Meeting documents

Tuesday, 2 May 2006


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Minutes of the Meeting commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 3.15 pm


Voting Members

Councillor Keith R Mitchell – in the chair

Councillor Roger Belson
Councillor Jim Couchman
Councillor John Howell
Councillor Ray Jelf
ouncillor David Robertson
Councillor Don Seale
Councillor C.H. Shouler

Councillor Michael Waine

Other Members in Attendance:

Councillor Zoé Patrick (for Agenda Items 5 & 7)
Councillor Jean Fooks (for Agenda Item 6)


Whole of meeting: J. Leverton and M. Bayliss (Chief Executive’s Office).

Part of meeting: Director for Social & Community Services; Director for Resources, J. Hydari, S. Skivington (Resources); S. Ohlenschlager, N. Robertson, D. Waller (Environment & Economy); K. Griffin (Children, Young People & Families).

The Cabinet considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting and decided as set out below. Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda and reports, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.


    Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Louise Chapman.

    67/06. MINUTES

    The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2006 were approved and signed.


    (Agenda Item 5)

    The Cabinet considered a report (CA5) which covered the period up to the end of February 2006 for both revenue and capital.

    Councillor Patrick, speaking as Leader of the Opposition, expressed concerns about the effects of budget management measures in Social & Community Services in terms of delayed discharges (paragraph 44 of the report), the pressure on the Supporting People budget (paragraph 47), the shortfall in efficiency savings within Human Resources (paragraph 60) and Mouchel Parkman’s performance in relation to the payment of invoices (paragraph 64).

    Councillor Shouler proposed that consideration of recommendation (g) be deferred until the position as to the revocation of the 85 year rule was certain. In response to Councillor Patrick’s comments, he reported that the Supporting People overspend represented a relatively minor variation of a known position; that the overspend within Human Resource services would need to be carried forward at the year end if not eliminated by then; and that business managers were aware that they were expected to meet the 95% target for payment of invoices.

    In response to Councillor Patrick’s comments concerning delayed discharges, the Director for Social & Community Services acknowledged that there had been some impact as a result of efforts to control pressure within the Directorate budget but pointed out that such measures were being employed in many social services authorities. He would continue to work closely with the health sector on this issue. Councillor Seale advised that the measures undertaken represented careful management and made the best use of the finance available.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. note the report;
    2. approve the proposed virements within the School Development Service;
    3. approve the proposed virements within Learning & Culture Resources;
    4. approve a supplementary estimate of £0.250m to offset part of the overspend on Children & Families;
    5. approve the return of £0.110m of the 2004/05 Environment & Economy underspend returned to balances to offset fines for breaching minimum contract tonnages in 2004/05;
    6. approve the return of £0.051m of the 2004/05 Environment & Economy underspend returned to balances to fund the 2005/06 expenditure on the Minerals & Waste Development Framework and the Structure Plan;
    7. defer consideration of the possible release of Pensions Reserve funding;
    8. approve the adjustments to the capital programme as shown in Part 2 of the report.

    68/06. CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2006/07 - 2010/11

    (Agenda Item 6)

    The Cabinet considered a report (CA6) that outlined additions to the Capital Programme and recommended that these additions be put to full Council for approval.

    Councillor Fooks, speaking as Shadow Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families, expressed concern at the delay in the refurbishment of Maltfield House and urged the Cabinet to speed up the process and eliminate the uncertainty for the children and staff involved.

    Councillor Shouler responded that the delay had been due to the lack of identified funding to meet the substantially increased cost of the scheme, the initial estimate having been no more than a ‘best guess’ when the project was first conceived. He confirmed that the approval of the present funding proposal would enable the scheme to proceed.

    The Leader of the Council undertook to communicate with colleagues in other county councils in the south east on a possible joint approach to the government to ascertain how it viewed the implications for capital provision of authorities reducing borrowing because of the grant cover position.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. endorse the additions to the Capital Programme 2006/07 to 2008/09 shown in paragraphs 4 to 13 of the report, and RECOMMEND these to Council for approval;
    2. consider the implications of continuing to maximise borrowing allocations with a view to possible variation of the Council’s policy in this regard, as part of the budget planning process for 2007/08, commencing with a report to the Cabinet in September 2006.

    69/06. FUTURE FIRST ACTION PLAN 2006/07

    (Agenda Item 7)

    The Cabinet considered a report (CA7) which included a preliminary review of progress on the Plan for 2005-2006 and proposed priorities and actions for 2006/07.

    Councillor Patrick, speaking in place of the Shadow Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, welcomed the report and hoped that all the actions in the plan would be vigorously pursued. She noted that some targets were yet to be met but was positive about that occurring. She urged that progress be properly monitored and that the environmental objectives be integrated into the Council’s strategic objectives and thanked the officers involved for their work.

    Councillor Belson welcomed Councillor Patrick’s comments and confirmed that he would make sure her suggestions were followed up.

    RESOLVED: to approve the proposals for the Future First Action Plan 2006-2007 set out in the report.


    (Agenda Item 8)

    The Cabinet considered a report (CA8) on proposals that the role of accountable body to administer the SEEDA area programme be transferred to Oxfordshire County Council.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. agree to the County Council fulfilling the role of accountable body for the Area Programme on the basis outlined in the report;
    2. authorise the Head of Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, to finalise details of the contract with SEEDA.


    (Agenda Item 9)

    The Cabinet had before it a project appraisal (CA9) that addressed the need to improve the specialist Art and Design & Technology accommodation at Chipping Norton School.

    RESOLVED: to approve the detailed project appraisal ED 637


(Agenda Item 10)

The Cabinet considered a list of items from the Forward Plan (CA10) for the immediately forthcoming meetings.

RESOLVED: to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.

in the Chair

Date of signing 2006

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