actioned. Good idea and thank you.
- That a list
of all small grant applications be circulated to all County Councillors,
to enable them to use their local knowledge and experience to comment
on the requests.
Response: This
could be an onerous undertaking for distribution of what is a small
amount of funding, and I am unsure what it would achieve, but of course
the details of grant applications will be placed in the Members’ Resource
- That officers
from S&HC and Legal Services work together to draft a new standard
form contract for small voluntary organisations, that will better meet
the needs of both parties than the present document. This process should
include consultation with appropriate voluntary sector bodies.
Response: Agreed
and will be actioned, and thank you.
- That the possibility
be explored of negotiating with an insurance provider for lower cost
public liability insurance for voluntary sector organisations.
Response: Agreed
and will be actioned if it is possible.
- The use of
letters of intent or similar temporary extensions of funding arrangements
should be strictly limited to covering unexpectedly protracted contract
renegotiations. Interruptions of service should otherwise be avoided
by ensuring that work necessary to renew funding should be done in time
for the end of the contract period.
Response: Agreed
and will be actioned. Letters of intent are for exceptional situations
- That the possibilities
of the OCVA’s proposal to employ a Funding Officer be explored, for
the potential benefits that such a person might bring to this Council’s
relationships with voluntary organisations. In particular, their capacity
to provide advice and assistance for voluntary organisations in respect
of contract negotiations should be investigated.
Response: I
am note sure about this one, whether it is worthwhile in terms of the
cost, nor who would fit the bill. This needs further study.
- That the development
of the relationship between OCC and the voluntary sector be made the
responsibility of a single officer, who would provide a strategic lead
on voluntary sector-related issues, including working towards the better
co-ordination of the Council’s approach to the voluntary sector; developing
closer working relationships with the District Councils; acting as a
central point of information on contracts with and grants to the voluntary
sector; and overseeing the further development of the Oxfordshire Compact
and its subsidiary Codes of Practice.