ITEM CA3 - ANNEX 1CABINET – 21 JUNE 2006Minutes of
the Meeting commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 4.00 pm
R1 Thames Water is RECOMMENDED: (a) To explore the other options detailed in this Review. (p 20 and paragraphs 95-108) (b) (In addition to the Cabinet) that it should encourage and promote rainwater harvesting, developing on the available models for common domestic practice in the UK and elsewhere. (p 36) R2 The Government is RECOMMENDED (with the endorsement of the County Council’s Cabinet): (a) To fund more research into providing better water resource management because of the disconnect between government policies on sustainability and new housing development. (p 34) (b) To research more long term (30 years plus) and not just short term water management options (which are listed on pages 34-35). (p 34) (c) To explore further, with the relevant water agencies and authorities, the principle of a national water grid as outlined in the Review and research. (p 38) (d) That if housing growth increases, it should explore the possibility of funding for (and other authorities should call for), changes to Building Regulations to accommodate more water efficient adaptations and requirements in domestic dwellings. (p 36) (e) To ensure that the same principle (subsidies for domestic wind generators) is extended to people who install water harvesting equipment so that they are subsidised too. (p 35)
(a) To adopt a policy on the efficient use of water in council buildings and furthermore, to encourage better economy of water use by promoting a clear "ten point style message" on water use and management in the Council’s establishments, (See Annex 4). (p 27) (b) To RECOMMEND the District Councils as the local planning and development control authorities, that they should ensure that all new developments are provided with a water butt. This could be achieved by way of an insertion into the Local Development Framework of a "Planning Informative". (p 36) To prepare for the possibility of a reservoir: (c) To press for the rail infrastructure for the reservoir site, press for a road to replace the Steventon-Hanney Road and establish a policy for doing so. (p 23) (d) To develop a policy/strategy on the best use of the reservoir as a recreational resource (including how and by whom such facilities should be managed), as an aid to economic development and to decide early on what local infrastructure (including new roads, rail, leisure and other facilities as described in the report) will be required in consultation with local district councils, and that the policy and views in support of it, should be forcefully conveyed during the formal consultations on the reservoir. (p 24) (e) To note that the method of negotiating a Section 106 agreement in a Compulsory Works Order process will be different. But if the reservoir is to be built, the Cabinet must ensure, by pressurising Ofwat, that the money will be in place to develop a reservoir and the associated infrastructure. (p 16) (f) That so far as the County Council’s responsibilities extend, that the impact on the environment/ habitat/ecology must be included in recommendations and advice to Thames Water Utilities Ltd, and to insist that the product of its environmental impact assessment must take account of the relevant EU Directives referred to in this Review; ie the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) must meet specific criteria. (p 25) (g) Furthermore, to comment and offer advice to TW on the environmental impact before and after reservoir construction, because they will be different. (p 25) (h) That there is a need to create new habitats in the event of a new reservoir being built. (p 24) (i) To clarify, during any formal consultations, the likely proximity of a reservoir to any settlements. (p 25) (j) To comment on the distinction, among the various options that have been put forward in the Review, between local schemes that it can influence and national/strategic schemes which it may not be able to influence but which it can comment upon or make recommendations about. (p 37) (k) That
despite the South East Plan listing the reservoir as a strategic
water resource option that may be required, this is not a reason
to accept the development at this stage; but plausible alternatives
must be offered, as provided by this Review. (p 36)