Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15 July 2008


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CABINET – 15 JULY 2008




Items identified from the Forward Plan for Forthcoming Decision





Full Cabinet – 16 September 2008


§         Establishment Review
Quarterly staffing report, with analysis of main changes since the previous report and including a progress report on the Establishment Review

Change Management


§         Financial Monitoring
Monthly financial report on revenue and capital spending against budget allocations, including virements between budget heads



§         Better Offices Programme – Northern Area
To agree additional expenditure on the new Banbury office



§         Service & Resource Planning Report for 2009/10 - 2013/14
To consider the report on service and resource planning for 2009/10-2013/14

Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader


§         Performance Management: 1st Quarter Progress Report Against Priorities and Targets
Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report

Leader of the Council, Change Management


§         St Edburgs CE Aided Primary School
If objections are received, to consider as Decision Maker the Statutory notice to relocate St. Edburgs CE Aided Primary School

Schools Improvement


§         St. Gregory the Great RC Secondary School
To approve the expansion of St. Gregory the Great RC Secondary school if objections to the statutory notice  have been received

Schools Improvement


§         Cogges Manor Farm Museum
To decide the future arrangements for the management and operation of Cogges, following the work of the Cogges Project Board

Social & Community Services


§         South East Plan – Proposed Modifications
The Government is expected to publish proposed modifications to the draft South East Plan early in spring/summer 2008 for a twelve week consultation period. The report will outline the implications of the proposed modifications and recommend a response by the County Council to the Government.

Sustainable Development


§         Decriminalised Parking
To approve revised timescales and proposed arrangements with the District Councils.




Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement - 2 September 2008


§         St Edburgs CE Aided Primary School
If there are no objections, to consider as Decision Maker the Statutory notice to relocate St. Edburgs CE Aided Primary School



§         St. Gregory the Great RC Secondary School
To approve the expansion of St. Gregory the Great RC secondary school if no objections to the statutory notice have been received




Cabinet Member for Social & Community Services - 2 September 2008


§         Thame Library Project Appraisal
To seek approval to proceed with the scheme to build a replacement library in Thame on the ”Pied Pedaller” site.




Cabinet Member for Transport – 4 September 2008


§         Walton Well Bridge, Oxford - Weight Limit
To consider a 7.5t GVW restriction at the request of Network Rail



§         South Oxford CPZ Review
To consider proposals arising from the review of the South Oxford Controlled Parking Zone



§         South Oxfordshire District Parking, Waiting and Loading Restrictions -  Consolidation Order
To consider consolidation of all parking, waiting and loading restrictions throughout the South Oxfordshire District Council area into a single Traffic Regulation Order



§         Oxford - Exclusions of Properties from Various CPZs
Updating TROs to reflect planning agreements to exclude individual properties from relevant CPZs



§         Oxford, Headington CPZ – Minor Amendments
To consider minor amendments to the parking scheme in Headington



§         Oxford, Summertown CPZ – Minor Amendments
To consider minor amendments to the parking scheme in Summertown



§         Chipping Norton Air Quality Action Plan
An Air Quality Management Area was declared by West Oxfordshire District Council on 1 March 2005 due to excess levels of nitrogen dioxide in High Street, Horsefair and parts of some other streets in Chipping Norton town centre resulting from high levels of traffic,  particularly HGVs.  The Environment Act 1995 and National Air Quality Strategy requires the County Council to work with the District Council to develop a jointly agreed Action Plan to resolve or reduce problems.  The report will consider the results of a public consultation in March 2008 into possible strategies for the town and endorse the contents of an Action Plan for submission by the District Council to the Secretary of State for Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs.



§         Oxford, Woodstock Road (Frenchay Road to Bainton Road) Conversion of Footway to Cycleway
To consider responses to a consultation to convert part of the footway on Woodstock Road to a cycle way.




Cabinet Member for Social & Community Services - 26 September 2008


§         Supporting People Eligiblity Criteria
To approve revised criteria for activities and individuals eligible for funding from the Supporting People programme





Democratic Services


July 2008


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