

To Members of the Pension Fund Committee

Notice of Meeting




Wednesday 6 November 2002 at 2.00 pm


County Hall, Oxford

Contact officer

Julie Dean
(Tel: 01865 815322; E-mail)

Chris Impey
Assistant Chief Executive

25 October` 2002


Chair –Councillor Dickie Dawes


Richard Farrell

Barbara Gatehouse

Brian Law

Jim Moley

One Vacancy


Co-opted Members:

Jean Fooks

Mary Neale


The agenda follows. Decisions taken at the meeting will become effective at the end of the working day on Thursday 14 November 2002 unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.


  1. Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments
  2. Declarations of Interest

  3. Petitions and Public Address

Exempt Items

The Committee will be invited to resolve to exclude the public for the consideration of the following exempt items (marked E) by passing a resolution in relation to each such item in the following terms:

"that the public be excluded during the consideration of the following items in the Agenda since it is likely that if they were present during those items there would be a disclosure of "exempt" information as described in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 and specified below each item in the Agenda".

  1. Review of the Oxfordshire Pension Fund’s Management Structure

Report by The Director for Business Support & County Treasurer (PF4E)

At the special meeting of the Committee on 7 October, representatives from Hymans Robertson presented a paper reviewing the investment management arrangements of the Pension Fund. Following discussion, members decided to ask Hymans to prepare a maximum of 3 modified structures based on their suggested structures (e) and (d), as contained in their report; so that these could be considered at a further special meeting of the Committee.

The proposed modified structures are discussed in the attached report (PF4E).

(Information Exempt in that it relates to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority).)

The Committee is ASKED to consider and decide on the recommendations contained in the report PF4E.

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