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18. Tracking Scrutiny Outcomes

Oxfordshire Plan 2004/05

On 1 June the Executive considered the draft Oxfordshire Plan/Best Value Performance Plan prior to its final submission for approval to Council on 15 June 2004 and resolved, noting the comments of the Scrutiny Committee, to:

    1. endorse the approach taken to align the Oxfordshire Plan and the CPA self assessment; and
    2. subject to:

    • amendments reflecting the specific suggestions of the Scrutiny Committee;
    • further updating as mentioned in the report in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council;
    • expanding the text under the heading Social Inclusion on Page 7 of the draft to reflect the County Council’s commitment to promoting equality in line with the adopted Equality Policy in place of the text presently appearing on page 5;

recommend Council to formally adopt the Oxfordshire Plan/Best Value Performance Plan and Programme.

On 15 June the Council adopted the Oxfordshire Plan/Best Value Performance Plan and Programme subject to:

          1. the incorporation, immediately following the Foreword, of a section based on the "Oxfordshire in the Future" section of the Community Strategy (see page 4 of Annex 1 to the Executive's report) but with the final two paragraphs replaced by the following, to demonstrate the links between the Strategy and the Council's aim, objectives and priorities set out in the Oxfordshire Plan:
          2. "These are the issues that have shaped the Community Strategy for Oxfordshire, which has been informed by a huge amount of information gathered from local people and organisations in surveys and consultations, and developed by the Oxfordshire Community Partnership on behalf of the people living and working in Oxfordshire. The Partnership brings together people from Oxfordshire’s most influential organisations and groups, including Oxfordshire County Council, the two Universities, five district councils, the Police, health officials and representatives from the business and voluntary groups.

            "Oxfordshire County Council’s Best Value Performance Plan harnesses the Council’s resources in support of the Community Strategy. Our objectives and priorities all respond to Oxfordshire’s challenges and help deliver our aim of improving the quality of life in the county."

          3. the addition of the following sentence at the end of the single paragraph on page 5 headed "Commitment to promoting equality and social inclusion":

"A Social Inclusion Scrutiny Review is being revised at present and its work will be discussed by the Executive to develop the processes needed in an inclusive society."

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