Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15 July 2008


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Cabinet – 15 July 2008






4.       Petitions and Public Address


The Leader of the Council has agreed the following request to address the meeting:




5. Financial Monitoring

Cllr Alan Armitage (Shadow Cabinet

Member for Finance)

7. Proposed Reservoir – Consultation on Water Resources Management Plan

Cllr Jean Fooks (Deputy Leader of the


8. Government Draft Legislative Programme

Cllr Jean Fooks (Deputy Leader of the


10. The Youth Justice (Capacity & Capability) Plan 2008/09

Cllr Jean Fooks (Shadow Cabinet

Member for Children, Young People & Families)

12. Oxfordshire Waste Partnership (OWP) – New Financial Arrangements

Cllr Jean Fooks (Deputy Leader of the


14. Sustainable School Travel Strategy

Cllr David Turner (Shadow Cabinet

Member for Schools Improvement)

19. Establishment Review

Cllr Bob Johnston (Shadow Cabinet

Member for Change Management)


5.               Financial Monitoring


A revised version of Annex 2a and Annex 4 is attached to this document (download as .xls file), which contain additional virements and amended figures, with changes from the original document highlighted in yellow.


7.               Proposed Reservoir – Consultation on Water Resources


The reference, in paragraph 10 of the report and in the recommendation, paragraph 21 (b), to ‘litres per/household/day should be corrected to refer to litres per/head/day.


The Environment Agency response to the consultation, described in the report as being expected in July, is now not anticipated to be available until late August. This has led to the following amended recommendation (a):


(a)       delegate responsibility to finalise a response to the consultation on the Thames Water Resources Management Plan to the Head of Sustainable Development in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, to take account of the Environment Agency response which will be published in July if available;


11.          Scrutiny Review of Young Carers


On 8 July 2008, the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee agreed to submit the review to Cabinet subject to:


(a)    a number of editorial changes; and

(b)    recommendations in the Review to be amended as follows:


Recommendation 9 – after “Hertfordshire” delete “including” and insert “where they have”.


Recommendation 13 – delete “resources available” in the first line and insert “direct and indirect funding streams that might be available”.


19.          Establishment Review


Due to a formatting error, the figures in the second column of the table following paragraph 11 should be amended as follows:






Establishment expressed in FTE



Reported establishment Figure at 31  December 2007 – Non-Schools





Additions to Establishment





Deletions from Establishment





Establishment Figure at  31 March 2008





Net Change




20.          Forward Plan and Future Business


Members are asked to note the following additions to the Forward Plan:


Leader of the Council

Cabinet Member

Ask Oxfordshire – Consultation & Engagement Strategy : Delivery Requirements  (2008/022)

To consider the content of supporting material required to deliver the Ask Oxfordshire, Consultation & Engagement Strategy

15 July 2008

Item deferred to 16 September 2008


Full Cabinet 

Better Offices Programme – Central Offices   (2008/108)

To agree additional expenditure to replace ceilings in County Hall 

15 July 2008

Item deferred to 16 September 2008

Social & Community Services

Full Cabinet

Fundamental Service Review of Day Services for Older People  
To consider for approval the strategic direction identified in the report.

16 September 2008

Director for Social & Community Services.
John Jackson, Director for Social & Community Services/Andrew Colling, Project Lead (01865 816041/854493)

Social & Community Services

Full Cabinet

The Dissolution of the Learning & Skills Council in 2010
To inform the Cabinet of the possible impact on the Local Authority of the dissolution of the Learning & Skills Council in 2010.

16 September 2008

Director for Social & Community Services
Jane Dixon Head of Adult Learning and Sandra Higgs, 14-19 Consultant (01865 458794/428122)

Children, Young People & Families

Full Cabinet

Early Years Capital Plan
To receive the response to the consultation and to approve the revised Plan

16 September 2008

Director for Children, Young People & Families
Marion Evans, Early Education Development Manager (01865 815115)

Sustainable Development

Full Cabinet

Eco-towns : Draft Planning Policy Statement and Sustainability Appraisal
To report on the government's consultation on the more detailed assessment of eco town locations (the Sustainability Appraisal), the draft planning policy statement on eco towns and progress on other assessments of the Weston Otmoor proposed eco town.

16 September 2008

Head of Sustainable Development
Ian Walker, Spatial Planning Manager, (01865 815588)


Members are asked to note the following amendments to the Forward Plan:



Cabinet Member

West Oxfordshire District Parking, Waiting and Loading Restrictions -  Consolidation Order  (2008/042)

To consider consolidation of all parking, waiting and loading restrictions throughout the West Oxfordshire District Council area into a single Traffic Regulation Order

17 July 2008

Item deferred to 27 November 2008


Cabinet Member

Cherwell District Parking, Waiting and Loading Restrictions -  Consolidation Order  (2008/043)

To consider consolidation of all parking, waiting and loading restrictions throughout the Cherwell District Council area into a single Traffic Regulation Order

17 July 2008

Item deferred to 27 November 2008


Cabinet Member

South Oxford CPZ Review  (2007/161)

To consider proposals arising from the review of the South Oxford Controlled Parking Zone

17 July 2008

Item deferred to 4 September 2008


Cabinet Member

Oxford, Wood Farm Area – Parking Restrictions  (2008/045)

To consider ing introduction of parking restrictions at several locations in the Wood Farm area

17 July 2008

Item deferred to 2 October 2008


Cabinet Member

Oxford City – Review of Disabled Persons Parking Places   (2008/046)

To consider introduction of new and removal of redundant parking places for holders of Disabled (blue) badges

4 September 2008

Item deferred to 2 October 2008


Members are asked to note the following deletions from the Forward Plan:


Sustainable Development

Full Cabinet

PSA Affordable Housing Project  (2008/084)

To consider whether or not to continue with the scheme.

15 July 2008

Item deleted


Cabinet Member

Oxford, Cherwell Drive Area – Parking Restrictions  (2008/044)

To consider introduction of proposed parking restrictions in the Cherwell Drive area

17 July 2008

Item deleted

Schools Improvement

Full Cabinet

Didcot 14-19 Provision   (2008/097)

To decide on the nature of 14-19 provision in Didcot following statutory consultation

16 September 2008

Item deleted



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