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Minutes of the Meeting commencing at 10.00 am and finishing at 12.35 pm


Voting Members:

Councillor Ken Harper - in the chair

Councillor Roger Belson (in place of Councillor Kieron Mallon)
Councillor Jean Fooks
Councillor Mrs J. Heathcoat
Councillor Brian Hodgson
Councillor Bob Johnston
Councillor C.H. Shouler
Councillor Sylvia Tompkins
Councillor David Wilmshurst

Other Members in Attendance:

Councillor Keith R. Mitchell
Councillor Dermot Roaf


Whole of meeting: G. Malcolm (Chief Executive’s Office); Director for Resources.

Part of meeting: M. Bramall (Chief Executive’s Office); N. Monaghan, M. Petty, A. Sell, M. Tailby (Resources); G. Patel, D. Waller (Environment & Economy).

The Scrutiny Committee considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting and agreed as set out below. Copies of the agenda and schedule are attached to the signed Minutes.


    RESOLVED: that Councillor Harper (Labour Group) be elected to chair the meeting for the current Council year.


    RESOLVED: that Councillor Shouler (Conservative Group) be elected to deputy chair the meeting for the current Council year.


    Apologies for absence and temporary appointments were received as follows:

    Apology from

    Temporary Appointments

    Councillor Mallon

    Councillor Belson

    20/04. MINUTES

    The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 4 March 2004 were approved and signed.


    (Agenda Item 7)

    On 27 January 2004 the Executive invited the Scrutiny Committee to consider and comment on the proposals arising from the Review of Property Assets. The Forward Plan indicated that the Review would be considered by the Executive on 20 July 2004. The Scrutiny Committee had already considered some aspects of the Review.

    The Scrutiny Committee considered the detailed work which had been undertaken and the proposed strategy (CG7) and forwarded to the Director for Resources the following comments:

    the strategy:

    there was conditional support for the principle of hub and satellite proposals, subject to a strong consultation process for local members on proposals in their own Divisions, such consultation to include the integration of services and dual use of property;

    the plan of the potential distribution of service hubs and satellites circulated at the meeting and their management / operation needed to be clearer.

    staff housing:

    there was support for the proposals. Resources directorate officers responded to questions and comments including staff sensitivity, links with key worker housing, the location of staff housing and alternatives to wholesale transfer of the Council’s housing stock.

    It was AGREED to consider the report to the Executive at the Scrutiny Committee’s 15 July meeting, the paper having been circulated to members with the Executive Agenda for that meeting.


    (Agenda Item 8)

    On 19 April 2004 the Scrutiny Co-Ordinating Group agreed the scoping for the Job Evaluation Scrutiny Review.

    The Review Panel reported that the Review was under way and was on target to report to the Scrutiny Committee’s meeting in September 2004.


    (Agenda Item 9)

    On 4 May the Executive considered a report by the Head of Democratic Services on a motion by Councillor John Power in relation to the cost of the pedestrianisation of Cornmarket Street, Oxford and had resolved to:-

    1. pursue the suggestion of a joint scrutiny review;
    2. request the Corporate Governance and/or Environment Scrutiny Committees (in view of their respective remits in relation to audit & financial review and transport) to:

        1. lead such a review;
        2. invite the relevant City Council Scrutiny Committee(s) to participate also; and
        3. determine with the City Council the terms on which the review should be carried out;

    3. support the idea that the review should be independently chaired and should take place and report as quickly as possible; and

    4. authorise the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council to agree with the Chair of the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group arrangements for funding of the County Council’s share of the costs of the review.

    The Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group had subsequently considered that Corporate Governance was the appropriate Scrutiny Committee to take the initiative, possibly with some representation from Environment.

    The Scrutiny Committee considered unanimously that it was the appropriate committee to lead on the initiative and considered a briefing note (a copy of which is attached to the signed Minutes) which had been prepared by the Scrutiny Officers for the Chair. It set out Oxford City Council’s response to a proposal for a scrutiny review jointly with the County Council together with key points for the Scrutiny Committee’s consideration.

    The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to:

    (a) support the process set out on page 2 of the briefing note; and

    (b) appoint Councillors Bryden (subject to consent), John Power and Shouler (who was also the Chairman of the Environment Scrutiny Committee) as the County Council members of the Joint Review Group.


    (Agenda Item 10)

    The Scrutiny Committee had included Support for Key Worker Housing in its work programme as an area for possible scrutiny of partnership working / delivery. The Committee considered progress with the Affordable Housing Project following the Executive’s decision on 7 April to approve the Scheme.

    An article about the scheme in the Oxford Times on 11 April had resulted in a significant number of inquiries to the Affordable Housing Project Leader about how to access the scheme, which was due for official launch on 25 May 2004 at the Common Hall Café in County Hall. The Keystart Housing Association had produced marketing material which was on display in all County Council places of work, including schools and libraries. Oxford City Council would be organising a separate launch for its staff.

    Environment & Economy officers were asked to ensure that all County Councillors had been invited to the launch ceremony on 25 May.

    The progress was noted and welcomed.


    (Agenda Item 11)

    At the July 2003 meeting the Scrutiny Committee agreed to consider the latest Financial Monitoring report considered by the Executive with a view to identifying any matters arising.

    The Scrutiny Committee considered a report (CG11) which set out the overall forecast for the consolidated balances at the end of year and staffing figures for the quarter ending 31 March. A full provisional outturn report for revenue and capital would be presented to the 16 June Executive.

    The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to:

    (a) note the financial monitoring report; and

    (b) ask the Head of Human Resources to inform the Scrutiny Committee about the County Council’s establishment in terms of actual staffing figures, staff movement, vacancies and budget provision, at the next meeting, with regular updates thereafter.

    26/04. OXFORDSHIRE PLAN 2004/05

    (Agenda Item 12)

    On 4 May the Executive invited the Scrutiny Committee to comment on the initial proposals for the Oxfordshire Plan 2004/05 in time for consideration by the Executive on 1 June 2004.

    The Scrutiny Committee considered a report (CG12) which explained the relationship between the Oxfordshire Plan and its importance in view of the forthcoming CPA corporate assessment in October 2004.

    The following key points on the draft Plan arose in debate:


    It was recognised that the framework of the Plan was prescribed by government but the presentation/content of the text was considered to be dull.


    The production of a summary document was supported.

    Page 31, paragraph 4:

    In relation to the level of inaccuracies (14%) in our BVPI returns it was suggested that the Plan should indicate the reason for such inaccuracies and the measures being taken to correct the position.

    Exceptions reporting:

    At the Scrutiny Committee’s suggestion the Leader of the Council undertook to consider the production of ‘exception reports’ where BVP indicators failed to meet targets.

    Page 38, seventh strength:

    The improvements, particularly to road safety, were of high concern which should be reflected in its priority within the Plan

    Social Inclusion:

    The ‘golden thread’ of social inclusion should be given more prominence in the Plan; members would consider the social inclusion element of the Plan further on 27 May 2004 when the Social Inclusion Scrutiny Review report was due to be considered.

    The Scrutiny Committee AGREED to:

    1. endorse the approach taken align the Oxfordshire Plan and the CPA self assessment; and
    2. forward the above comments on the Oxfordshire Plan to the Executive prior to its formal adoption by Council.

    27/04. FORWARD PLAN

    (Agenda Item 13)

    The Scrutiny Committee identified the following item in the current Forward Plan on which the Committee wished to have an opportunity to offer advice to the Executive before any decision was taken:

    Corporate Governance (ref: 2004/058):

    The Scrutiny Committee would consider this topic on 15 July for comment to the Executive.


(Agenda Item 14)

The Scrutiny Committee noted the outcomes (set out in the addenda) of its advice and recommendations on the following matters:

    • Treasury Management Strategy for 2004/05;
    • Oxfordshire Community Strategy
    • Social Inclusion & Equalities;

Member/officer discussions on the possible reinstatement of deaf awareness training as part of Learning & Development was noted and welcomed

    • Raising Our Performance 2.

in the Chair

Date of signing 2004

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