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Tuesday, 15 July 2008


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CABINET – 15 JULY 2008




Report by Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy)




1.                  The attached report details performance on Local Area Agreement (LAA) targets for the second year of delivery, 2007-08. The Public Service Board manages performance on the LAA on behalf of the Oxfordshire Partnership. The county council is the accountable body for Oxfordshire’s LAA

(Annex - download as .doc file).


Report Summary


2.                  Performance on our LAA is reported by block. There are five blocks in the LAA 2006-09: Children and Young People; Economic Development and Enterprise; Healthier Communities and Older People; Safer and Stronger Communities; and Environment. Spending on pump priming grant for stretch targets and the LAA pooled grant are also reported.


3.                  The annual report details performance on all stretch targets. Stretch targets are challenging targets to stretch our expected performance. They have performance reward grant attached to them. These targets are highlighted in grey.


4.                  Performance on non-stretch targets is reported by exception with key risks identified. Performance is reported by traffic light coding indicating whether targets are on track to deliver or not.


5.                  The report also outlines the arrangements for the future of non-stretch targets including those targets that have been superseded by LAA2 targets and those that will continue to be monitored locally in the Oxfordshire 2030 delivery plan.




6.                  The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the report.



Assistant Chief Executive (Strategy)

Corporate Core


Background papers:            None


Contact Officers:                   Laura Noctor, Senior Policy Manager,

Tel. (01865) 816376

Claire Phillips, Oxfordshire Partnership Officer

Tel. (01865) 816029

July 2008


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